出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE 「リンク集」
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE "Collection of links" 


Most important "proposition" for "the purpose of studying philosophical" is "proving" a "soul", a "encounter", and "experience." 

"Wisdom of God" of the Creation (philosophical origin) which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" (human beings are ignorant) 

"Language of God" (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation 


魂こそ哲学起源 世界標準哲学研究 SJPOGPR
 Soul is Just the Philosophy Origin.   Global standard Philosophy Research 

魂こそ哲学起源 哲学世界標準百科事典SJPOPGE
 Soul is Just the Philosophy Origin.   Philosophy Global standard Encyclopedia 


Sat. February 9 "a soul and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard philosophy research" start 

"Being [ a soul / just the philosophy origin ]" research - [ Fri. January 25 "the wisdom of the language from God", 2013, and ] Start. 

Tue. June 3 "discernment of God", 2014, "creation of God", "Heaven's Vengeance of God", "atonement of God" 


It is the only method "proof" "solves" "philosophical" the "origin" for "existence" of a "soul." 

The "soul" and the human being without a "encounter" and "experience" who are (the philosophical origin) -- "eternal" -- the philosophy which cannot be dispelled by any means 

If a philosopher "denies" "existence" of "God", it is "impossible [ an elucidation ]" "I am eternal" -- "philosophy" (philosophy definition) 

"The wisdom of the language from a soul" "revitalized" philosophy to Socrates's "heart" according to the friend's death is foundations. 

The "fabrication philosophy" research "retorted that "existence" was "ignorance"" for the "soul" and which was discussed with the head is an "it is treason to God" act. 

A "soul" without the figure and the form where "reviving" to the "heart" and I send "the wisdom of language" after flesh's disappearing according to man's death 

The "soul" which "revived" to the "heart" of "Socrates" and has sent "the wisdom of language" according to Socrates's friend's death 

 What excels Yoshitomo even if compared with what kind of treasure is whether to have dropped off (Socrates's dialog editing and Plato). 

I analyze, solve and record why (method incredulity) a "soul" is philosophical "origin" by "the wisdom of the language from God." 


"Wisdom of language from God" (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, record, and data 


2700 years and human beings -- "inexperience", "ignorance", "inconsistency", "inappreciative", "incorrect interpretation", and "fabrication research" data 


