出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

Human beings' three major ignorance and philosophy

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

The three major ignorance of human beings and a Sat. September 4, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "philosophy" write-in start 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "creation of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research, and updating 

Human beings ignorant to the philosophical origin "existence of a soul"   

Human beings with the heart ignorant to how to understand and interpret language

The truth "mind and body of a life function  duality  "  ignorant human beings

The philosophy, the Buddhism, and all religion in the world were born by the reality which carries out "a soul is existence" on the earth.    

Although it is in Socrates's words with "ignorant Chi", human beings study Socrates's philosophy 2500 years. 

I am ignorant to "the reality in which a soul exists" on this earth that is also the philosophical origin and where Socrates did encounter experience.       

1、       ソクラテスは、更に「人は魂について何を知っているのか」「魂の不死」「無限の魂の存在」を言葉に残している。
Socrates has left "what people know about the soul", "spiritual non-death", and "existence of an infinite soul" further to language. 

2、       ソクラテスの友の死で、肉体が消滅した後、ソクラテスの心に復活して、真理の導きの言葉を送って来た「魂」
The "soul" which revived to Socrates's heart and has sent the language of the guidance of the truth by Socrates's friend's death after flesh disappears

3、       ソクラテスは、「哲学とは死の練習である」「死を恐れるという事は哲学を知らない事である」とも言葉を残している。
As for Socrates, "with philosophy, it is practice of death" and "fearing death is not knowing philosophy" have left language. 

4、       「人は、利己主義な自分自身の何を知っているのか、無知を謙虚に反省し、真理を求める人こそ歴史に誇れる哲学者」
It is "a philosopher whom just those who people reflect on ignorance humbly what [ egoism its own ] I know, and search for the truth can be proud of in history."     

5、       日本の愚かな捏造哲学は、哲学の起源「魂の存在」をも無知で否定して、ソクラテスの哲学を産婆的などと批判している。
Foolish fabrication philosophy of Japan is ignorant, denies the philosophical origin "existence of a soul", and is criticizing that Socrates's philosophy is a midwife target etc. 

2500 years, human beings were not able to study Socrates's philosophy and were not able to discover "a soul without a figure and a form" till the 21st century.

I am the learning which carries out "it being research about existence of a soul" just of the philosophical research, and it is the only learning in the world of solving and analyzing "the truth of the heart" which a soul revitalizes. 

without it can also understand and interpret the words of the soul and those [ encounter experience ] whom the world accepts  why  ?  you  ? philosopher Philosopher of too dull ignorant and foolish Japan  

He analyzes and is obligated for the philosopher who asserts a philosophy research right "to be obligated to prove existence of a soul", and to study "the truth of the heart." 

Without knowing why (skepticism), I revive to "I cannot measure by science", and "the heart without a form", and "the soul without a figure and a form" sends "language of the guidance of the truth" to the heart. 

If ignorant to the difference between "the understanding method of the language of the heart", and the "understanding method of the language of the head", it is impossible to understand and interpret philosophical language forever.

It is "profanity to a soul" to carry out "it is denial about existence of a soul", to continue studying and educating fabrication philosophy, and to obtain income, and it is the fraudulent practice to human beings.  

If the words "I am divided, and are divided and I am, therefore it considers" of Rene Descartes told even the father of modern philosophy are ignorant in "the truth of the heart", it is the language which cannot be understood forever.

Japan which is doing false scientific inquiry as important "the heart being the existence ? to the head"  " I think  therefore, I exist  "  I have carried out a childish and meaningless understanding.

This language is just the actual language "discovered the soul". [ "the foundation of surprising learning" which Descartes did encounter experience and discovered in the furnace room at the age of 23, and ] 

Descartes is the obvious fact to which I challenged "the philosophy elucidation of the truth" on the basis of "the wisdom of spiritual language" to revive to man's after death and the heart, and to send language to Descartes's heart. 

The guidance of the language by means of which "soul sees off Descartes in the heart"  the truth "mind and body of a life function  duality  "  I discovered - "a difference between the heart and flesh" splendidly. 

I govern all man's flesh, and with blood, man's heart sends instructions to the head and expresses corporal action and behavior, and the expression of the face with it.

I sometimes considered by myself to the heart, and if the person's action is seen even if it thinks intellectually and says that it is nice with a honeyed words, I can discern the heart.  

Socrates's pupil and Plato have left splendidly the obvious fact which is carrying out "flesh is a prison of the heart", and "the hearts being rule and management about flesh" as language. 

Man's heart is also "the world after death", is "the world of a fifth dimension", and even if it dies, flesh therefore disappears and it returns to the ground, it is a soul which secedes from flesh. 

The language by means of which Descartes left the reality in which, as for all "things considered to the heart", man appeared as corporal action, behavior, and expression is "being divided, being divided and being, therefore it considers." 

Global standard philosophy research carries out "it being proof about existence of a soul" of the deep meaning of Descartes's words "I am divided, and therefore it considers, are divided and I am" by analysis, an elucidation, an understanding, and interpretation.    


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