出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE 

"Wisdom of God" of the Creation which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of the history for the 21st century and 2700 years 

Human beings' history upper and this century, large discovery of a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

"Language of God" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation 


世界標準「野獣化人間」研究センター GWRC
Global standard "Wild beast-Ized Human being" Research Center 

哲学世界標準「野獣化人間」百科事典 PGWE
Philosophy Global standard "Wild beast-Ized Human being" Encyclopedia 


Sat. February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard philosophy research" start 

Sat. April 28, 2012 "wisdom of language from God" "wild beast-ized human being" research center establishment 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "revival of God" "wisdom of God" "creation of God" research, and updating 


Socrates's words "although there are no people also greatly, I pose as a great man, and only "desire" of money is strong to it isn't it shameful as man?"

Man needs to change bad so far for a "desire" -- that of
, and Japanese "fabrication philosopher" who just wild-beast-ized 

The Japanese fabrication sophist who ignores the "truth" and continues studying "fabrication philosophy" in order to protect his income 

Thoroughly, I analyze and solve Japanese "fabrication sophist" who wild-beast-ized, and record him in philosophical history as I am eternal. 

You should carry out wild beast death! if man cannot judge and God judges -- until -- God gets angry -- the "fabrication sophist" of wild-beast-izing, and "creation of God"

The state of Japan which happens by a wild beast-ized human being 

1、            野獣化といじめ
Wild-beast-izing and bullying 

2、            野獣化と政治の腐敗
Corruption of wild-beast-izing and politics 

3、            野獣化と司法試験
Wild-beast-izing and a bar examination 

4、            野獣化と偏差値
Wild-beast-izing and deviation score 

5、            野獣化とキャリヤ
Wild-beast-izing and a carrier 

6、            野獣化と官僚
Wild-beast-izing and a bureaucrat 

7、            野獣化と天下り
Wild-beast-izing and a parachutist 

8、            野獣化と経済破綻
Wild-beast-izing and financial crisis 

9、            野獣化とストーカー
Wild-beast-izing and a stalker 

10、     野獣化と「欲望」
Wild-beast-izing and a "desire" 

11、     野獣化と「隠蔽」
Wild-beast-izing and "concealment" 

12、     野獣化と「捏造」
Wild-beast-izing and "fabrication" 

13、     野獣化と「詐欺」
Wild-beast-izing and "fraud" 

14、     野獣化と「妨害」
Wild-beast-izing and "disturbance" 

15、     野獣化と物質文明
Wild-beast-izing and material civilization 


The "wisdom of language from God" discovery during ten years, research, analysis, an elucidation, record, and data 

2700-year "inexperience", "ignorance", "inappreciative", "incorrect interpretation", "abstract concept", and "fabrication research" data  


Research World of Heart /Grand Overly Super Infinity.

Global standard Philosophy Research Center.