出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

The day when the heart wins the head 

The day when God wins the University of Tokyo   

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Fri. September 24, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "day when day and God to which the heart wins the head win the University of Tokyo" write-in start 

Fri. June 6, 2014 "language of God" "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "creation of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research, and updating 

The University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan which continue "there are no ignorant consciousness and reflection" and a cover-up as usual 

I consider encounter experience as "soul -- about nine years --" thing -- during the long period, I wrote in "the language from God" on the plain Internet, and came 

The University of Tokyo is going to get a taste of success which has disregarded and buried "the philosophy of the truth" of the Nishida Kitarou "which carried out encounter experience to a soul and purity", and ignore this time also. 

Since [ the ] the time of the Nishida
幾多郎 did not have a personal computer, either and there was no method of suing only for a book, the head has been fabricated by the philosophy faction of all the foolish University of Tokyo. 
Also out of the University of Tokyo, "a soul and encounter 9 year I" were also surprised at ignorant and foolish fabrication fraud philosophy research at the philosophy fabrication fraud education of Japan. 

The University of Tokyo will be a fabrication fraud educational incident which remains in the history of the philosophy in the world in which carried out fraud education for fabrication philosophy to the student, and I have brought up the fabrication fraud philosophy group in Japan, 100 years. 

This time, I was able to forget splendidly to write the "extrasensory perception phenomenon" which happened by "the heart in the infinite world" as historical record on the Internet by "fusion of a computer and God" of the 21st century. 

From "the world of the infinite heart", the University of Tokyo foreknows the day for the ability to perform [ when ] "ignorant consciousness and reflection" by means of language, and God sends language to my heart. 

I decided that this link forgot to write all the cover-ups of the University of Tokyo by that day as a proof on the Internet. 

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