出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE 「リンク集」「GPP挨拶」
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE A "collection of links", "GPP greeting" 

"Duty" for Socrates "to have discovered" the most important "proposition" for "the purpose of studying philosophical" and "proving to be a "soul"" "encounter experience" 

"Wisdom of God" important, data, and record which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom and which created heavens (philosophical origin) and the ground 

"Creation of God", "the counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance" of a philosopher and Socrates "were born" to Japan exceeding "space-time" of the history for 2500 years 

"It is discovery about God". [ large discovery "world important cultural heritage" (human beings are ignorant) of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle, "the philosophy of God", ] 

"Language of God" (infinite life) discovery, analysis, and a decipherment -- the - elucidation / research "12th year" discernment, a forecast, prediction, power "atonement of God", and record 

Record on the "fusion of God and computer" "unparalleled" "infinite truth philosophy" Internet "world monopoly copyright" 

Human beings solve "the philosophy which cannot be solved" with "the wisdom of God" by double "ignorance" of a "soul" and the "heart" for 2700 years. [ "philosophy" ] 

Human beings -- "inexperience", "ignorance", "inconsistency", [ "inappreciative" ], "an incorrect interpretation", and "fabrication philosophy" -- an elucidation and comparison -- the proof of the "truth" 

哲学を解明不可能300大無知 世界標準哲学研究
They are the major elucidation impossible 300 ignorance about philosophy.   Global standard philosophy research 

哲学を解けない300大無知 哲学世界標準研究百科事典
The 300 major ignorance which cannot dispel philosophy   Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia 


Sat. February 9 "revival", 2002, "a soul and encounter experience", a "global standard philosophy research" start 

The Sun. March 10, 2013 "wisdom of language from God" "200 philosophy elucidation impossible ignorance [ major ]" elucidation, and a start 

Sat. May 31, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "elucidation of God" "creation of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" research, and updating 


[ "Too ignorant" ] It is "proof" of the "truth" just "to just solve" (exposure) man's foolish "ignorance." 

"Wholly bad, "ignorance" "fabrication fraud philosophy" research over which I pass [ which man discussed with the head for 2700 years ] 

I say, tell and explain, and the human being who does not understand analyzes, solves and records forever ""philosophical"" the "ignorance" which cannot be solved.

Wisdom "fabrication philosophy research full of inconsistencies" of the language from God, "fabrication philosophy research full of ignorance" 



I analyze, solve and record the philosophy which cannot dispel philosophy or cannot be dispelled by "inexperience" 2700 years on man why (method introduction). 

Why (method incredulity), man cannot carry out "understanding" - a "interpretation" of Socrates's words (dialog section), or analyzes, solves and records the "ignorance." 

Why (philosophy principle) can't man carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of Socrates's words which Socrates's pupil "Plato" forgot to write faithfully (dialog section)? 

Man analyzes, solves and records the learning of "spiritual enlightenment" of the ""heart"" which cannot be solved, and "infinity eternal truth philosophy" on "I am eternal" with "the wisdom of God" by "ignorance." 

The "existence" of the "soul" big "cause" is man's death, and "me revitalize" to the "heart" as which man cannot solve philosophy "for me to be eternal" -- "ignorance" [ big ] [ "cause" ] 

"Important worth" of [ "global standard philosophy research" and "infinity eternal truth philosophy" research ] which increase light rapidly by historical progress, and "proof" of the "truth" 

"Proof", a "philosophy global standard research encyclopedia" of "fabrication philosophy" research "elucidation" (exposure) and the "truth" that the contents are substantial increasingly and go by progress of years 

On analysis, an elucidation, and the Internet, just the record of "infinite truth philosophy" increases light and continuation goes every day, as long as I am [ power ] alive in "global standard philosophy research" (wisdom of the language from God). 


Man proves the "impossible [ an elucidation ]" 200 major ignorance for philosophy "for me to be eternal." 

1、       ソクラテスが「遭遇経験」をした、姿・形の無い「魂」・科学で測定不可能な「魂」の「存在」に「無知」で「否定」して「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which Socrates "denies" by "ignorance" in "existence" of the "soul" which cannot be measured by the "soul" and science without a figure and a form which had "an encounter experience", and cannot dispel "for me to be eternal"

比較真理 http://1st.geocities.jp/smdwt181/gprs.html

2、       ソクラテス(Wikipedia)の生い立ち、生涯を、頭で知って、なぜ(方法序説)ソクラテスが、哲学の祖と成ったのか、人間が「無知」だらけの「捏造哲学」
"Fabrication philosophy" that what got to know Socrates's (Wikipedia) personal history and the whole life with the head, and Socrates consisted of with philosophical
why (method introduction) and a human being is full of "ignorance"



