出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE 


"Wisdom of God" of the Creation which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom  

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

"Language of God" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation 

"Fusion of God and computer", "untrodden", "infinite truth philosophy", and "eternal" research 


Global standard "Reflection" Research Center 

哲学世界標準「省察」百科事典 PGRE
Philosophy Global standard "Reflection" Encyclopedia 


Sat. February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard philosophy research" start 

Tue. June 19, 2012 "wisdom of language from God" "reflection" research center establishment 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "creation of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research, and updating 


- Descartes has left language for "the foundation of surprising learning" with discovery daytime on November 10, 1619. 

About 400 years, human beings study Descartes's philosophy, and cannot understand and interpret this important language, either. 

Descartes's "the foundation of surprising learning" discovered the "existence of a soul" which is "the philosophical origin." 

Human beings analyze, solve and record "reflection" of Descartes of "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" by "the soul, an encounter", and "inexperience." 

! without
はず "exists" in these worlds, such as "God", -- "-- "foolish" "sophist" - "fabrication philosopher" which considers and is by 込 」 ん 

"Foolish" the "fabrication philosopher", the "sophist" "deny" by "ignorance" in "existence" of the "soul" which is philosophical "origin" and who protect "vested rights" 

The "reality" in which a "soul" is philosophical "origin" and is "God" of the Creation -- "ignorance" -- "existence" -- "-- the "fabrication philosopher" who denies 

"Heaven's Vengeance of God" and "the Providence of God" go down to the "fabrication philosopher" of the "felony" which carries out ""denying" "existence" of God " and revolting against "God." 


"Reflection" and Wikipedia of an "ignorance" "inappreciative" "incorrect interpretation" abstract concept 

(Descartes is completely ignorant in why (method incredulity) I carried out the koan of the "reflection") 


"Method incredulity", "skepticism" Wikipedia of "ignorance", [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" 

(man -- Descartes -- why -- "why" -- "-- or learning called the philosophy " was born at this world -- the elucidation method -- "-- ignorant) " 

(If "method incredulity" was understood to be "skepticism" and all were suspected and solved, they are "an elucidation is forever impossible" and "philosophy".) 

(Descartes's "method incredulity" is the "language" by which koan was carried out, in order to search for "the cause of philosophy birth" called ? why.) 


The "life function" Wikipedia of "ignorance", [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" 

(If it carries out "it being denial about existence of a soul", "elucidation is impossible for "the truth of a life function" and "a difference between the heart and the head" which are "the wisdom of God""   [ which is "the philosophical origin" ] 


"Ignorance", [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" -- "-- my -- I consider -- therefore -- my -- I am --"Wikipedia 

(It is "forever impossible" "to interpret" Descartes's precious words in "the truth of a life function" at an "ignorant" human being)   [ "understand" and ] 


"God's existence proof" Wikipedia of "ignorance", [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" 

(The "fabrication philosopher" who does not have "a soul and encounter experience" like Descartes or Socrates -- "God's existence proof" etc. -- "-- eternal impossible") 


Man analyzes, solves and records why (method incredulity) Descartes's philosophy cannot understand and interpret. 

Descartes solves "reflection" which carried out koan with "the wisdom of the language from God" as how (method introduction) to solve "philosophy." 


The "wisdom of language from God" research during ten years, analysis, an elucidation, record, and data 

2700 years "inexperience" -- "ignorance" "inappreciative" "incorrect interpretation" abstract concept "fabrication research" data 


Research World of Heart/Overly Grand Super Infinity.

Global standard Philosophy Research Center.