出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

Global standard "understanding of language" research center 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Tue. November 23, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "understanding of language" write-in start 

Discernment "power of God" and renewal of research of Sat. June [ 2014 year ] 7 "language of God" "language of God" "decipherment of God" "God 

Human beings study and solve the ignorant understanding method of the words of the "heart." 

Human beings with the "heart" ignorant to the feeling consciousness function of method - "heart" which takes in "language" by experience 

Socrates's words which cannot be forever understood to a philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience 

The non-death and philosophy of - "soul" are practice of death about what people know about the "soul." 

In such an easy word, a philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience cannot understand at all. 

what kind of thing is a "soul" and not dying why -- death -- future generations -- there is no telling whether a boundary exists 

Even if the philosophy which is the knowledge of sensitivity which only a "soul" and the person experienced in an encounter can understand is considered intellectually and it discusses it, it cannot be solved forever. 

Words of Jesus Christ who cannot understand and interpret forever at people without "God" and encounter experience 

"Love" is those with language at the beginning of - which is God. 

It is the language of God which people without "God" and encounter experience cannot understand by any means in such an easy word. 

What kind of thing is "love" and that the "heart" will be in what kind of state cannot understand by any means whether it is "love." 

Even if it calls it - with language first, I do not understand how and where "God" sends language. 

It is the philosophy which cannot be taken in as feelings by the "heart" even if it explains to people without "God" and encounter experience and they understand with the head. 

I study how a philosopher makes Socrates's words which cannot be understood and interpreted understand.

Language and reference data of God 

Related data on the Internet 

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