3、       ソクラテスの弁明(Wikipedia)を、プラトンの対話編から紹介しているが、ソクラテスが哲学の「起源」「魂」と「遭遇経験」をしている現実に「無知」で言葉が理解できない人間
The human being to whom Socrates has had "an encounter experience" with philosophical "origin" and a "soul" although Socrates's explanation (Wikipedia) is introduced from Plato's dialog editing and who cannot understand language by "ignorance" actually


4、       哲学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「心」に起こった「心霊現象」「心霊上の事実」「神からの言葉の知恵」に「無知」で「永遠」に解けない「哲学」
"Philosophy" which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" "I am eternal" from God to the "psychic phenomenon" and "the fact on the spirit" which discussed philosophy (Wikipedia) with the head and happened to the "heart", and

5、       http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%93%B2%E5%AD%A6

     比較真理 http://1st.geocities.jp/smdwt181/


6、       歴史哲学(Wikipedia)を、2700年間、頭で考察して、ソクラテスのように、哲学の「起源」である、姿・形の無い「魂」と「遭遇経験」の無い人間に「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot dispel the philosophy of history (Wikipedia) "I am eternal" to the "soul" which does not have like Socrates the figure and form which is philosophical "origin" by the head considering for 2700 years, and the human being "is" inexperienced in an encounter 

7、       哲学史(Wikipedia)を、ヨーロッパ哲学史と、中国思想を、頭で論じて、2700年間もの、古い歴史に、ギリシャで、誕生した、哲学の「起源」である、「神からの言葉の知恵」が「理解」「解釈」できない「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" who is philosophical "origin" which argued with the head that the China thought was the Europe history of philosophy, and was born in a thing and old history for 2700 years in the history of philosophy (Wikipedia) in Greece and who cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of "the wisdom of the language from God"

8、       復活(Wikipedia)を、キリスト教・歴史の音楽・映画・小説を、頭で知って、「哲学の起源」である、人間の死で、肉体が消滅後、「心」に「復活」する「魂」に「無知」で、「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot solve revival (Wikipedia) by "ignorance" "I am eternal" for the "soul" "I revitalize" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing by man's death which is "the philosophical origin" by getting to know the music, movie, and novel of Christianity and history with the head 

9、       ソクラテスの問答法(Wikipedia)を、反対の立場にある、個人間の質問と討論の形式と、頭で論じて、ソクラテスの言葉を「未経験」で「無理解」な「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" "inappreciative" in Socrates's words at "inexperience" who argues with the head that Socrates's methods (Wikipedia) of arguing are a question between individuals in an opposite position, and the form of discussion 

10、   対話編(Wikipedia) プラトンの対話編を、頭で論じて、ソクラテス「哲学」の言葉の奥深い意味を、見事に、忠実(赤裸々)に、再現した、重要な資料を理解できない人間
Dialog section (Wikipedia) Human being who discussed Plato's dialog editing with the head and reproduced the deep meaning of Socrates's "philosophy" words faithfully (naked) splendidly and who cannot understand important data 

11、   弁証法(Wikipedia)を、ヘーゲルの弁証法であると、頭で知って、「哲学の起源」である「魂」の「存在」を「肯定」しないで「否定」「無視」して、「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which gets to know that it is Hegel's dialectic about dialectic (Wikipedia) with the head, carries out "denial" and "disregard" without "affirming" "existence" of the "soul" which is "the philosophical origin", and cannot be dispelled "for me to be eternal" 

12、   語源(Wikipedia)が、ソクラテスによって「確立」された事は解っても、「語源」の「無我愛」と「神の知恵」の奥深い意味が「理解」できない「捏造哲学」
Even if it turns out the origin of a word (Wikipedia) "was established" by Socrates -- the "origin of a word" -- "-- self-effacement -- the "fabrication philosophy" the deep meaning of the love " and "the wisdom of God" "cannot understand"

13、   (Wikipedia)http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%84%9B無知だらけの愛(この記事には複数の問題があります・信頼性について検証が求められています2009年10月・2005年2月・2011年12月)
Love full of ignorance (there are two or more problems in this report verification is called for about - reliability October, 2009, February, 2005, and December, 2011) 


15、   命題(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、哲学研究の重要問題である「研究目的の命題」「魂」と「遭遇経験」による、「証明」が、まったくできない「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" by "the proposition for the purpose of research", the "soul", and "encounter experience" which I discuss a proposition (Wikipedia) with the head and are the important questions of philosophy research who cannot do "proof" at all 

