出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research   GPRC
  Philosophy global standard encyclopedia   PGRE


"Wisdom of God" of the Creation which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

天地創造の「神の言葉」発見・研究 16年目・分析・解明・記録
"Language of God" discovery and research of the Creation   The 16th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record

"Eternal" - Record "fusion of God and a computer", [ "untrodden" ], and "infinite truth philosophy."

Philosophical monumental work and God which increases brightness brilliantly on the Internet by progress (history) of years are an elucidation, global standard philosophy research, and a philosophy revolution. 


Global standard "method introduction" research center

Global standard "method incredulity" research center



God is discovery and God, and encounter experience, global standard philosophy, research and a start about revival and God on Sat., February 9, 2002. 

Fri., February 10, 2012 wisdom, method introduction, and "method skepticism" analysis, research, and record of the language from God 

"It being discovery about God" on Thurs. November 17 "God is revival", 2016, "the language of God", "the wisdom of God", "evocation of God", "discernment of God", "creation of God", "the koan of God", "the device of God", "the strategy of God", "God being edit", "the strategy of God" 

Anger (flood and drought of eruption, abnormal weather, thunderbolt, heavy rain, flood damage, and river of death-due-to-sickness, earthquake, tsunami, and volcano) research and updating whose Providence and God of God are condemnation of the Heaven's Vengeance and God of atonement and everything of the Heaven's Vengeance and God of treason and God, and natural Heaven's Vengeance, catching the whole herd with one throw and God at deprivation and God 

Method introduction

It is the work published in the philosopher and Rene Descartes 1637 of France. 

哲学を、解明する方法を、デカルト「魂」との 「遭遇経験」1619/11/10)に基ずいて、経験を記録した著書である。
It is the work in which Descartes recorded
基ずいて and experience for the method of solving philosophy on   "encounter experience" (1619/11/10) with the "soul." 

It is ? "wisdom of the language from a soul" about the ability not to do the 21st century and to understand and interpret Rene Descartes's philosophy why, and ? human being solves. 

Since "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which is a subject (origin) of Socrates's philosophy can be discovered, I cannot dispel Socrates's philosophy, either. 

The "soul" which revives to the [heart] "soul" which is not visible to a "soul" and an eye without a figure and a form, and is continuing sending "the wisdom of language" to it 15 years 

The "soul" which revitalizes flesh and the head to the [heart] of back and the human being who disappeared "soul", "wisdom of language" Sends, and leads man to spiritual enlightenment by man's death 

since human beings were not able to discover the "soul" which does not have a figure and a form till the 21st century -- the head -- having discussed (logic body of philosophy) -- the "philosophy" by which fabrication fraud research was done greatly 

「魂」「遭遇経験」をして、16年目 に入った、大井今朝雄が、ルネ・デカルトの、方法序説を、解読・解明してインターネットに公開
having "an encounter experience" with a "soul" -- the 16th year   Kesao Oi who entered decodes and solves Rene Descartes's method introduction, and he opens it to the Internet.

Communication with communication and strangeness with the wisdom and ignorance of the language from a soul




Although 100 or more
リンクs of descriptions of the "method introduction" on the Internet exist, the human being who translated the right truth is sure that I am only me. 

If it says simply, it is certain that a "method introduction" is the book which was made difficult and which explained philosophy plainly.

The philosopher in the world decodes and solves Descartes's method introduction from the "philosophy elucidation method" which carried out koan.  

1、      ソクラテスの弟子・プラトンは、哲学の主体である「魂」と、遭遇経験が無いが、「対話編」で、哲学解明方法を、試みた
Although Socrates's pupil and Plato did not have the "soul" which is a philosophical subject, and encounter experience, he is "dialog section" and tried the philosophy elucidation method. 

They are the data precious as the philosophy elucidation method also in the world which reproduced Socrates's talk faithfully without mixing subjectivity. 

However, a human being without a "soul" and "encounter experience" cannot do understanding and interpreting "Socrates's words" (dialog section). 

