出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 世界重要文化遺産 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC World important cultural heritage   International license copyright ILC 


Masashi Nakahata, a Fabrication Philosopher and a Crime, and Punishment

Masashi Nakahata, a Fraud Educator and a Crime, and Punishment 

Masashi Nakahata, a Sophist and a Crime, and Punishment 

Masashi Nakahata who does the fraud sophist education of the false fabrication philosophy at a student

In a soul, I global-standard-philosophy[ a subject and ]-inquire, record, and save, and the wisdom of the language from discovery and a soul starts revival and a soul on Sat., February 9, 2002. 

The wisdom of the language from philosophical subject and God is a crime of the theme and a Masashi Nakahata fabrication philosopher, and punishment, a write-in start, record and preservation on Wed., March 22, 2017. 

2017年3月23日 (木)神の復活・神を発見・神の言葉・神の知恵・神の作戦・神が公案・神の工夫・神の洞察・神の喚起・神が編集・神の天命・神の天罰・記録・保存・更新
The Heaven's Vengeance, the record, preservation, and updating the strategy and God of the wisdom and God of the language and God of discovery and God are [ whose evocation and God of discernment and God of the device and God of koan and God ] the Providence and God of edit and God about revival and God of March 23, 2017   (Thurs.) God