出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR マルティン・ハイデッガー
GPR Martin Heidegger 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Sat. October 9, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "Martin Heidegger" write-in start 

Tue. June 3, 2014 "language of God" "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "Providence of God" "the Heaven's Vengeance of God", research, and updating 


Getting to know self is getting to know one's heart. 

I am ignorant to the heart and it is an act of disloyalty to God to study fabrication philosophy.

* 哲学の「起源」・「魂」の存在に無知な哲学者
A philosopher ignorant in existence of philosophical "origin" - "soul" 

* 「心」の真理に無知な為に哲学を難しくした哲学者
The philosopher who made philosophy difficult since I was ignorant in the truth of the "heart" 

I get interested strongly, and a Japanese fabrication philosopher translates or analyzes Martin Heidegger (following Heidegger and display) who inquired in what kind of philosopher. 

Many philosophers challenged the difficult philosophy elucidation from various angles in the world. 

However, since I was ignorant in the existence of a "soul" without a figure and a form which is the philosophical origin, I was not able to solve philosophy of the "truth." 

Heidegger met "Husserl", is phenomenology and hermeneutical phenomenology and developed ontology. 

However, only by obtaining a hint, I criticized traditional metaphysics (Aristotle) to Kant's critical philosophy, and denied existence of a "soul" to it. 

I am ignorant to the philosophy of the "sensitivity community" (heart) of Kant, and ignorant to the "heart" which a "soul" revitalizes, although education was received in Rickert, the Kant group, at the Freiburg university 

I will receive the Kant group's education in 1913, and it is only having paper-ized "the judgment theory from psychology." 

I analyze the research task of the ignorant philosopher in the world. 

* 現象学

A philosopher without a soul and encounter experience discusses the "ESP" phenomenon which happened to the heart, I am, and there is what meaning.  

A philosopher ignorant in existence of the "soul" which is the philosophical origin distorts the philosophy of the truth, and I make it difficult and he is the completely meaningless learning of only going. 

* 解釈学

It is a basis which distorts what meaning does an ignorant philosopher study hermeneutik in "the truth of the heart" which a philosopher should study, argue each other in it, and there is, and camouflage-izes philosophy.  

The cause by which a philosopher with the "heart" ignorant in existence of the "feeling consciousness function" of the heart to take in language by experience interprets philosophical language inappreciative and incorrect  

* 存在論

* 実在論

* 観念論

Does the philosopher who does not have encounter experience in the philosophical origin "soul" discuss idealism, ontology, and realism mutually, and what meaning is there? 

Learning called philosophy is "the wisdom of language" (Sophia) and the compound word of "love" (Phi Ross) which the "soul" which Socrates made encounter experience sends to the heart. 

姿・形の無い、科学で測定できない「魂」と 遭遇体験の無い、愚かな哲学者に、存在論を論じる資格も権利もない

"Soul" without a figure and a form which cannot be measured by science   There are also no qualification and right without encounter experience to discuss ontology to a foolish philosopher. 
* 認識論

To a Japanese dictionary, it is recognition - "work of the heart" (fully understand things and get to know the meaning). 

I made into the problem whether to be able to hold the truth of things by epistemology and recognition, and have come out with one philosophical section which mentions its "origin" essence and limit. 

2700 years, human beings were not able to consider philosophy intellectually, were not able to argue about it and study it, and were not able to discover the "soul" which is philosophical "origin."   

* 経験論

It is the future research which I am doing for me to be unable to dispel philosophy in Britain if inexperienced.  

However it may study philosophy with the head, if ignorant in existence of "the confrontation axis of the heart and flesh" and "the feeling consciousness function of the heart", it is the philosophy which cannot be solved forever. 

However it may study philosophy with the head, if I am ignorant to the philosophical origin "soul" and a "soul" and encounter experience are not carried out to it, an understanding and an interpretation are impossible for the language of the sensitivity of the heart.



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