As for Socrates's philosophy, to the human being "whose wisdom of the language from a soul" is a subject and who does not have a "soul" and encounter experience, it is actual that I cannot understand and interpret forever. 

"Soul" [ to a "soul" / [cardiac] ] "Souls" is non-death and immortality about what Socrates's language and person know about the "soul", and distribute important one. 

       哲学の主体こそ! 人間の死で、肉体と頭が消滅後・ソクラテスの【心】「精神」「復活」した、「魂からの言葉の知恵」起源である。
Just a philosophical subject!  "The wisdom of the language from a soul" flesh and the head "revitalized" to the [heart] of disappearance back and Socrates "soul" by man's death is the origin.

魂からの言葉の知恵 ・哲学では、すでに頭(脳)は、消滅
In wisdom   and philosophy of the language from a soul, the head (brain) already disappears.



As the words of that's right and Socrates, a "soul" is what kind of thing and it sends "the wisdom of language" to the [heart] how. 

If it is not a "soul" and a person experienced in an encounter about how do I consult a dictionary, understand and interpret "the wisdom of the language from a soul", and to go, an understanding and an interpretation cannot do. 

In order to understand Socrates's true philosophy, the first step of philosophy research begins existence of a "soul" from accepting like Plato.

Furthermore, since man is ignorant to the "understanding method of language" of [the heart "soul"], he can understand and interpret Socrates's words, twists to it, and is actual to it. 

The foolish fabrication philosopher who shuts his eyes to his "ignorance", and criticizes with
破邪 midwife-like that Socrates's philosophy is the ignorant Yoshitomo person etc.

Breeding of the fraud doctor of philosophy in the world who inquired [ fabrication ] and educated [ fraud ] Socrates's philosophy, and has got big-ticket income 

Breeding of the fabrication fraud philosopher who also translates the deep meaning of Socrates's philosophy origin of a word into "Yoshitomo's study" etc. without being able to understand and interpret

世界的に、 大繁殖してしまった、嘘の捏造哲学を、詐欺ソフィスト教育された、捏造哲学詐欺博士「神に反逆」
"It is treason to God". [ of being worldwide and the fabrication philosophy fraud doctor by whom fraud sophist education was done in the false fabrication philosophy of having large-bred ] 

Even if it discusses the philosophy of what 10,000 years and Socrates in the knowledge of the head, in the logic body of philosophy (
ウイットゲン Stein), I cannot dispel philosophy forever.

Collapse of the wisdom and the logic body of philosophy of the language from a soul 


Philosophy which cannot be forever dispelled in the knowledge of the wisdom and the head of the language from a soul



Just Socrates's philosophy! To the fabrication fraud philosopher "the wisdom of the language from a soul" of a philosophy subject is foundations, and "denies" existence of a "soul", an elucidation is forever impossible. 


2、      プラトンの弟子・アリストテレス哲学解明方法の一つが、第一哲学・「原因と結果」で、哲学の起源である「神の存在証明」をしている
One of the philosophy elucidation methods of the pupil and Aristotle of Plato is carrying out "God's existence proof" which is the philosophical origin in first philosophy - "cause and effect." 

learning called philosophy introduces Tarres's anecdote and is proving the proof in which "God" which is the cause exists as a result if it exists at all. 

The law Buddhism also proves the existence of the "soul" (France) which me revitalize to the [heart] "soul" which is not a foregone conclusion without a figure and a form to be with the law of cause and effect was decided.

日本の捏造哲学者 ・一ノ瀬正樹は、「原因と結果の迷宮」の本を発刊して、学生を騙して、金儲けをしている、詐欺師
Japanese fabrication philosopher   and Masaki Ichinose are the swindlers who are gaining by publishing the book of "the labyrinth of a cause and an effect" and deceiving a student.






