出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR パラドックス 矛盾
GPR Paradox   Inconsistency

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Sat. September 18, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "paradox and inconsistency" write-in start 

Sun. June 1, 2014 "language of God" "discernment of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "atonement of God", research, and updating 

I conclude that the greatest paradox in the philosophical world is a Japanese philosopher. 

Paradox which monopolizes the right of philosophy research without knowing why (skepticism), obtains income, and carries out the origin "it is denial about existence of a soul" of philosophy birth

The University of Tokyo is inconsistency of Japan which studies fabrication philosophy for a national tax, and is educating and bringing up fabrication / concealment philosopher further.   

Paradox to which Socrates does "it being denial about existence of a soul" and he criticizes that Socrates's philosophy is a midwife target etc. [ which carried out encounter experience ] 

近代哲学の父 ルネ・デカルトが炉部屋で遭遇体験をした「魂の存在を否定」して捏造哲学を教育している日本のパラドックス
Father of modern philosophy   Paradox of Japan which does "it being denial about existence of a soul", and is educating fabrication philosophy [ to which Rene Descartes did encounter experience in the furnace room ] 

Philosophy of Japan disregards "I having discovered the fact and soul on the spirit" of the Nishida Kitarou, and "pure experience philosophy", and concludes that they are the fraud philosophy which the University of Tokyo fabricated. 

A cause exists in the reality in which the philosopher itself cannot understand and interpret philosophical "idiom" as the paradox in philosophy.

Paradox of the philosophy in Wikipedia 

1、                   現象判断のパラドックス
Paradox of phenomenon judgment 

2、  心身問題に関わるパラドックス
Paradox in connection with a mind-body problem 

3、  心的なものと物理的なものとの間の相互作用に関わる困難についてのパラドックス
Paradox about the difficulty in connection with the interaction between a mental thing and a physical thing 

1、                   現象判断について、哲学とは、心に起こった「超感覚的知覚」現象であり、哲学を「心の真理」に無知で解明する事は、永遠に不可能
It is forever impossible for philosophy to be "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which happened to the heart, and for me to be ignorant in "the truth of the heart" and to solve philosophy in it about phenomenon judgment. 

Although it is natiowide called a grand ecole and the university which studies Descartes's philosophy exists in France, I cannot enter a school, unless it comes out of a national preparatory school. 

There is difficulty of studying "the knowledge of the heart" so much, and I cannot study the sensitivity and the understanding knowledge of the heart in the education of the head of the method of storing knowledge in the head by study. 

Especially the sensitivity knowledge of the heart is existence of the feeling consciousness function of the heart "in which the heart takes in language by experience", and man cannot understand the knowledge of the heart, if inexperienced. 

If it says simply and will not be a soul and an encounter experience person, however good the head may be, the philosophy cannot understand and interpret philosophical "idiom", if there are no soul and encounter experience which cannot be solved. 

21世紀日本では、心が頭に存在?として、東大・他 理化学研究所で疑似科学を研究しているが、日本の経済破綻に発展していく危険を秘めている。
In the 21st century Japan, the heart will be University of Tokyo - etc. as the existence ? to the head.   Although false science is studied in the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, I hide a risk of developing into financial crisis of Japan. 

2、                   心身問題についてですが、フランスの哲学者、ルネ・デカルトは、人間の生命機能の真理は「心身二元」であると解いている。
although it is about a mind-body problem -- a French philosopher and Rene Descartes -- the truth of man's life function -- "mind and body -- duality -- " -- I am -- I am solving. 

Socrates  Plato, a pupil,  "mind and body  duality  "  probably, I explained  it is the language meaning the reality by which "flesh is a prison of the heart" and "flesh is rule to the heart" are carried out to Plato's words. 

Only I for the 9th year which it is making "a soul and encounter experience" that I can solve and explain the idiom of mind-and-body duality on a my present location ball exist on this earth. 

I solve "a difference between flesh and the heart", and "the world heart after the death which does not exist in the head" by "the wisdom of the language which I lead to the truth" which encounters a soul and will be sent to the heart from a soul for the 9th year. 

3、                   心的なものと物理的ものの相互作用に関わる困難についてですが、哲学の起源・魂と遭遇体験9年目の私には「魂が心に送って来る言葉の知恵」で簡単に解明出来るのです。
Although it is about the difficulty in connection with the interaction of a mental thing and a physical thing, philosophical origin and soul, and encounter experience 9 year I can solve easily with "the wisdom of the language which a soul sends to the heart." 

In the supernatural phenomenon and physics which happened to the heart which cannot be measured by "the heart without a form", and "soul without figure and form existence" science, I solve the philosophical world and the world of the heart which cannot be solved with "the wisdom of the language from a soul." 


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