
Page table of contents


Portuguese translation(Eternal legend)

Russian translation

Korean translation

Indonesia translation

Vietnamese translation (DTD productions)

Software used

Material used



Used the following music from "【HM Sounds】 Sound effects・フリー素材集"

Used the following music from "ジングル素材 | フリーBGM・Musics素材 MusMus"

Used the following music from "デジファミMusics堂"

Sound effects

Used the following sound effects from "フリーSound effects素材・無料Sound effects"

Used the following sound effects from "戦闘[1]|Sound effectsラボ"

Used the following sound effects from "OtoLogic"

Used the following sound effects from "Sound effects辞典"

Used the following sound effects from "Sound effects素材:ポケットサウンド"

Used the following sound effects from "G-Sound"


About accessibility efforts


TMS's half realtime network RPG "Exorcism Breathe" was very helpful in making this game. Also, the experience of playing various games seems to become the basis for this game.

You are free to use the downloaded file within the bounds of common sense. However, please refrain from modification or distribution. In particular, cheating with external tools is strictly prohibited.

Contact information


Thank you for reading. Please enjoy the game.

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