16、   (Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、人間が「経験」で、「心」に感じ取る「無我愛」(感性知識)に「無知」で、「永遠」に「無理解」な「哲学の語源」「愛」
I discuss love (Wikipedia) with the head and man takes it in to the "heart" by "experience" -- "-- self-effacement -- "the philosophical origin of a word" "inappreciative" to "I am eternal" on love " (sensitivity knowledge) at "ignorance", and "love" 

17、   言語哲学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「心」が「経験」によって、「言葉」を「感じ」て「理解」する「言葉の理解方法」に「無知」で「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" "I am eternal" to the "understanding method of language" that discuss linguistic philosophy (Wikipedia) with the head and the "heart" carries out "touch"
a "understanding" of the "language" by "experience" 

18、   哲学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じた,日本の捏造哲学研究(J-STAGE)「神に反逆」して、愚かな「無知」の「自我」と「利己主義」を続ける愚かな「捏造哲学者」
Foolish "fabrication philosopher" who does Japan's fabrication philosophy research (J-STAGE) "it is treason to God" of the philosophy (Wikipedia) discussed with the head, and continues "self" and "egoism" of foolish "ignorance" 

19、   人間の死によって、肉体が消滅後、「心」に「復活」する「魂」、その「心の真理」に「無知」で、脳科学では「永遠」に解けない「無限真理哲学」
The "soul" "I revitalize" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing according to man's death, the "infinite truth philosophy" which cannot be dispelled at brain science by "ignorance" in the "truth of the heart" "I am eternal" 

20、   脳科学(Wikipedia)を、脳と心を結び付ける捏造疑似科学を、頭で論じて、科学で測定不可能な「心の真理」に「無知」で「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which discusses with the head the fabrication false science which connects the heart for brain science (Wikipedia) to a brain, and cannot dispel it by "ignorance" "I am eternal" in "the truth of the heart" which cannot be measured by science 

21、   哲学とは、「復活」した「魂」から「心」に送られて来る「言葉の知恵」が基本であり、「魂」の「存在」を「否定」して、「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy to which I am foundations, and "the wisdom of language" in which philosophy is sent to the "heart" from "revived" a "soul" "denies", and cannot dispel "existence" of a "soul" "for me to be eternal" 

22、   問答法(Wikipedia) を、真理探究の対話法と、頭で知って、人間が「神」の「存在」を「否定」しては、絶対「永遠」に、「神の知恵」を「解明」不可能
The arguing method (Wikipedia) "if it gets to know with the head and man "retorts that "" of "God" is a method of having a dialog for truth research" -- absolutely -- I am eternal" -- "the wisdom of God" -- a "elucidation" -- impossible 

23、   弁証法(Wikipedia)が、真理探究方法(否定・肯定・無視)と頭で解って、「神」の「存在」を、「否定」し「無視」しては、人間に、「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot be dispelled to man "I am eternal" if it understands with the truth research method (denial, affirmation, and disregard) and the head, and dialectic (Wikipedia) "denies" and "disregard" Recognizes "existence" of "God" 

24、   ソクラテスの哲学を、2500年間も、頭で論じて、「人は魂について何を知っているのか・魂の不死」の言葉を「理解」「解釈」できない「捏造哲学者」
It is the "fabrication philosopher" who will discuss Socrates's philosophy with the head 2500 years, and cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of the words of "people are the non-death of - soul about what I know about the soul." 

25、   霊魂(Wikipedia)とは、死後も存続可能と、頭で解っても、ソクラテスのように、「神」と「遭遇」「経験」の無い、人間には、「永遠」に理解出来ない「魂」
The "soul" which does not have "God", a "encounter", and "experience" like Socrates even if after death understands that continuation is possible with the head with the soul (Wikipedia) and which man cannot understand "I am eternal" 

26、   プラトン(Wikipedia)の思想は、西洋哲学の主要な源流である。と頭で知っていても、なぜ(方法序説)プラトンが「対話編」の「哲学解明原理」に「無知」
Plato's (Wikipedia) thought is the main origins of European philosophy. 

27、   アリストテレス(Wikipedia)が、西洋最大の哲学者である現実を知っても、なぜ(方法序説)アリストテレスが「形而上学」を、説いたか「無知」
or [ that Aristotle explained "metaphysics" why (method introduction) even if Aristotle (Wikipedia) got to know the reality which is the greatest philosopher in the West ] -- "ignorance" 

28、   形而上学(Wikipedia)を、感覚ないし、経験を超え出た世界と頭で知って、人間の死後「心」に起こった「超感覚的知覚」現象に「無知」で解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" in "extrasensory perception" phenomenon which got to know metaphysics (Wikipedia) with feeling, or the world and the head which exceeded experience and came out, and happened after man's death "heart" 