研究妨害賠償金弐億円也 贖罪請求

注 支払・反省・懺悔・謝罪無き時、重罪の天罰を警告


1、    東京大学での捏造哲学研究・詐欺教育の証拠

2、    捏造哲学詐欺研究集団・日本哲学会幹部の証拠

3、    「原因と結果の迷宮」・捏造・詐欺研究の証拠

4、    死生学・他・捏造・詐欺本発刊・証拠

5、    自分自身が、捏造研究・詐欺ソフィストに無知・愚か

6、    ソクラテスの言葉も哲学語源も無理解ソフィスト




東京大学捏造・詐欺哲学教授 一ノ瀬 正樹 殿

世界標準哲学研究センター 理事長 大井 今朝雄




内容証明を、インターネット公開こそ! 一ノ瀬正樹「神に反逆」した、最大の証拠
About certification of contents, it is just the Internet public presentation!  The greatest proof in which Masaki Ichinose did "it is treason to God" 

  Proof eternal at the maximum that Masaki Ichinose deceived the monthly fee and he did the fraud sophist education of the false fabrication philosophy from the student


3、      ドイツの哲学者・イマヌエル・カントは、人間が、あまりにも「哲学」無知(何もわかっていない)である現実を、批判した
German philosopher and Immanuel Kant criticized the reality in which man was ignorance (I understand nothing) too much at "philosophy." 

Criticism is the foundation for a philosophy elucidation and criticism has left language as it is basing for metaphysics. 

Proof to which
イマヌレル Kant had "an encounter experience" with the "soul" 

@ 人間の【心】「精神」について、感性界(人間が、経験によって、言葉を【心】で、感じ取って理解・解釈する世界)
 About man's [heart] "soul", it is a sensitivity community (world where man takes in language, and understands and interprets it by the [heart] by experience). 

A 人間の【心】「精神」を、可感界と、【心】が、言葉を感じ取って理解・解釈する世界
 The world where the [heart] takes in language, and understands and interprets man's [heart] "soul" as

B 可想界とは、【心】「精神」が、「思い」「思想」の世界である現実証明している
可想界 is proving the reality in which [the heart "soul"] is the world of a "thought" and "thought."

The method of two understanding of the wisdom and language of the language from a soul 


The world and research of the wisdom, grand, the infinity, and the heart of the language from a soul



C 二律背反(両立不可能)互いに反対・矛盾する二つの命題が、同時に同等の権利を主張されること、【心】と頭の違いを証明
 antimony (coexistence is impossible) -- two propositions which oppose and are mutually contradictory prove the difference between that an equivalent right is asserted simultaneously, the [heart], and the head 

I am proving the reality which cannot build forever the [heart] in "the infinite world" which God created with the artificial intelligence in the 21st century and fabrication brain science research.

In the wisdom and philosophy of the language from a soul, the head (brain) already disappears.



D 純粋理性批判・実践理性批判・判断力批判とは、人間が【心】「精神」真理に、無知批判した内容である
 Pure reason criticism, practical reason criticism, and judgment criticism are the contents which man criticized that ignorance was in the truth of [the heart "soul"]. 

It is actual that man understands what kind of work no reason of the [heart] of man "soul" is what kind of thing, and it carries out.

The wisdom and global standard "reason" research center of the language from a soul




Reason of Wikipedia full of ignorance



The [heart] Reality which changes man's "fate" (life) a lot by judgment (judgment of judgment and good sense of judgment and profit and loss of judgment and good and evil of truth) of "soul" 

"Having considered" appears in reality - [heart] to which man's [heart] "soul" has governed and managed flesh and the head as an expression of corporal action, behavior, attitude, and face. 

E アプリオリは、経験にもとずく、先験的・先天的言葉は、証明するまでもなく、事実の証明であると言葉をのこしている
 a priori
and experience -- a basis -- it is not necessary to prove ずく and transcendental / native language, and is the proof of the fact -- language -- のこしている 

furthermore, I admit the British empiricism and philosophy is the same as mathematics or natural science -- I am inevitable and universal -- you have to carry out the thinking method (philosophy elucidation method) acquisition 


Method skepticism is the language in which French philosopher and Rene Descartes did koan. 

