出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source Global standard
philosophy research
GPR 天性
GPR Nature.
Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter
experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a
A Mon. October 11, 2010 "wisdom of language from God"
"nature" write-in start
Fri. June 6, 2014 "language of God" "wisdom of God"
"discernment of God" "decipherment of God" "creation
of God", research, and updating
The character of the heart with which the heart has been equipped since [ when
human beings are ignorant ] it was born is called nature.
Nature is an instinct which says in Japanese that I am also native and with
which the heart of the born child is equipped.
By the desire with which man's heart is equipped when born, they are appetite,
worldly desires, and a sexual desire.
The system which appetite is that the desire of food happens to a corporal
abdomen, and I will cry and tell if you want milk
Appetite interlocks as flesh grows, it becomes strong, and if food is given too
much according to a desire", it will grow up to be the flesh of
The thing of ancient times to "moderate eating" -- as わざ, I eat moderately and exercising is an important thing for which I
raise healthy flesh.
The character to want a thing also changes strongly according to corporal
growth, is strong, and serves as an egoist who always judges profit and loss. [
of self and egoism ]
However, if the character to want a thing as a child is used, a
"motivation" happens to the heart and the driving force which
realizes a dream changes.
Although sexual desires are a basis of posterity prosperity, and an important
thing which changes, if it uses improperly, the illness of syphilis or ED will
break out in flesh.
However, a sexual desire makes corporal hormonal secretion active, and has the
power of making flesh healthy youthfully forever.
If development of a sexual desire serves as love and also it is made to
develop, parent and child's love will occur to the heart by the love and
posterity prosperity of husband and wife in mutual love.
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