出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE 


"Wisdom of God" of the (philosophical origin) Creation which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery (human beings are ignorant) of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

"Language of God" (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation 

Fusion "unparalleled" and "infinite truth philosophy" of God and a computer, "eternal truth" research 


ソクラテスの言葉解読GPR 世界標準哲学研究
Language decipherment of Socrates GPR Global standard philosophy research 

"With man's death, it is movement of the soul". [ "with philosophy, it is practice of death", ] 


Sat. February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard philosophy research" start 

"with philosophy, it is practice of death" [ on Mon., December 10 "the wisdom of the language from God", 2012 ] Decode. 

Sun. June 1, 2014 "discernment of God" "creation of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research, and updating 


Human beings will study Socrates's philosophy 2500 years, and Socrates's words cannot understand and interpret why (method incredulity) 

"Foolish" the "fabrication philosopher" who does "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" of Socrates's words, and criticizes that Socrates's philosophy is
破邪 midwife philosophy 

It is the "eternal truth" to which "indication" and "criticism" carry out "infinite truth philosophy", "global standard philosophy research", and "it being proof about existence of God" of the human beings' "ignorance." 

Socrates's words which man cannot understand and interpret "I am "absolute" and eternal" by the "soul", a "encounter", and the "inexperience" which are philosophical "origin" 

Impossible [ "elucidation ]" philosophy however a "soul" may discuss philosophy with the head by "ignorance" to the "understanding method of language" of the "heart" "to revitalize" 

"Philosophy which cannot be solved "for me to be eternal" if "it denies" by "ignorance" in "existence" of a "soul" without a figure and a form and the "soul" which cannot be measured by science" 

The "wisdom" of the "language" by means of which philosophy is sent to the "heart" from a "soul" is "foundations" (philosophy definition) -- "spiritual" "research" -- "important" 

The "language" which a "soul" sends to the "heart" without a form is "impossible [ measurement ]" absolutely by science -- science -- a philosophy elucidation "impossible" (scientific philosophy of Japan) 

"investigation" of the "cause" in which "the language of God" sent to the "heart" is "foundations", and philosophy carries out "revival" of "God" from "God" -- "important" 

philosophical "origin of a word" -- "-- self-effacement -- the philosophy which is a compound word of the "wisdom" of the "language" from the love " and "God", and cannot be dispelled by "God", a "encounter", and "inexperience" 

Socrates's "method of arguing" is the "reality" which taught "infinite truth philosophy" only to those "affirm" "existence" of "God" and "accept." 

The death of philosophy of practice, "non-[ spiritual ] death", and the human being of death is movement of the soul. Only a "soul", a "encounter", and an "experienced person" can understand this language. 

Socrates's words what kind of thing is the "soul" of the soul, and human beings "cannot understand" how I send language to the "heart" of "infinity" by a "encounter" and "inexperience" 

decoding Socrates's words with the "wisdom" of the "language" by means of which "God" sends to the "heart" why (method incredulity) a "soul" is "God" -- analysis, an elucidation, and record 

A language decipherment of Socrates 

1、          哲学とは死の練習
Philosophy is practice of death.

"Spiritual" research which philosophical research is man's death, "revives" to the "heart" of "infinity" after flesh's disappearing, and sends "language" 

The "wisdom" of the "language" sent to the "heart" which is the world of "infinity" from a "soul" -- death -- future generations -- it is a boundary -- death -- future generations -- a boundary is practice of death 

2、          魂の不死
Spiritual non-death

The "soul" which sends "the wisdom of language" to the "heart" of "man" with a "soul" even if flesh disappears after man's death -- "non-death" 

"Record" of "the wisdom of language" from a "soul" in which Socrates had the "encounter" and a "experience" over about 11 years -- the proof of "spiritual non-death"   

3、          人間の死とは、霊魂の移動である
Man's death is movement of the soul.

The "soul" moves the "psychic phenomenon" which "revives" to the "heart" of "infinity" and sends "the wisdom of language" after flesh's disappearing by man's death. 

Man's death -- from flesh -- "-- I break away " carry out and the "soul" which sends "dwelling" and "the wisdom of language" "moves" to the "heart" of living "human being" 

A "soul" is the "heart" of "infinity" -- a lifetime -- "-- self-effacement -- the death of the love " (one in body and mind) to a "human being" -- from "flesh" -- "-- "I moving" [ break away, " carry out and ]   


Wisdom (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, record, and data of the language from God 

1、          ソクラテスの言葉解読(Plala回線)
A language decipherment of Socrates (Plala circuit) 

2、          ソクラテスの言葉読解(Plala回線)
Language reading comprehension of Socrates (Plala circuit) 


2700 years and human beings -- "inexperience", "ignorance", "inconsistency", "inappreciative", "incorrect interpretation", "philosopher affectation", and "fabrication research" data 

1、          矛盾哲学Wikipediaと捏造研究J-STAGEと「真理」を「比較」
The inconsistency philosophy Wikipedia, fabrication research J-STAGE, and the "truth" -- "comparison" 

2、          Wikipediaの無知で抽象的概念のソクラテス
I am Socrates of an abstract concept at the ignorance of Wikipedia. 

3、          失墜Wikipediaの哲学
Philosophy of Loss Wikipedia 

4、          詐欺wikipediaのソクラテス
Socrates of Fraud wikipedia 

5、          Wikipediaの不祥事事件
The inauspicious everything affair of Wikipedia 


Research World of Heart Super Infinity Overly Grand.

Global standard Philosophy Research Center.