It is the learning which searches for "why" and a point in question deeply, and studies a philosophical method of research.
Research basic knowledge like the philosophical origin "to a philosopher without the soul " and encounter experience, it is Aristotle's "philosophy ultimate cause" 

Method skepticism which searches for and solves "interrogative" - "inconsistency" thoroughly [ of "philosophy research" ]     

For example, learning which searches for the deep cause why (method incredulity) the learning "philosophy" was born 

In Japan, if it translates into "skepticism" and anything is suspected, I will understand the meaning, but it is a big incorrect interpretation. 

The fabrication philosophy research incident of Japan full of ignorance, inappreciative, and incorrect interpretations 

The fabrication philosophy research incident of Japan full of a question and inconsistencies

I elapse inexperience and ignorantly and it is the "philosophy" which cannot be solved to man. 

1、  人間は、なぜ(方法懐疑論)「哲学」を解明出来ないのか「人間が哲学解明不可能な三大原因(無知)」
Man cannot solve "philosophy" why (method skepticism) -- "the three major causes (ignorant) which man cannot philosophy solve" 

2、  人間は、何故(懐疑)頭で哲学が解けると、「心」に思い込んでいるのか「頭で解けない哲学」
The philosophy which cannot solve with "head whether I am convinced to the "heart" if philosophy solves man with the head why (incredulity)"

3、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「有限の頭」と、形の無い「無限の心」の違いを研究しないのか「心と頭の違い」
Man is "a difference between the heart and the head" about why (incredulity) I do not study the difference between "the limited head" and "the infinite heart" without a form.     

4、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「心」に起こった「現象哲学」を頭で論じるのか 「頭で論じた捏造哲学」
Man discusses with the head the "phenomenon philosophy" which happened to the "heart" why (incredulity) --   "fabrication philosophy discussed with the head"     

5、       人間は、なぜ(懐疑)悟ることが、できないのか「心の真理」に無知
Man is ignorant in "the truth of the heart" in the ability to realize [ why (incredulity) ].

6、       人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「哲学熟語」(感性知識)を誤解釈するのか「未経験・無知・無理解・誤解釈」
Man incorrect-interprets a "philosophy idiom" (sensitivity knowledge) why (incredulity) -- "inexperience, ignorance, inappreciative, and an incorrect interpretation" 

7、       日本は、なぜ(懐疑)無知・無理解・誤解釈の「哲学熟語羅列論文」をJSTに登録するのか
Japan registers the "philosophy idiom enumeration paper" of ignorance, inappreciative, and an incorrect interpretation into JST why (incredulity)   

8、       人間は、何故(懐疑)心の「自我」と「利己主義」が、強いのか
Why (incredulity) are man's "self" and "egoism" of the heart strong?

9、       人間は、何故(懐疑)自分の「利己主義」な「捏造哲学研究」に無知か
Man -- why (incredulity) -- one's "egoism" -- "fabrication philosophy research" -- ignorance 

10、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「心」の「自我」と「欲望」が強いのか
Why (incredulity) are man's "self" and a "desire" of the "heart" strong? 

11、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「捏造哲学」を「詐欺教育」するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan do the "fraud education" of the "fabrication philosophy"?   

12、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「哲学の語源」が、理解・解釈できないのか「哲学の語源」
Man is "the philosophical origin of a word" about the ability of "the philosophical origin of a word" not to understand and interpret [ why (incredulity) ]. 

13、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「哲学熟語」が、理解・解釈できないのか「感性知識」
Man is "sensitivity knowledge" about the ability of a "philosophy idiom" not to understand and interpret [ why (incredulity) ]. 

14、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「ソクラテスの言葉」が、理解・解釈できないのか
"Socrates's words" cannot understand and interpret man why (incredulity) 

15、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「ソクラテスの言葉」を、誤解釈するのか
Why (incredulity) does man incorrect-interpret "Socrates's words"?

16、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)ソクラテスの「問答法」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Socrates's "method of arguing" cannot understand and interpret man why (incredulity)

17、  日本は、何故(懐疑)ソクラテスの「問答法」を、誤解釈するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan incorrect-interpret Socrates's "method of arguing"? 

