出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR 懐疑論(かいぎろん)
GPR Skepticism 

Sat., February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

Sat., September 11, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "GPR skepticism" write-in start 


Wed., June 4, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "creation of God" "power of God" research, and updating 

* なぜ、日本は、哲学の「熟語」が理解・解釈できないのか?
Why can't philosophical "idiom" understand and interpret Japan? 

* なぜ、日本は、世界の哲学に君臨するソクラテスの言葉が理解・解釈できないのか?
Why can't the words of Socrates who reigns over the philosophy in the world understand and interpret Japan? 

* なぜ、日本は、近代哲学の父ルネ・デカルトが「魂」と遭遇体験をした、言葉が理解・解釈できないのか?
Why can't the language by means of which father Rene Descartes of modern philosophy considered encounter experience as the "soul" understand and interpret Japan? 

* 原因は、100年間も、哲学の起源「魂の存在を否定」して捏造・詐欺哲学者を、東大が教育して育てた為
 Since the philosophical origin "it is denial about existence of a soul" of the cause was carried out 100 years and the University of Tokyo educated and brought up fabrication and a fraud philosopher 

日本の辞書では、「懐疑」 疑いをもつことと理解されているが、デカルトの「懐疑論」は、まったく意味が違う
With a Japanese dictionary, it is "incredulity". Although it is understood that I have doubt, Descartes's "skepticism" completely differs in a meaning. 

When the Internet top is searched with skepticism, at Wikipedia, the skepticism (paddle
ぎしゅぎ) of ancient ビュロン is a subject. 

"The foundation of surprising learning", "existence of a soul" in which a French modern philosopher and Rene Descartes did 23 years old "it is discovery in the furnace room"

Rene Descartes who experienced the wisdom of the language sent to the heart from a soul for more than about 30 years discovers the philosophical ultimate cause "method incredulity." 

Suspecting all philosophy researches in the world and not studying them with Rene Descartes's "method incredulity" ,  "why"  I am 


Although "Why" is two characters in Japanese only, in order to search for the deep meaning of things deep, it is the highest philosophy elucidation method that Descartes devised.   

In that cause, learning called surprising philosophy was devised as the philosophical ultimate cause, in order to search for " why " I was born on this earth deeply. 

The philosophical origin of a word is a compound word of the wisdom " of the language sent to "love" and the heart from "soul, and Rene Descartes is solving " why " the love which occurs spontaneously to the heart grows into a soul.   

After flesh disappears by man's death, don't you revive to the "heart" and " why " doesn't man accept existence of the soul which sends language from "the infinite world"? 

Learning called the philosophy the philosophical origin was born by "existence of a soul without a figure and a form" like Aristotle's "cause and effect" 

the philosophy which cannot dispel the truth since the "metaphysics" devised in order to carry out "it is proof about existence of a soul", however human beings buried "the soul and the encounter experience person" 

Rene Descartes devised "method incredulity", in order to carry out "it being proof about existence of a soul". [ which is the "cause of philosophy origin" born in old history also about 2200 ]

1、ルネ・デカルトの真理の懐疑論 http://www14.plala.or.jp/kesakando/kaigi.html
2、ルネ・デカルトの神を発見 http://www14.plala.or.jp/kesakando/dekaruto4.html
3、ルネ・デカルトの真理の哲学証明 http://www14.plala.or.jp/kesakando/sinjitu2.html

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