出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source Global standard
philosophy research
GPR 「起源」
GPR "Origin"
* 人類が21世紀まで無知な、哲学の起源「魂」の解明
The elucidation of the philosophical origin "soul" in which human
beings are ignorant till the 21st century
Learning called one and philosophy is human beings ignorant to the cause of
philosophy birth of even the 21st [ at least ] century about why I was
Even if history will pass since philosophy birth why (skepticism) learning
called philosophy was produced on the earth also 2700, they are human beings
ignorant to the philosophical origin.
The philosopher who is ignorant in the principle "method incredulity"
of the philosophy for which I search deep, and cannot understand in it the
cause of the philosophy birth "why" (skepticism) which the father of
modern philosophy and Rene Descartes devised
The sophist fabrication philosopher who established learning called philosophy,
whom the first philosopher and Socrates discovered and who ignores existence of
a "soul" and denies
Although many philosophers challenged the elucidation of learning called
difficult philosophy also in the world, I was not yet able to discover the
"soul" of the philosophical origin.
The origin of the philosophy human beings were not able to discover what on
earth the "soul" of the philosophical origin was till the 21st
The fraud philosopher of foolish Japan who is ignorant to the origin, denies
the origin and studies fabrication philosophy?
* 世界でも認めるソクラテスの哲学・ソクラテスと弟子プラトンが確立した、「愛」(フィロス)と「知恵」(ソフィア)の合成語の語源も理解できない愚かな哲学者
The foolish philosopher who cannot understand the origin of a word of the
compound word of "love" (Phi Ross) and the "wisdom"
(Sophia) which the philosophy and Socrates, and pupil Plato of Socrates who
accepts also in the world established, either
Foolish research of the ontology and phenomenology in which learning called
philosophy was born and which were ignorant to the origin and carried out an
understanding and an interpretation with the corporal head, and hermeneutik
* ソクラテスが「魂」と遭遇体験をした、真理の哲学を研究して、ソクラテスの言葉が理解・解釈ができない愚かな世界の哲学者
The philosopher in the foolish world where Socrates studies the philosophy of
the truth which considered encounter experience as the "soul", and an
understanding and an interpretation cannot do Socrates's
* ルネ・デカルトが23歳で、遭遇体験をした、「哲学の起源」「哲学の基礎」「魂」の存在を否定する愚かな世界のソフィスト
The sophist in the foolish world where Rene Descartes denies existence of
"the philosophical origin" and "the philosophical
foundation" which carried out encounter experience, and a "soul"
at the age of 23
Kesao Oi for a soul, an
encounter (February 9, 2002), and the 9th year complains of the truth of the
"philosophical origin" soul which carried out Socrates's
encounter experience to the world.
* 魂とは何か?
What is a soul?
* 魂はどのように、「心」に復活するのか
How do I revitalize a soul to the "heart"?
* 魂は、どのように「心」に言葉を送って来るのか
How does a soul send language to the "heart"?
* 哲学の語源「魂からの言葉の知恵」とは何か
What is the philosophical origin of a word "wisdom of the language from a
* 魂は、何年間も、心に言葉を送れるのか
During what year can the soul send language to the heart?
* なぜ(懐疑論)魂は、言葉を送れるのか
Why (skepticism) can the soul send language?
* 肉体が消滅したのに、なぜ(懐疑論)言葉を送れるのか
Although flesh disappeared, I can send language why (skepticism).
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