29、   実証主義Wikipedia)を、経験的事実に基ずいて理論や、仮説・命題を検証し、超越的存在を否定して、「魂」と「遭遇経験」の無い「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" who verifies
基ずいて theory, and a hypothesis and a proposition for Positivism Wikipedia to empirical fact, denies transcendental existence, and does not have a "soul" and "encounter experience" 

30、   因果性(Wikipedia)・アルストテレスの原因と結果を、頭で論じて、「哲学」という学問が誕生した「原因」(哲学の起源)「魂」の「存在」を「否定」する「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" "denies" "existence" of the "cause" (philosophical origin) by which discussed the cause and effect of causality (Wikipedia) and
アルストテレス with the head, and the learning "philosophy" was born, and a "soul" 

31、   (Wikipedia)を、神話や宗教の聖書・コーラン・仏教の経典の起源と定義して、「哲学の起源」「神の言葉で導く真理」哲学に「無知」な人間
Defining God (Wikipedia) as the origin of the Buddhist scripture of the Bible, the Koran, and the Buddhism of a myth or religion -- "the philosophical origin" and "truth which I draw in language of God" philosophy -- "ignorance" -- man 

32、   天地創造(Wikipedia)を、キリスト教の旧約聖書における世界の創造と、頭の知識で知って、21世紀・天地創造の神が、日本に起こす「神の創造」天命・天罰・「神の贖罪」に「無知」
"Creation of God" Providence, and Heaven's Vengeance - "atonement of God" which gets to know the Creation (Wikipedia) in creation in the world in the Old Testament of Christianity, and the knowledge of the head and from which God of the 21st century and the Creation starts it to Japan -- "ignorance" 

33、   神学(Wikipedia)を、信仰を前提とした宗教概念での論理的考察と、頭で論じて、哲学誕生の「起源」「魂」の「存在」を「否定」する人間に、「永遠」に解けない「神学」
"Theology" which argues with the head that theology (Wikipedia) is logical consideration with the religion concept on condition of faith, and cannot dispel "existence" of the "origin" of philosophy birth and a "soul" "I am eternal" to the human being "who denies" 

34、   宗教学(Wikipedia)を、経験科学の様々な手法を用いて宗教を研究すると、頭で知って、宗教・仏教が誕生した「起源」「魂」の「無知」で「否定」して、世界の宗教は解けない
If religion is studied using the various techniques of empirical science, I will get to know the religious studies Wikipedia with the head, and "I deny" by "ignorance" of the "origin" to which religion and Buddhism were born, and a "soul", and I cannot dispel the religion in the world. 

35、   仏教(Wikipedia)を、インドの釈迦を開祖として誕生した世界三大宗教の一つとして、頭で知って、釈迦が何故(方法序説)悟りを開いたか、「魂」に「無知」な人類
or it got to know Buddhism (Wikipedia) with the head as one of the world 3 major religion born considering Gautama Buddha of India as the founder and Gautama Buddha realized spiritual enlightenment why (method introduction) -- a "soul" -- "ignorance" -- human beings 

36、   仏教学(Wikipedia)を、近代仏教学と、仏教の「起源」である「魂」の「存在」に「無知」で「否定」して「永遠」に「解明不可能」な仏教学
"Buddhism which "cannot retort that Buddhism study Wikipedia is modern Buddhism study" by "ignorance" in "existence" of "soul" which is Buddhistic "origin", and cannot be solved "for me to be eternal"" study 

37、   キリスト教(Wikipedia)を、イエス・キリストを救い主として信じる宗教と、頭で知って、イエス・キリストが、なぜ(方法懐疑)聖書を造ったか「神」の「存在」に「無知」な人間」
Or it got to know Christianity (Wikipedia) with the religion which trusts Jesus Christ as a savior, and the head and Jesus Christ built the Bible why (method incredulity) -- "existence" of "God" -- "ignorance" -- the human being " 

38、   イスラム教(Wikipedia)を、唯一絶対の神を信じる宗教と、頭で知って、預言者ムハマドこそ、「神」と「遭遇経験」を現実に「経験」した人間である「真理」に「無知」な人間
The "truth" which is the human being got to know Islam (Wikipedia) with the religion which believes in absolute God uniquely, and the head, and "experienced" "encounter experience" actually with "God" just prophet Muhammad -- "ignorance" -- man 

39、   人間の死によって、肉体(頭)が消滅後、「心」に「復活」して、「言葉」を送って来る(12年目)「神」(魂)に「無知」で「永遠」に解けない哲学・世界三大宗教
Philosophy and the world 3 major religion which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" at "(the 12th year) God" (soul) which "revives" to the "heart" after flesh (head's) disappearing, and sends "language" according to man's death "for me to be eternal" 

