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philosophy research GPRC World important cultural heritage International license copyright
Shigeru Kanzaki, a Fabrication Philosopher and a
Crime, and Punishment
Shigeru Kanzaki, a
Fraud Educator and a Crime, and Punishment
Shigeru Kanzaki, a
Sophist and a Crime, and Punishment
Shigeru Kanzaki who does the fraud sophist education
of the false fabrication philosophy at a student
In the subject and soul of Socrates's philosophy, I
global-standard-philosophy[ the theme and ]-inquire, record, and save, and the
wisdom of the language from discovery and a soul starts revival and a soul on
Sat., February 9, 2002.
the wisdom of the language from Wed., March [ 2017 year ] 22 God -- theme,
Shigeru Kanzaki, fabrication fraud philosopher, and
fabrication paper decipherment - I open to the public, record, save and
The Heaven's Vengeance, the record, preservation, and updating the wisdom and
God of the language and God of discernment and God are [ God / whose evocation
and God of koan and God ] the Providence and God of
edit and God about revival and God on Thurs., March 23, 2017 in the strategy
and God of discovery and God