18、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)ソクラテスの「哲学」を頭で論じるのか
Man discusses Socrates's "philosophy" with the head why (incredulity)

19、  人間は、何故(懐疑)ソクラテスが、遭遇経験をした「魂の存在」に無知か
Why (incredulity) is man ignorance at "an existence of a soul" in which Socrates had an encounter experience?  

20、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)ソクラテスの「哲学」を誤解釈するのか
Why (incredulity) does man incorrect-interpret Socrates's "philosophy"? 

21、  人間は、何故(懐疑)ソクラテスの「哲学」に「無知」なのか
Why (incredulity) is man "ignorance" at Socrates's "philosophy"? 

22、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)ソクラテスの「哲学」を批判するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan criticize Socrates's "philosophy"? 

23、  人間は、何故(懐疑)ソクラテスの「問答法」を、頭で論じるのか
Why (incredulity) does man incorrect-interpret Socrates's "method of arguing"?

24、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)ヘーゲルの「弁証法」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Hegel's "dialectic" cannot understand and interpret man why (incredulity)    

25、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「デカルトの言葉」が、理解・解釈できないのか
"Descartes's words" cannot understand and interpret man why (incredulity)

26、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「我思う、ゆえに、我在り」の言葉が、理解・解釈できないか
Man -- why (incredulity) -- "-- my -- I consider -- therefore -- my -- I am -- " -- can't language understand and interpret?

27、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「我思う、ゆえに、我在り」の言葉を、誤解釈するのか
Japan -- why (incredulity) -- "-- my -- I consider -- therefore -- my -- I am -- " -- incorrect-interpreting language    

28、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「デカルトの言葉」を、誤解釈するのか
Why (incredulity) does man incorrect-interpret "Descartes's words"? 

29、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「スウェーデンボリの言葉」が、理解・解釈できないのか
"Sweden Voli's words" cannot understand and interpret man why (incredulity)

30、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「愛と神の知恵」の言葉が、理解・解釈できないか
Why (incredulity) can't the words of "the wisdom of love and God" understand and interpret man?   

31、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「カントの言葉」が、理解・解釈できないのか
"Kant's words" cannot understand and interpret man why (incredulity)

32、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「二律背反」の言葉が、理解・解釈できないか
Why (incredulity) can't "antimonial" words understand and interpret man?

33、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「二律背反」の言葉の意味を、誤解釈するのか
Japan incorrect-interprets the meaning of "antimonial" words why (incredulity)   

34、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「カントの言葉」を誤解釈するのか
Man incorrect-interprets "Kant's words" why (incredulity) 

35、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「西田幾多郎の言葉」が、理解・解釈できないのか
"Language of the Kitarou Nishida " cannot understand and interpret Japan why (incredulity) 

36、  日本は、何故(懐疑)「絶対矛盾自己同一」が、理解・解釈できないのか
"I am the same in inconsistency self absolutely" cannot understand and interpret Japan why (incredulity)

37、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「絶対矛盾自己同一」の言葉の意味を、誤解釈するのか
Japan incorrect-interprets the meaning of the words "absolutely same in inconsistency self" why (incredulity) 

38、  人間は、何故(懐疑)プラトンの「対話編」の奥深い意味が、理解・解釈できないか
Why (incredulity) can't the deep meaning of "dialog editing" of Plato understand and interpret man? 

39、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)プラトンの「肉体は心の牢獄」の言葉が、理解・解釈できないか
Why (incredulity) can't Plato's words of "flesh is a prison of the heart" understand and interpret man? 

40、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)アリストテレスの「原因と結果」が、理解・解釈できないか
Why (incredulity) can't Aristotle's "cause and effect" understand and interpret man?

41、  日本は、何故(懐疑)アリストテレスの「原因と結果の迷宮」 などと、言葉の意味を、誤解釈するのか
Japan incorrect-interprets Aristotle's "labyrinth of a cause and an effect", etc., and the meaning of language why (incredulity)  

42、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)アリストテレスの「哲学第一原理」が、理解・解釈できないか
Why (incredulity) can't Aristotle's "philosophy ultimate cause" understand and interpret man? 