40、   神の存在証明(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、ソクラテスが「遭遇経験」をした、「神」の「存在」を「否定」しては、人間に永遠に「解明不可能」なのが哲学
If the "existence" of "God" which discussed God's existence proof (Wikipedia) with the head and in which Socrates had "an encounter experience" "is denied" -- man -- eternal -- what cannot be solved -- philosophy 

41、   無限(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「神」が「復活」して「言葉の知恵」を送って来る、「無限の世界」である「心の世界」に「無知」で、「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" "I am eternal" in the "world of the heart" which is "the infinite world" where I discuss infinity (Wikipedia) with the head, and "God" "revives" and sends "the wisdom of language" 

42、   (Wikipedia)を、物事が存在しないと定義して、死後の世界・哲学の世界である、「無の世界」「心の真理」」に「無知」では、「永遠」に「解明不可能」哲学
-Less (Wikipedia) -- defining it as things not existing -- death -- future generations -- the "impossible [ in "ignorance" / "elucidation to "I am eternal" ] in world " and the "truth " of the heart" of nothing" philosophy which is the world of a boundary and philosophy 

43、   無知(Wikipedia)を、一般論で知識の無いことと、頭で論じて、「哲学の起源」である、姿・形の無い「魂」の「存在」を「無知」で「否定」して解けない哲学
"Existence" of the "soul" which does not have the figure and form which is "the philosophical origin" by discussing ignorance (Wikipedia) as there being no knowledge with generalizations with the head -- "ignorance" -- "-- the philosophy which cannot be denied, " carried out and dispelled

44、   知識(Wikipedia)を、頭で学んだ知識と仏教の知識であると、頭で知って、哲学の起源「神が言葉で導く」「感性知識」に「無理解」で解けない哲学 
Philosophy which gets to know that they are the knowledge studied with the head, and Buddhistic knowledge with the head, and cannot dispel knowledge (Wikipedia) by "I am inappreciative" in the philosophical origin "God leads by means of language" and "sensitivity knowledge"   

45、   無知の知(Wikipedia)を、ソクラテスが「知らないという事を知っている」と、頭で理解して、ソクラテスの言葉(対話編)が「理解」「解釈」できない「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" to whom Socrates understands intellectually ignorant
(Wikipedia) "knows not knowing", and I cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of Socrates's words (dialog section) 

46、   人間の「生命機能」の「真理」「心」と「頭の違い」(心身二元)に「無知」な「一元論者」「脳科学者」には、絶対に「理解」「解釈」できない哲学
Philosophy which cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" to a "monist" and a "brain scientist" "ignorant" to the "truth" of the "life function" of man, the "heart", and "a difference in the head" (mind and body duality) by any means 

47、   心身問題(Wikipedia)を、日本は、脳科学で研究しているが、なぜ(方法序説「魂」と「遭遇経験」哲学者が、「心身二元」と「霊―肉二元論」か「無知」
Although Japan is studying the mind-body problem (Wikipedia) by brain science -- why (a method -- an introduction -- "a soul" -- "-- an encounter -- experience -- " -- a philosopher -- "-- mind and body -- duality -- " -- "soul-meat dualism" and "ignorance") 

48、   二元論(Wikipedia)を、神学における二元論、心の哲学における二元論、科学哲学における二元論と、「心の真理」に「無知」と「魂」の「存在」に「無知」で「永遠」に解けない哲学
Dualism [ in / for dualism (Wikipedia) / theology ], the dualism in the philosophy of the heart, dualism in scientific philosophy, and philosophy that cannot be dispelled by "I am eternal" by "ignorance" in "existence" of "ignorance" and a "soul" at "the truth of the heart" 

49、   唯物論(Wikipedia)と脳科学(Wikipedia) ・一元論(Wikipedia)は、心身問題で、「心身二元」に相反する立場の研究であり、哲学が「永遠」絶対に「解明」不可能である。
Materialism (Wikipedia), and brain science (Wikipedia) and monism (Wikipedia) are mind-body problems -- "mind and body -- duality -- " -- it is research of an opposite position -- philosophy -- "eternal" -- absolute -- a "elucidation" -- I am impossible. 

