出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

A Philosopher's Research Duty Responsibility 

I Foreknow the End of the Sophist who Ignores Research Duty. 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Thurs. November 25, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "research duty responsibility of philosopher" write-in start 

Wed. June 4, 2014 "language of God" "discernment of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "creation of God", research, and updating 

The "wisdom" of "language" sent to the "heart" from a "soul" with philosophy -- foundations 


Philosophy research is research of the "soul" which I revitalize to the "heart", after flesh disappears by man's death. 

The language "the philosopher has to prove the fact on the spirit" of the philosopher and the Kitarou Nishida which it is [ of Japan ] proud of. 

Those to whom this language studies philosophy have to study "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the "heart." 

A philosopher is the Providence of God as do the duty responsibility of studying the "origin" of the philosophy which I revitalize to the "heart", and a "soul." 

The philosopher must not fabricate "Buddhism" from a self system (philosophy of the Kitarou Nishida). 

A philosopher forbids fabrication inquiring and fraud educating "philosophy" from a self ignorant system (Kesao Oi's philosophy). 

Philosophical founder and Socrates who established philosophical origin-of-a-word - "love" and "the wisdom of spiritual language" have appealed against a "spiritual" research duty with ignorant human beings. 

1、          人は、魂について何を知っているのか
What do people know about the soul? 

2、          魂に思慮する
I consider for a soul. 

3、          魂の不死
Spiritual non-death 

4、          偉大な魂の価値と評価を高める努力も心配もしない
I do not have the efforts or worries which raise evaluation in worth of a great soul, either. 

5、          哲学とは死の練習である
Philosophy is practice of death. 

I am ignorant in existence of the origin "soul" of philosophy origin, and it is an act of disloyalty to God to deny existence and to do fabrication research of the philosophy. 

It is a criminal act for a "soul" without the origin, figure, and form of philosophy birth to be disregarded, and to carry out the fraud education of the fabrication philosophy. 

I snatch the philosophy research right of the University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan which ignored the content-certified mail of the research duty responsibility for "spiritual." 

I snatch a philosophy research right of Japan by Providence.

Language and reference data of God 

学者の研究義務 A Philosopher's Research Duty
哲学者が研究すべき義務責任 A Philosopher's Research Duty Responsibility.
哲学者の義務と権利 A Philosopher's Duty and Right.
哲学とESP研究 Philosophy and Extra Sensory Perception.


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