出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR 人類が哲学に無知な原因
 A cause with philosophically ignorant human beings

GPR 人類が哲学を解けない原因
GPR The cause by which human beings cannot dispel philosophy

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

The Thurs. September 9, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "cause" write-in start with philosophically ignorant human beings 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "language of God" "wisdom of God" "creation of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God", and renewal of research 


Philosophy which I am ignorant to the origin and cannot be dispelled by any means to it 

Why (skepticism) don't human beings study philosophy and can't dispel "philosophy of the truth" 2700 years? 

Why (skepticism) don't human beings study Socrates's philosophy and can't dispel "the philosophical truth" 2500 years? 

Why (skepticism) don't human beings study the father of modern philosophy, and Rene Descartes's philosophy, and can't dispel "the truth of a life function"?

Why (skepticism) don't human beings study the philosophy of German idealism and Immanuel Kant, and can't solve "the truth of a sensitivity community and the heart"?

1、    哲学を研究して、哲学という学問が発祥した起源「魂の存在を無視」して来た人間の愚かな心の利己主義が原因
I study philosophy and the egoism of man's foolish heart which has carried out the origin "it is disregard about existence of a soul" in which learning called philosophy originated results. 

The self of man's foolish heart which has carried out the origin "it is denial about existence of a soul" which studied philosophy, and to which learning called philosophy was born is big -- I result 

The foolish philosopher of Japan which the human being and God in which God carried out the Creation study the philosophy of the origin, profanes God which carries out "it is denial about existence of God", and resists God 

I study philosophy and ignorant foolish Japan results from the origin of a word "love" and "the wisdom of language which a soul sends to the heart" in which learning called philosophy was born. 

The philosopher of foolish Japan which studies philosophy, gets the income as an educator, distorts philosophy, fabricates and conceals, and abuses a right and vested rights 

The foolish philosopher who studies philosophy, and cannot understand and interpret Socrates's language "it is practice of death with philosophy" and "spiritual non-death" 

The foolish philosopher who cannot understand and interpret "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which studied philosophy and was revitalized to Socrates's heart by the friend's death 

Human beings ignorant on the basis "existence of a soul" of the surprising learning (philosophy) which studied philosophy and Rene Descartes made encounter experience at the age of 23 

The foolish philosopher whom studies philosophy, and the deep meaning of the words "I think, therefore I exist" of French modern philosopher and Descartes cannot understand and interpret 

The truth "mind and body of the life function which studied philosophy and Rene Descartes discovered -- duality -- " -- a philosopher ignorant to value and humanics, and foolish 

A philosopher ignorant in the "sensitivity community" which studied philosophy and the philosopher and Immanuel Kant of German idealism solved, and "the truth of the heart" 

A philosopher ignorant to Kant who studied philosophy and solved splendidly "reason, sensitivity, understanding, and judgment" of the heart and in whom the philosopher in the world did "it is criticism about ignorance to the heart" 

I am ignorant to Kant's "philosophy which solved the heart", and foreknow collapse of the foolish "Japanese Kant association" which studies fabrication and fraud philosophy. 

* 哲学の基本は、哲学の起源「魂」からの言葉が基本
As for philosophical foundations, the language from the philosophical origin "soul" is foundations. 
* 「魂」の存在に無知で、否定して永遠に解けない哲学
Philosophy which I am ignorant in existence of a "soul", I deny in it, and cannot be forever dispelled in it 

* 心の真理に無知で絶対解けない哲学
Philosophy which I am ignorant in the truth of the heart and cannot be dispelled by any means in it 


* 生命機能の真理に無知で絶対解けない哲学
*   Philosophy which I am ignorant in the truth of a life function, and cannot be dispelled by any means in it

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