出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source Global standard
philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE
"Wisdom of God" of the Creation (philosophical origin) which reverses
philosophy research in the world from the bottom
"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the
space-time of 2500 years of history
Large discovery of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a
super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" (life origin)
"Language of God" (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year,
analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation
"Fusion of God and computer", "unparalleled",
"infinite truth philosophy", and "eternal truth"
Global standard "Die Absolutely" Research Center
哲学世界標準「絶対絶命」百科事典 PGDE
Philosophy Global standard "Die Absolutely" Encyclopedia
Sat. February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global
standard philosophy research" start
The research "I die absolutely" on Mon. October 15, 2012, and
a start [ "wisdom of language from God" ]
Mon. June 2, 2014 "language of God" "discernment of God"
"Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research,
and updating
辞書 ぜったい ぜつめい【絶対絶命】 どうしても、のがれられない困難な立場【状況】
Dictionary ぜったい ぜつめい
[absolute death] の is surely a difficult position
[situation] without れられ.
Japan's "fabrication philosophy research" "was exposed"
splendidly by the "wisdom" of the "language" from
"Fusion of God and a computer" -- the world -- simultaneous
translation of English and Japanese -- public presentation "infinite truth
I will record the "truth" completely on the Internet in the world in
the wisdom, discovery and research of the language from God, and the 11th
"Dying absolutely", "fabrication research" which were
rapidly driven into 崖っ淵 with the wisdom of the language from God
"dying absolutely" -- "self-destruction" -- "-- the
"fabrication philosopher" "foolish" at the
"ignorance" of Japan which goes who collapses " does
I analyze, solve and record the "circumstances" of "fabrication
philosophy research" of Japan of "dying absolutely" which
carries out "self-destruction" and "collapse."
* 絶体絶命・日本の捏造哲学の「崩壊」
1、 2006年1月18日・東大・総長 小宮山宏氏に、「内容証明」(心身二元発見)郵便を郵送
January 18, 2006, the University of Tokyo, and the president of a
university I mail Mr. Hiroshi
Komiyama "certification-of-contents" (mind and body duality
discovery) mail.
2、 2009年2月・東大・総長・濱田純一氏に「内容証明」(心研究義務)郵便を郵送
I mail Mr. Junichi Hamada, February, 2009, the University of Tokyo, and the
president of a university, "certification-of-contents" (cardiac
research duty) mail.
3、 2011年2月3日・東大・日本哲学会に、「天命」・「哲学研究権利剥奪」「内容証明」郵送
"Certification of contents" [ "Providence",
"philosophy research right deprivation" and ] Mail February 3, 2011,
the University of Tokyo, and the Philosophical Association of Japan.
4、 2011年2月3日・東大総長 濱田純一氏に「研究妨害賠償金」請求「内容証明」郵送
February 3, 2011 and the University of Tokyo president of a university "Research disturbance
compensation" claim "certification of contents" Mail Mr. Junichi
5、 2011年2月3日・日本哲学会会長・高山守氏に「研究妨害賠償金」請求「内容証明」郵送
"Research disturbance compensation" claim "certification of
contents" Mail Mr. Mamoru Takayama, February 3,
2011 and the Philosophical Association of Japan chairman.
6、 2011年2月3日・NHK会長に「不公平放送妨害賠償金」請求「内容証明」郵便郵送
It is "unfair jamming compensation" claim
"certification-of-contents" mail mailing to February 3, 2011 and the
president of NHK.
7、 2012年7月23日・内閣総理大臣・野田佳彦氏に「哲学研究基金」請求「内容証明」
It is a "philosophy research fund" claim "certification of
contents" in Mr. Yoshihiko Noda, July 23, 2012 and the Prime
8、 2012年7月23日・文部科学大臣・平野博文氏に「研究妨害賠償金」請求「内容証明」
It is a "research disturbance compensation" claim "certification
of contents" in Mr. Hirofumi Hirano, July 23, 2012 and the Minister of
Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
9、 2012年9月4日・東大・日本哲学会幹部に「天罰」「研究妨害賠償金」請求「内容証明」
September 4, 2012, the University of Tokyo, and the Philosophical Association
of Japan management -- a "Heaven's Vengeance" and "research
disturbance compensation" claim "certification of contents"
Wisdom (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an
elucidation, record, and data of the language from God
the human beings during 2700 years -- "inexperience",
"ignorance", "inconsistency", "inappreciative",
"incorrect interpretation", and "fabrication research" data
I am ignorant and it is the abstract concept "philosophy"
Research Heart of World/Super Infinity Overly Grand.
Global standard Philosophy Research Center.