出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR 二律背反(にりつはいはん)
GPR Antimony

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Fri. September 17, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "antimony" write-in start 

Tue. June 3, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "creation of God" research, and updating 


日本の辞書には、二律背反 (互いに反対・矛盾する二つの命題が、同時に同等の権利で主張されること)と、意味が説明されている。
In a Japanese dictionary, it is antimony.   (two propositions which oppose and are mutually contradictory should be simultaneously asserted with an equivalent right) The meaning is explained. 

Language which the German philosopher famous for critical philosophy and Immanuel Kant who had big influence on the world as modern philosophers left

It is the language in which this language is just just the language that described "the difference between the heart and the head" splendidly philosophically and which solved "the truth of the heart" splendidly in the world.   

Kant analyzes and inquires in detail about a "sensitivity community" and the heart, and is considered to have experienced the phenomenon "extrasensory perception" which happens to the heart. 

The "supernatural phenomenon" which experience of an extrasensory perception phenomenon is the philosophical origin "wisdom of the language which a soul sends to the heart", and the sensitivity knowledge of the heart increases and can discover "the truth of the heart" 

The knowledge of sensitivity is knowledge of the spiritual enlightenment which takes in the language which man cannot understand and interpret with the head by experience by the feeling consciousness function of the heart. 

As for "the language which I take in by the heart" which man can understand and interpret only by experience, it is actual that I cannot understand and interpret by any means with the head, and it cannot understand it intellectually.   

The knowledge of my heart increases in the heart rapidly there where I send in large numbers "a soul is the wisdom of the language of guidance" every day, and an ordinary person can understand the language which cannot be understood.

The words "Heart Sutra" of India Gautama Buddha who is also the origin of Buddhism origin of me, the ordinary man who has graduated only from the high school, will be able to understand and interpret easily.   

It is the fact which Kant is solving splendidly about the nature, the sensitivity, the reason, understanding, and the intellect of "the heart without a form" of the heart which does not exist in man's flesh. 

Furthermore, if life changes with judgment of the heart by "judgment criticism", Kant will warn that judgment of man's egoism also leads its fate to a misfortune.   

As mentioned above, he solves antimonial language noting that Kant solves and analyzes "proof of the fact of a soul and encounter experience" in detail by philosopher Immanuel Kant's link. 

By considering encounter experience as a soul, since the language of this antimony will be able to understand and interpret easily, it is the wonderful world heart and 5-dimensional Shin Sekai. 

this language -- a life function's truth "mind and body of French philosopher and Rene Descartes -- duality -- " -- I am sure that it is language with the same meaning 

"An existence of a soul" which revives to the heart and sends the language of guidance after flesh disappears by man's death is the reality which cannot happen by any means if the heart and flesh are not another. 

In this way, I obtained [ "language of guidance sent to the heart from soul" experience 9 year ] the mission of the last of life from God in "global standard philosophy research." 

The philosopher of the only truth of Japan and the Nishida Kitarou are solving the "difference between the heart and the head" of "me being the same in inconsistency self absolutely" and a human being in "pure experience philosophy." 

Japan of which I will not think at all if the inconsistency research and the heart which I misunderstand in Japan recognize existence ? on the head from a philosophical principle declines and goes toward desolation of the heart.

Japan which threw away the important heart, and the head foreknow the reality which all the Japan and Japan in the 21st century will do a pine toward the limit of material civilization, and collapse of material civilization, and is progressing to
and others.   

The heart and the head are just equivalent propositions which oppose and are mutually contradictory, and not simultaneously equivalent in Japan -- etc. (the heart is the existence ? to the head) etc. -- it is actual that false research is done.    

A philosopher does the philosophical origin "it is denial about existence of a soul", and is ignorant to the difference between the heart and the head, and doing sophist research is a criminal act which deceives human beings.


* 関連参考資料


* 捏造研究警告資料

1、二律背反を捏造哲学論文に自分の都合よく「両立不可能」と理解した日本哲学会会長 高山 守の論文


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