50、   人間の死によって、肉体(頭)は、消滅している、現実に「無知」で、「心」に「復活」する「魂からの言葉の知恵」が基本の「無限永遠真理哲学」
"The wisdom of the language from a soul" is "ignorance" actually and "I revitalize" to the "heart" in which flesh (head) has disappeared according to man's death -- basic "infinity eternal truth philosophy" 

51、   哲学を思考(Wikipedia)すると、「頭で考え」・「心で思う」と、区別・「理解」ができない、愚かな「一元論者」には、「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which "it being an idea at the head" and foolish "monist" who cannot carry out distinction - a "understanding" saying "I consider by the heart" cannot dispel "I am eternal" if it thinks of [ philosophy ] (Wikipedia) 

52、   精神(Wikipedia)とは、「心」「意識」と、解っていても、「無限の心」「死後の世界」と繋がっている「心の真理」に「無知」では、絶対解けない哲学
even if it turns out to be soul (Wikipedia) with the "heart" and "consciousness" -- infinite "cardiac" "death -- future generations -- the philosophy which cannot be dispelled by any means in "ignorance" in "the truth of the heart" connected to the boundary " 

53、   脳科学(Wikipedia)は、脳と心を結び付けて議論(頭で論じて)、する疑似科学研究で、「生命機能」の「真理」に、「無知」で、「永遠」に解けない哲学
 Philosophy which I argue (discussing with the head), and the brain science (Wikipedia) cannot connect the heart to a brain, and cannot be dispelled [ I am the false scientific inquiry to carry out, is "ignorance" and ] in the "truth" of a "life function" "I am eternal" 

54、   疑似科学(Wikipedia)は、科学的方法で正しいと認められていない知見とあるが、実際には、科学的データーも、「根拠」も無い「捏造」科学哲学(Wikipedia)である
Although there is false science (Wikipedia) with the knowledge which is not accepted to be right by the scientific method, it is "fabrication" scientific philosophy (Wikipedia) without scientific data and a "basis" in fact. 

55、   起源(Wikipedia)生命の起源(Wikipedia)に「無知」と、哲学の起源・生命の起源に「無知」な、人間には、「永遠」に解けない「無限真理哲学」
the origin (Wikipedia) of an origin (Wikipedia) life -- the origin of "ignorance", and the philosophical origin and life -- "ignorance" -- the "infinite truth philosophy" which man cannot dispel "I am eternal" 

56、   永遠の哲学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、解けない「神からの言葉の知恵」によって、21世紀、見事に「解明」された「無限永遠真理哲学」の「証明」記録
"Proof" record of the "infinity eternal truth philosophy" discussed eternal philosophy (Wikipedia) with the head and "was solved" splendidly in the 21st century by "the wisdom of the language from God" which cannot be dispelled 

57、   「心」と「肉体の「対立軸」・「心」の「感覚知覚機能」の「存在」に「無知」では、「感覚」「知覚」「知識」が「主体」の哲学は「永遠」に解けない
In "ignorance", "feeling", "consciousness", and "knowledge" cannot dispel the philosophy of a "subject" "I am eternal" in "existence" of the "feeling consciousness function" of "confrontation axis" - "heart". [ of the "heart" and "flesh ] 

58、   「心」が「経験」によって、「心」の感性」で「言葉」を「感じ取って」「理解」「解釈」する「感性知識」に「無知」な「一元論者」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot be dispelled to a "monist" with the "heart" "ignorant" in the "sensitivity knowledge" "interprets" "language" by "sensitivity of the heart "" by "experience" [ "understanding" and / "understanding" / and ] 

59、   心の哲学(Wikipedia)で、心身問題(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「心の真理」も「無限永遠真理哲学」に、「無知」だらけの「捏造哲学者」
By the philosophy (Wikipedia) of the heart, the head discusses a mind-body problem (Wikipedia) -- "the truth of the heart" -- a "fabrication philosopher" full of "ignorance" to "infinity eternal truth philosophy" 

60、   (Wikipedia)に「無知」で、頭より大切な「心」、頭に存在しない「心」、哲学の世界でもある、「無限の世界」でもある「心」に「無知」で「永遠」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" "I am eternal" to the "heart" which is also the world of the "heart" and philosophy which does not exist in the heart (Wikipedia) by "ignorance" at the "heart" more important than the head and the head, and which is also "the infinite world" 

61、   自我(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じ、人間が一番「心」から、取り除く事ができない「自分が一番大事な人間」「無我」が「理解」できない「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" "the human being with them" and the "self-effacement" which I cannot discuss with the head and man cannot remove from the "heart" most "cannot understand to be" self (Wikipedia) [ most important ] 

62、   無我(Wikipedia)に「無知」で、なぜ(方法序説)仏教では「座禅」による修業で「無我」に成るのか、哲学の「語源」の「無我愛」に「無知」な「捏造哲学者」
Growing into self-effacement MUGA (Wikipedia) by pursuit of knowledge by "meditation in Zen Buddhism" why (method introduction) by "ignorance" at Buddhism at "self-effacement" -- philosophical "origin of a word" -- "-- self-effacement -- the love MUGA LOVE " -- "ignorance" -- "a fabrication philosopher" 

