出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

出典 世界標準仏教研究
Source   Global standard Buddhism research 

Global standard "Buddhistic Language" Research center 

Sat. February 9 "revival", 2002, "a soul and encounter experience", a "global standard Buddhism research" start 

A Tue. October 19, 2010 "wisdom of language from soul" "Buddhistic language and decipherment" write-in start 

Renewal of Wed. June 4, 2014 "spiritual language" "spiritual discernment" "Providence of "soul" "spiritual Heaven's Vengeance" "spiritual atonement" / research


The word of "being employed efficiently" is [ "I do not say, tell and understand" and ] in Buddhism. 

The meaning of this language was not able to understand me at all at first. 

Buddhistic language has many Chinese characters, and although reading cannot even understand difficultly, it cannot understand such an easy word, either. 

Without knowing why (skepticism), since man's heart is ignorant in the existence of the "feeling consciousness function" of the heart, and the confrontation axis of the head and the heart which takes in language by experience, he cannot understand Buddhistic language. 

I am ignorant to the understanding method of the language of the heart and the head, and an understanding of Buddhistic language is forever impossible for the heart in Japan which is studying the existence ? etc. and false science on the head.

 Ignorance came to think it strong that the cause by which I cannot understand Buddhistic language is a cause in the "truth" of the "heart" these days increasingly at the "heart." 

These days, a "soul", and an encounter and the "soul" for the 9th year understand that fog is dispelled with the wisdom of the guidance of the language which I send to the heart. 

I am the guidance of the language from a "soul", and I just changed so that an understanding and interpretation of the "truth" of the "heart" with ignorant human beings and Buddhistic language could be performed completely.

* 世界標準「諸行無情」研究
global standard "all earthly things -- heartless --" research


* 世界標準「愛別離苦」研究
Global standard "love separation pain" research


* 世界標準「六波羅蜜」研究
 Global standard "6 Paramita" research 

* 世界標準「天上天下唯我独尊」研究
 the global standard -- "-- a heavens top world -- self-righteous --" research 

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