出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source Global standard
philosophy research GPRC
Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE
"Wisdom of God" of the Creation which reverses philosophy research in
the world from the bottom
"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the
space-time of 2500 years of history
Large discovery of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a
super-miracle "world important cultural heritage"
"Language of God" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis,
research, and record of the Creation
"Eternal" - Record "fusion of God and a computer", [ "untrodden" ], and "infinite truth philosophy
History (for ten years)
Let the day which the friend left for the infinite world Fri, 8th per month in
two 2002 years be the "extrasensory perception first year."
"God" of the Creation and an encounter "global standard
philosophy research" start "revived" on Sat., February 9 the
"heart", 2002
(At this time, my "Buddhism" was completely ignorant in why (method
skepticism) I was born in the East to the deep cause)
(この時点で、私は、「哲学」が 、何故(方法懐疑論)世界に誕生したのか、哲学の哲の字も理解・解釈できませんでした)
(As for me, in philosophical Satoshi's handwriting, at this time,
"philosophy" was not able to understand and interpret [ and ] why (method skepticism) I
was born in the world)
Since "language" of March, 2002 and every day many comes into
"its mind", I decide "the heart, love and a dream", and the
theme to be university notes, and start record.
The words "like the cherry tree, today's Buddha bloomed finely and
dispersed in today finely" of 49 day and the Yoshio temple chief priest of
the flower of March 28, 2002 and a cherry tree
The words "I remember every day which I do not forget" of Mr. Kunio Yanagida who lost the son
in April, 2002 and NHK "time of the heart" strike the right chord.
(編集社 を通じて柳田邦男さんに手紙を書き郵送しましたが、何の返事もありませんでした)
(Although the letter was written and mailed to Mr. Kunio
Yanagida through the edit company , there was no reply)
Getting interested in June 29, 2002 and Buddhism -- birthday [ of a friend ] -
"Yoshio temple chief priest" -- funereal gratitude "wonderful
Since the word "self-effacement" appeared and came in May 4, 2003 and
a dream, I consulted the dictionary.
At Buddhism, in order to make man's "self" into "self-effacement",
I self-train by meditation in Zen Buddhism, and he says that I lead to the
"heart" which rose above worldly desires, however I was not able to
understand the meaning of "self-effacement" at this time.
Taking advantage of July, 2003 -"language from soul" - "I get to
know", I open a "world of the heart of love and God" homepage
for the NEC personal computer on purchase and the Internet.
Although the letter was written and mailed to Ms. Jakucho
Setouchi of 2004 and Kyoto, no reply came.
I publish a book for "the proof of spiritual existence" written in
for one year on December 15, 2004 and the Internet from a literature company.
2005年3月・インターネット上のindex トップページを「壮大・神秘・心の世界研究」に切り替え開設
index on March, 2005 and the Internet I change a top page to "world
research of grand, a mystery, and the heart", and establish it.
I mail Japan's University of Tokyo president of a university No. 1
"content-certified mail" (the truth and mind and body of a life
function duality proof theory sentence verification of discovery) on Wed.,
January 18, 2006.
I February, 2007-"wisdom of the language from a soul"--five year--link"it is a decipherment about Socrates's
words" (socrates-2-.-html )-create, and open to the public.
The Mon., May [ 2007 year ] 14 Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the University
of Tokyo -- "mind and body -- duality -- I mail" discovery proof
theory sentence by a content-certified mail
2007年5月18日(金)内閣府・内閣総理大臣 安部晋三様に、生命機能の真理「心身二元」発見証明論文を内容証明郵便で郵送
Fri., May [ 2007 year ] 18 Cabinet Office and the Prime Minister Mr. Shinzo
Abe -- the truth "mind and body of a life function -- duality -- I
mail" discovery proof theory sentence by a content-certified mail
Attestation (Philosophical Association of Japan) enacts and blocks copyright
regulation as December 15, 2007, the Philosophical Association of Japan
admission, and a member.
July, 2007 and the Philosophical Association of Japan -- successive generation
"it is registration public presentation to "JST about the fabrication
philosophy paper "" (proof of fabrication research)
* 日本哲学会入会から日本カント協会論文発表までの経緯
The circumstances from the Philosophical Association of Japan admission to the
Japanese Kant association paper announcement
To the fabrication fraud philosopher of Japan which cannot understand and
interpret, Socrates's words are a counterattack of
Socrates and "Heaven's Vengeance" (giyakusitu.html) link creation
public presentation on Thurs., May 1, 2008.
With the head, forever, I "philosophy"-link[ elucidation impossible ]
(giyakusiyu-2-.-html )-create, and open to the public on Tue., October 28,
November 15, 2008 - "the Japanese 33rd time of Kant association convention
paper announcement" (how does a soul send language?)