63、   利己主義(Wikipedia)とは、自分の利益を重視すると、頭で知って、自分自身が「利己主義」な「捏造哲学研究」をしている現実に気がつかない「捏造哲学者」
Getting to know with the head with egoism (Wikipedia), if their profits are thought as important -- oneself -- "egoism" -- I am doing "fabrication philosophy research" -- I do not notice actually -- "a fabrication philosopher" 

64、   感性(Wikipedia)とは、人間の持つ知覚的な能力と、頭で知って、「心」が、「経験」で「言葉」を感じ取る、「感性知識」に「無知」で解けない哲学
Perceptual capability which man has with sensitivity (Wikipedia), and philosophy I get to know with the head and the "heart" takes in "language" by "experience" and which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" in "sensitivity knowledge" 

65、   感覚(Wikipedia)を、物理的エネルギーに応答し、脳内におけるシグナルを受容・解釈と、頭で理解して、心の「感覚知覚機能」の存在に無知なWikipedia
Wikipedia with the heart ignorant in existence of a "feeling consciousness function" which answers physical energy in feeling (Wikipedia), interprets [ acceptance and ] the signal within a brain, and understands it intellectually 

66、   知覚(Wikipedia)を、動物が外界からの刺激を感じ取ると頭で理解して、心が経験によって、言葉を感じ取る「感性知識」「(知覚知識)に無知なWikipedia
The "sensitivity knowledge" which understands consciousness (Wikipedia) intellectually that an animal takes in the stimulus from the external world and in which the heart takes in language by experience "ignorant (consciousness knowledge) Wikipedia 

67、   理性(Wikipedia)とは、本能的に備わる知的能力と、頭で知って、「心」が「我慢」できない「欲望」を、コントロールする「理性」に、「無知」な「捏造哲学」
The "reason" which controls the "desire" I get to know with the mental faculties equipped instinctively and the head, and the "heart" "cannot put up with" with reason (Wikipedia) -- "ignorance" -- "fabrication philosophy" 

68、   悟性(Wikipedia)とは、対象を理解する能力と、頭で知って、「心」が「神からの言葉の知恵」で「悟り」の「悟性の世界」に導く哲学に「無知な「捏造哲学者」
The capability to understand an object to be understanding (Wikipedia), and the philosophy which I get to know with the head and the "heart" leads to "the world of understanding" of "spiritual enlightenment" with "the wisdom of the language from God" -- "-- ignorant "fabrication philosopher" 

69、   知性・知能(Wikipedia)とは、脳科学で論理的に考えると知って、「心」が「神の知恵」に導かれて、「感性知識」を「理解」「解釈」する能力に無知
Intellect and intelligence (Wikipedia) are ignorant in the capability to know thinking logically by brain science, and for the "heart" to be led to "the wisdom of God", and "interpreting" "sensitivity knowledge". [ "understand" and ] 

70、   天性・コトバンクでは、天から授けられた性質と、頭でしって、人間が生まれた時に「心」に備わっている「欲望」・「物欲」「食欲」「性欲」に無知な「捏造哲学者」
A "fabrication philosopher" ignorant to the character given from heavens, "desire" - "worldly desires" with which the "heart" is equipped when man is born by the head as
and "appetite", and a "sexual desire" in nature and コトバンク 

71、   「心」に起こった「時評」出来事・「心」に起こった「心霊現象」の事実を「未経験」で、「無知」「無理解」「誤解釈」した「捏造哲学」研究の詐欺
Fraud of the "fabrication philosophy" research which carried out "ignorance", [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" of the fact of the "psychic phenomenon" which happened to "comments-on-current-events" occurrence - "heart" which happened to the "heart" by "inexperience" 

72、   「心」に起こった「超感覚的知覚」現象・ESPPに「無知」で「否定」する「一元論者」が、頭で論じた、「無知だらけ」の「捏造詐欺哲学」教育
""Fabrication fraud philosophy of ignorance
だらけ"" education which the "monist" "denies" by "ignorance" to "extrasensory perception" phenomenon and ESPP which happened to the "heart" discussed with the head 

73、   経験論(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、人間の総ての知識は、「経験」に由来すると知って、「魂」と「遭遇」「未経験」で「永遠」に解けない「哲学」
The "philosophy" which discusses with the head, gets to know that all the knowledge of man originates in "experience", and cannot dispel empiricism (Wikipedia) by the "soul", a "encounter", and "inexperience" "for me to be eternal" 