43、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)アリストテレスの「形而上学」が、理解・解釈できないか
Why (incredulity) can't Aristotle's "metaphysics" understand and interpret man?   

44、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「哲学熟語」(感性知識)が、理解・解釈できないのか
 "Philosophy idiom" (sensitivity knowledge) cannot understand and interpret man why (incredulity)

45、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「観念論」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't "idealism" understand and interpret man? 

46、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「存在論」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't "ontology" understand and interpret man? 

47、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「実在論」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't "realism" understand and interpret man? 

48、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「現象学」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't "phenomenology" understand and interpret man? 

49、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「精神現象学」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't "phenomenology" understand and interpret man? 

50、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「超感覚的知覚」現象が、理解・解釈できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't "extrasensory perception" phenomenon understand and interpret man? 

51、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「解釈学」が、理解・解釈できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't "hermeneutik" understand and interpret man?  

52、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)哲学の起源「魂」の存在に無知なのか
Why (incredulity) is man ignorant in existence of the philosophical origin "soul"? 

53、  人間は、何故(懐疑)姿・形の無い「魂の存在」に無知なのか
Why (incredulity) is man ignorant in "existence of a soul" without a figure and a form? 

54、  日本の哲学者は、なぜ(懐疑)生命の起源「魂の存在」を否定するのか
 Japanese philosopher denies the origin "existence of a soul" of life why (incredulity) 

55、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「生命の起源」に「無知」で「哲学」を、捏造研究するのか
Man does fabrication research of the "philosophy" by "ignorance" why (incredulity) at "the beginning of life" 

56、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「生命機能の真理」に無知なのか「生命機能に無知で理解不可能哲学熟語」
Man -- one ignorant [ why / (incredulity) ] in "the truth of a life function" -- "-- ignorant to a life function -- the understanding impossible philosophy idiom " 

57、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)生命の起源・天地創造の「神の存在」に「無知」か
Man -- why (incredulity) -- "existence of God" of the origin and the Creation of a life -- "ignorance" 

58、  日本は、何故(懐疑)「神の存在」を否定して「捏造哲学」を研究するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan deny "existence of God" and study "fabrication philosophy"? 

59、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「神の存在」を否定して「哲学」を歪めるのか
Why (incredulity) does man deny "existence of God" and distort "philosophy"? 

60、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「神の子の原理」に「無知」か
Why (incredulity) is man "ignorance" at "the principle of the child of God"? 

61、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「迂回転生」の原理に「無知」か
Why (incredulity) is man "ignorance" at the principle of "detour transmigration"? 

62、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「真理」と「捏造」の判断が、できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't man do judgment of the "truth" and "fabrication"? 

63、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「心」に「無知」なのか
Why (incredulity) is man "ignorance" at the "heart"? 

64、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「心」の「言葉の理解方法」に「無知」 なのか
Man is "ignorance" why (incredulity) at the "understanding method of language" of the "heart" 

65、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「心」に起こった「心霊上の事実」を研究しないのか
Man does not study "the fact on the spirit" which happened to the "heart" why (incredulity) 

66、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)「心」に起こった「超感覚的知覚現象」ESPPを研究しないのか
Man does not study the "extrasensory perception phenomenon" ESPP which happened to the "heart" why (incredulity) 

67、  人間は、何故(懐疑)「哲学」の「派閥」を作るのか
Why (incredulity) does man make "philosophical" a "faction"? 

68、  人間は、なぜ(懐疑)仏教の「派閥」を作るのか
Why (incredulity) does man make Buddhistic "faction"? 

69、  人間は、何故(懐疑)宗教の「派閥」を作るのか
Why (incredulity) does man make religious "faction"? 

70、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)政治家が「派閥」を作るのか
Why (incredulity) does a politician make a "faction" in Japan?

71、  日本の政治家は、何故(懐疑)国民との「約束」を守らないのか
Why (incredulity) doesn't a Japanese politician keep a "promise" with people? 

