Command line arguments

You can specify various options when starting FS2 from the command prompt. For example, "FantasyStory2.exe -batchmode" can start FS2 in batch mode.

Batch mode related

Batch mode related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-batchmodeStart in batch mode.
* Specify this when starting as a server with no drawing processing load or when performing load tests with a large number of clients. It starts as a server by default.

Server and client related

Server and client related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-lauch_serverStart as a server.
-connect_with_ipStart as a client that connects with an IP address.
-connect_to_officialStart as a client that connects to the official server.
-play_offlineStart as offline play.

Character select related

Character select related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-select_character=nSelect the nth character (n = 0-7).
Example: -select_character=0

Lobby data related

Lobby data related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-lobbydata=filenameLoads the file specified by filename as lobby data.
Example: -lobbydata=LobbyData2.json

Scene related

Scene-related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-lobby_sceneGo to the lobby scene.
-character_select_sceneGo to the character select scene.
-game_sceneGo to the game scene.
-lobby_server_sceneLaunch the dedicated lobby server.

Vibration output of audio related

Vibration-output-of-audio-related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-enable_gamepad_audioOutput audio as gamepad vibration.
-enable_smartphone_audioOutput audio as vibration of a smartphone.

Speech related

Speech-related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-enable_nvdaEnable NVDA.
-ESpeakApplication=espeak-ngUse eSpeak NG as speech engine.
-enable_nvda_brailleEnable NVDA Braille.
-enable_audio_morseOutput the speech morse code as audio.
-enable_gamepad_morseOutputs the speech morse code as the vibration of the game pad.
-enable_smartphone_morseOutputs the speech morse code as the vibration of the smartphone.

Language related

Language-related command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-set_hiraganaSet the language to Japanese Hiragana.


Other's command line arguments
Command line argumentsFunction
-log_folder=foldernameCreate a folder with the name specified by foldername and save the log in it.
Example: -log_folder=Folder2
-playerprefs_delete_allInitialize the key config of the Configuration dialog.
-disable_mouseDisable mouse over on the UI.

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