出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC 


日本国家・神に反逆・罪と罰 U
They are treason and a crime, and punishment to the Japan State and God.   II 

Fabrication Sophist Philosopher classified by University and a Crime, and Punishment 


世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC 

Fate of the Japan State which fell to in its hands [ of God ] 


In God, the wisdom of the language from discovery and God is a subject, global standard philosophy research, record, a start, and history preservation about revival and God on Sat., February 9, 2002. 

The wisdom of the language from God is treason and a crime, and a fabrication philosopher, list of names, record and history preservation of punishment and Japan to a subject, the Japan house, and God on Sat., April 8, 2017. 

In God, evocation and God of discernment and God of the strategy and God of the koan and God of the device and God of the wisdom and God of the language and God of creation and God of discovery and God are the Providences of edit and God about revival and God on Sun., April 9, 2017. 

They are treason and a crime, and punishment and Gakushuin University to Kiyoshi Sakai, a fabrication philosopher, a fraud sophist educator, and God.



They are treason and a crime, and punishment and Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology to Shuji Ozeki, a fabrication philosopher, a fraud sophist educator, and God.



They are treason and a crime, and punishment and Shizuoka University to Athushi Aiba, a fabrication philosopher, a fraud sophist educator, and God. 



They are treason and a crime, and punishment and Hiroshima City University to
嘉指 Nobuo, a fabrication philosopher, a fraud sophist educator, and God.