出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research

Global standard philosophy "idiom" encyclopedia

Sat. February 9, 2002 research start 

Thurs. September 2, 2010 creation start 

Mon. June 2, 2014 research and updating   

The philosophy "Idiom" encyclopedia classified by Japanese kana syllabary

World patent copyright, a publication edit company, and a bid start 

First of all, it is the right mastery of a bid, and090-4727-7909 by telephone.


Human beings were not able to discover the origin "soul" of philosophy origin in which 2700 years have old history.   

Man's Jiga and Egoism have disregarded and buried successive generation "soul and encounter experience philosopher."

Human beings who cannot understand by the ability to be ignorant in "an existence of a soul" revived to Socrates's heart, and cannot interpret Socrates's words "dialog section" (Plato)   

Furthermore, an understanding and interpretation of the idiom of the philosophy which is not solved even in the 21st [ at least ] century since I am ignorant in "the truth of the heart" which a soul revitalizes 

The big cause by which ignorance cannot dispel philosophy without knowing why (skepticism) for "the heart without a form", "a soul without a figure and a form", and "the soul which cannot be measured by science"

The problem of the heart (I cannot understand) for which human beings are too ignorant to the heart, and it does not say, tell and understand them   

The existence of the knowledge of the ignorant heart, "flesh and the confrontation axis of the heart", and "the feeling consciousness function of the heart" which is not said, told and known   

The feeling consciousness function of the knowledge of the sensitivity of the heart with ignorant human beings which is not said, told and known, and the heart which takes in language by experience       

Ignorance is sure that especially a human being is the philosophical difficult big cause to "the way the heart understands and interprets language."     

The heart is ignorant in existence of "the feeling consciousness function of the heart" which carries out "them are an understanding and an interpretation deep about language by experience." 

Ignorant to "how to take" in language by the heart at the confrontation axis of the heart and flesh, and the method" and experience which study and understand language with "head 

The big cause by which ignorance interprets philosophy "idiom" inappreciative and incorrect to the heart at existence of the "feeling consciousness function" of the heart in ignorance 

It is the present condition that understand the idiom and it is not interpreted even if it will pass in 100 although philosophy was imported from the West by Meiji Era and the philosophy idiom was translated by the Sai Amane in Japan.  

Although the heart and flesh have many interlocking functions, ignorance results from only "the confrontation axis of the heart and flesh", and a "feeling consciousness function." 

Existence of the soul in which the figure and the form "where me revive to the heart and send the language of guidance" do not have man's flesh by disappearance (death) 

"Learning called the philosophy" born according to the philosophical origin "existence of a soul" at this world cannot be solved by any means other than a soul and an encounter experience person.

Fabrication / concealment philosophy research which denied and disregarded the philosophical origin "existence of a soul" and carried out "they are inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation about a philosophy idiom" with the head is profanity to a soul. 

"Heaven's Vengeance of anger of God" is certainly given to fabrication, concealment, and the fraud philosopher of Japan which blocks "global standard philosophy research" which a soul explains by means of language.     

 Soul is led to the soul which sends the language for carrying out "it is an elucidation about the truth" to the "feeling consciousness function" of the heart in large numbers every day by means of language  the 9th year 

I write in the language of the guidance from a soul on the Internet, and the 9th year of the "world of grand, infinity, and the heart" and human beings solve ignorant philosophy. 

The "global standard philosophy idiom encyclopedia" in which the "language of the truth from a soul" on the Internet with ignorant human beings decoded the "philosophical idiom" of the basic foundation 

the "global standard idiom encyclopedia" which was useful for "philosophy research of the truth" of human beings, wished human beings' prosperity from the bottom of its heart, and solved the philosophical idiom -- a source 


The philosophy idiom encyclopedia classified by alphabet 


Encyclopédie de l'idiome de la philosophie de la traduction française 


Deutsches Übersetzungsphilosophie Redewendungslexikon 

1、世界標準哲学「熟語」百科事典 Global standard philosophy encyclopedia.


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