2009年・日本哲学会会長 高山守氏の「無知」な「捏造論文」を解読・日本の捏造哲学者の論文をプリントアウト捏造の証拠保存
2009 and the Philosophical Association of Japan chairman Mr. Mamoru Takayama's
"ignorance" -- "a fabrication paper" -- the paper of the
fabrication philosopher of a decipherment and Japan -- preservation of
print-out fabrication of evidence
Sun., March 29, 2009 "creation of God" "world philosophy
revolution" link (book2.htnl) creation and public presentation of the
Warning from God, and Sun., September 6, 2009 "Heaven's Vengeance"
(book2002.html) link creation and public presentation
I warn ignorant Wed., September 9, 2009 "creation of God" link
"consciousness" (book2004.html) creation, public presentation, and
University of Tokyo of ignorant consciousness.
I warn, create and open to the University of Tokyo which ignores Sun., October
4 "creation of God", 2009 link "existence of the philosophical
origin" (nagata3.html).
Mon., October 12 "creation of God", 2009 link "cause with the
philosophically ignorant University of Tokyo" (book1301.html) creation -
Open to the public.
2009年・NEC パソコンの(ホームページビルダー)にウイルス侵入(妨害ウイルス発信元確認証拠)
2009 and NEC It is virus penetration (disturbance virus dispatch former check
proof) to the (homepage builder) of a personal computer.
I open the truth to the Mon., July 26, 2010 Yhoo
light circuit opening-of-traffic - "God" and 9th year of encounter
"global standard philosophy research center" establishment, and the
A "favorite" of 2010 year and a Fujitsu personal computer --
disturbance virus penetration (disturbance virus dispatch former check proof)
* 人類が、理解・解釈不可能な「哲学熟語」(感性知識)を解読集「哲学世界標準百科事典」「哲学熟語世界標準辞書」作成開始
Thurs., February 3, 2011 the completion of "philosophy research right
deprivation" content-certified mail mailing of Providence and the
University of Tokyo, and the Philosophical Association of Japan
May, 2011 and the Philosophical Association of Japan revolt [ - / (I snatch a
philosophy research right) / Providence ] forcing / fabrication philosophy
research against continuation and God in the 70th conventions in disregard and
the University of Tokyo.
2011 and the University of Tokyo revolt fabrication research groups, such as
the "University of Tokyo Komaba metaphysics
meeting" which is flooding with Japan, and the "Japanese Hegel
society", against support and God.
"Global standard philosophy research" which solved all
"philosophy idioms" (sensitivity knowledge) deep by 2011 -
"creation of God"
2011年 ・哲学に無知の自覚も懺悔の心を失い「頭で論じた捏造哲学」を研究する、日本の愚かなソフィスト・「神の怒り」寛容の心を失った
I lost the heart of foolish sophist and "anger of God" tolerance to
which consciousness ignorant to 2011
and philosophy also loses the penitential heart, and studies "the
fabrication philosophy discussed with the head". [ of Japan ]
The word "block" has been sent to the dream with "creation"
on Sun., January 29, 2012.
I block out "creation of God" fabrication philosophy research in -
global standard philosophy research center top page on the same day (the 2012
fiscal year). (the 2011 fiscal year)
I insert [ Japan's fabrication philosophy research ] deprivation (February 3,
2011) for the philosophy research right of prevention (creation of God), and
The language "catching the whole herd with one throw" and language on
Thurs., February 2 "creation of God", 2012 have been sent to the
I record and update "the wisdom of the language from God" of the
Creation, and "research of the unexplored truth" on Thurs., February
16, 2012.
I edit, reform completely and update the 73 years old of April, 2012 Oi [ 17 / Kesao ] birthday per
day (Tue.), and "a global standard philosophy research center" トッページ.
Human beings establish, study and update many ignorant global standard
philosophy idiom research centers to a top page on Sun., April 22, 2012.
Global standard philosophy research center
The World and Research of Grand,
Infinity, and the Heart
The "world philosophy revolution" which "God" of the
Creation creates on the earth
I study the truth "heart" of the origin of life.
生命機能の真理 「心身二元」を研究
The truth [ ] of a life
function -- "mind and body -- duality -- I study the difference "
between" "heart and the head
Man is the major elucidation impossible three ignorance (cause) about
I compare the truth and ignorance with fabrication.
"They are "Providence and Heaven's Vengeance to treason
"fabrication philosopher" in God "". [ of the Creation ]
21世紀・天地創造の「神」が創造する「理想の人間社会 」