72、  日本の政治家は、何故(懐疑)公約「マニフェスト」を実行できないのか
Why (incredulity) can't the Japanese politician fulfill a campaign pledge "manifesto"?   

73、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「哲学」を「捏造研究」するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan do "fabrication research" of the "philosophy"? 

74、  日本は、何故(懐疑)「捏造哲学」を大学で「詐欺教育」するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan do the "fraud education" of the "fabrication philosophy" at a university? 

75、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「捏造哲学研究」を続けるのか「エゴと既得権」
Japan continues "fabrication philosophy research" why (incredulity) -- "ego and vested rights" 

76、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「神の創造哲学」を妨害するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan block "the creation philosophy of God"? 

77、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)「神の創造」「世界標準哲学研究」を・妨害するのか
Japan -- why (incredulity) -- "creation of God", and "global standard philosophy research" - blocking 

78、  日本は、何故(懐疑)「捏造哲学研究」を隠蔽し続けるのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan continue concealing "fabrication philosophy research"? 

79、  日本は、何故(懐疑)「神に反逆」して「捏造哲学研究」を強行するのか
Why (incredulity) does Japan do "it is treason to God", and force "fabrication philosophy research"? 

80、  日本に、なぜ(懐疑)天命「哲学研究権利剥奪」が下ったのか
The Providence "philosophy research right deprivation" went down to Japan why (incredulity). 

81、  日本に、なぜ(懐疑)一網打尽の「天罰」が下ったのか
"Heaven's Vengeance" of catching the whole herd with one throw went down to Japan why (incredulity). 

82、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)今!日本に起こっている「哲学捏造研究事件」に「無知」か
Why (incredulity) is Japan "ignorance" at the "philosophy fabrication research incident" which has arisen in ! Japan now? 

83、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)今! 日本で行われている「捏造哲学詐欺教育事件」に「無知」か
Japan is now why (incredulity)!  the "fabrication philosophy fraud educational incident" currently performed in Japan -- "ignorance" 

84、  日本は、何故(懐疑)人間が、有限の頭で、永遠に「哲学」を、解明不可能な現実に「無知」なのか
Japan is the head in which man is [ why / (incredulity) ] limited -- eternal -- it is [ in which "philosophy" elucidation is impossible ] "ignorance" actually 

85、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)無限の「心の真理」に無知で、人間が永遠に解明不可能な「哲学」の現実に「無知」か
Japan is ignorant in "the truth of the heart" infinite [ why / (incredulity) ] -- man -- eternal -- the reality of the "philosophy" which cannot be solved -- "ignorance" 

86、  日本は、なぜ(懐疑)人間が、有限の頭と「無限の心の世界」に「無知」な「判断」ができないのか
The head and "the world of the infinite heart" where Japan's man is [ why / (incredulity) ] limited -- "ignorance" -- "judgment" is impossible

87、  ギリシャは、何故(懐疑)経済破綻したのか、その原因を、奥深く研究改革しなければ、経済再生不可能である(日本の明日は我が身)
If Greece does not do research reform of the cause for why (incredulity) I carried out financial crisis deep, economic revitalization is impossible for it (what chances to one man may happen to all of Japan).

88、  世界の「哲学開祖」、ソクラテスの哲学、発祥の地、ギリシャが、なぜ「方法懐疑」経済破綻をしたか「人間のエゴ」から、分析・解明
The "philosophy founder" in the world, Socrates's philosophy, the birthplace, and Greece did "method incredulity" financial crisis why, or analyze and solve from "man's ego."  

89、  ローマ帝国は、なぜ(懐疑)崩壊したか、文明国家・ローマ帝国が、何故(懐疑)崩壊したか、その原因を究明こそローマ帝国の二の舞を防ぐ方法
The Roman Empire is the way collapsed why (incredulity), a civilized country house and the Roman Empire collapsed why (incredulity), or just investigation prevents the same errors of the Roman Empire for the cause. 


世界標準哲学研究センター TOP
Global standard philosophy research center   TOP 

壮大・無限・心の世界・研究 TOP
The world and research of grand, infinity, and the heart   TOP