Solution examples

In order to add a vertical element, we will solve the example with only two horizontal rows.
If you have any questions, please refer to "Clues".Small numbers are possible numbers.
The most important numbers for solving 'Dotch' are
1 and 9.
When you start solving or get stuck, try looking for
1 and 9.

Example 1

1 or 9 is entered in any of B, D, and I without double arrows in the upper row, but 9 is not entered in B due to K8.
Also, when
I is 9, H is 8, but 8 is not included in H due to Q6, so D=9. From D9 and C7, G=8.
Further, either
A or B becomes 6 from G8 and C7, but since 6 does not enter B due to K8, A=6.
Next, from
F5, either B or E is 4, but even if either is 4, the other is 3, and BorE=3or4. The remaining H=2 and I=1.
From the lower row
K8, J is either 7 or 9, but when 6 is entered in A, 7 is not entered in J and J=9.

Example 2

Any one of D, F, G, and I in the upper row C3 to D, F, G, and I becomes 2 or 4, but 1 is not followed by any 2 other than G.
G=2 and I=1.
Next, any one of
A, B, and E from H7 will be 6 or 8, but both A and B are double arrows, so no matter which one is 8, 9 will not follow.
E=8 and F=9, which results in D=4 and AorB=5or6.
1 or 9 is entered in any of K, Q, and R without double arrows in the lower row, but 9 is not entered in Q due to H7.
Also, from
P7, either Q or R is 6 or 8, but Q is not included due to H7, so R=6or8. This gives K=9 and Q=1.

Example 3

In the lower row K4 to L are either 3 or 5. If L is 3, J becomes 2, and if 5, J becomes 6.
Q from R7 is either 6 or 8, but if it is 8, it is not followed by 9.
Therefore, since
Q=6, L=3 and J=2, which results in M=1.
In addition, it is located between
K4 and Q6, and the double arrow N=5, and the remaining O=8 and P=9.
Any one of
A to C from the upper row D6 is 5 or 7, but since 5 cannot be entered in B by K4, either A or C is 5.
Next, one of
G to I from F2 is 1 or 3, but 4 is not included in G to I.
In addition, since
4 cannot be entered in either B or E due to the lower row, 4 is entered in either A or C, and AorC=4or5, B=7.
Of the remaining
G and H without double arrows, 9 cannot be entered in G due to P9, so G=1, P=9, and the remaining E=8, I=3.

Example 4

G to I are 4 or 6 from the upper row F5. First, the double arrow C=3 between 4 and B2.
Next, since
6 cannot be entered in G by P6, either H or I becomes 6.
For the
6, either A or D is 7, and one of E, G, H, and I is 8.
With respect to
8, D=9 without a double arrow among A and D, resulting in A=7.
As a result,
E is either 1 or 8, and any of G to I is 1, 4, 6, and 8.
Any one of
M3 to J to L in the lower row is 2 or 4, but neither is included in K due to B2, so JorL=2or4.
Then, either
Q or R becomes 5 for that 4.
Next, either
K or O becomes 7 from that 5 and P6, but if K is 7, no matter where the next 8 becomes, 9 will not follow.
O=7, QorR=5or8, and the remaining K=9 and N=1.
N becomes 1, E=8, which was not determined in the upper row.

Example 5

From the lower row K6 to J are 5 or 7. From M4, either left or right is 3, and the other is 5.
J is 5, somewhere on the right side of M4 will be 3, and if J is 7, L on the left side will be 3.
L is 3, the only squares left without a double arrow are N and R, so either one of them will be 1 or 9.
1 is not included in N due to E2, and 9 is also not included because there is no 8 on the left side.
J=5. As a result, N is either 7, 8, or 9 because 3 is not included in N due to E2.
First, when
N is 7, L is 8 and R is 9, which is a contradiction.
Also, when
N is 8, there is no square in which 7 is placed next, so N=9 and L=8.
As a result, in the remaining squares,
R=1 without a double arrow, Q=2, O=3, and P=7.
E2 and I4 in the upper row, any of A, B, D, and F is 3.
3 is not entered in either D or F due to the lower row, and either A or B is 3.
3 and E2, either G or H without a double arrow becomes 1, but because of Q2, 1 does not enter H and G=1.
Next, for
I4, A, D, and F cannot enter 5 due to the lower row, so either B or C becomes 5.
B is 5, A=3 and C=6, and when C is 5, A=6 and B=3.
F or H is 7 for 6, but in both cases D=9 and ForH=7or8.