74、   現象学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じた「捏造詐欺哲学」、人間の死で「心」に起こった「心霊現象」の「事実」に「無知」では、「永遠」に解けない哲学
"Fabrication fraud philosophy" which discussed phenomenology (Wikipedia) with the head, philosophy which cannot be dispelled in "ignorance" "I am eternal" on the "fact" of the "psychic phenomenon" which happened to the "heart" by man's death 

75、   精神現象学(Wikipedia)G.W.F.ヘーゲルの精神の現象学と、頭で知って、「心」に起こった「心霊現象」に「無知な、Wikipediaの失墜
The phenomenology of phenomenology (Wikipedia) G.W.F. Hegel's soul, and the "psychic phenomenon" which got to know with the head and happened to the "heart" "ignorant loss of Wikipedia 

76、   解釈学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じた「捏造詐欺哲学」・ソクラテスの言葉も「理解」「解釈」できないで、「何故」(方法序説)哲学者?なのか
The words of the "fabrication fraud philosophy" and Socrates who discussed hermeneutik (Wikipedia) with the head -- a "understanding" and a "interpretation" -- I am the philosopher ? "why" (method introduction) without being able to do 

77、   観念論(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、哲学の「イデア」の世界である、「無限」の「心の世界」に「無知」で、歪め「捏造」研究したソクラテスの哲学
Philosophy of Socrates who distorted, fabricated " studied idealism (Wikipedia) by "ignorance" by discussing with the head in the "world of the heart" of "infinity" which is the world of philosophical "idea" 

78、   イデア(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、哲学の「起源」である、人間の死で、肉体が消滅後、「心」に「復活」する「魂」の「存在」に「無知」で解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot dispel an idea (Wikipedia) by "ignorance" by discussing with the head in the "existence" of the "soul" "me revitalize" to the "heart" after flesh disappearing by man's death which is philosophical "origin" 

79、   ロゴス(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、哲学の「起源」である、ソクラテスが「遭遇経験」をした、「神」の「存在」に「無知」で「否定」して解けない哲学
The "existence" of "God" which discussed logos (Wikipedia) with the head and in which Socrates who is philosophical "origin" had "an encounter experience" -- "ignorance" -- "-- the philosophy which cannot be denied, " carried out and dispelled 

80、   アルケー(Wikipedia)を、哲学の根源と、頭で知って、哲学という学問が「誕生」(発祥)した、「起源」(根源)である「魂」に「無知」で解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot solve Al Kay (Wikipedia) by "ignorance" for the "soul" which is the philosophical origin and the "origin" (origin) I got to know with the head and learning called philosophy "was born" (origin) 

81、   唯心論(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「無限」の世界である、「心の真理」に「無知」で、絶対、「永遠」に、「解明不可能」なのが哲学である
I discuss spiritualism (Wikipedia) with the head and it is philosophy that it is "impossible [ an elucidation ]" absolutely at "ignorance" "I am eternal" in "the truth of the heart" which is the world of "infinity." 

82、   唯物論(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「無限」の世界である、「心」が、頭に存在?等と、脳科学疑似研究をして、人間に絶対に、解けない哲学
Philosophy which I discuss materialism (Wikipedia) with the head, and the "heart" which is the world of "infinity" does the existence ? etc. and brain science false research on the head, and cannot be dispelled by any means to man 

83、   存在論(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、人間の死で、肉体が消滅後、「心」に「復活」する「魂からの言葉の知恵」が基本の「無限永遠真理哲学」
"The wisdom of the language from a soul" discusses ontology (Wikipedia) with the head and "I revitalize" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing by man's death -- basic "infinity eternal truth philosophy" 

84、   実在論(Wikipedia)を、どんなに秀才(東大)の頭で論じても、「魂」の「実在」に「無知」で「否定」しては、「永遠」に「解明不可能」なのが哲学
However it may discuss realism (Wikipedia) with genius's (University of Tokyo) head, if it "is denied" by "ignorance" to "spiritual" "actual existence", it is "impossible [ an elucidation ]" "I am eternal" -- philosophy 

85、   科学的実在論(Wikipedia)を、科学哲学(Wikipedia)におけるモノの存在と、頭で論じて、科学で測定不可能な「神」の「実在」に「無知」なWikipediaの失墜
arguing with the head that scientific realism (Wikipedia) is existence of
モノ in scientific philosophy (Wikipedia) -- "actual existence" of "God" which cannot be measured by science -- "ignorance" -- loss of Wikipedia 

86、   認識論(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、哲学の主要な一部門と知って、「哲学の起源」である「魂」の「存在」を「認識」できない「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" discusses epistemology (Wikipedia) with the head and "cannot recognize" "existence" of main philosophical "souls" which me get to know a gate in part, and is "the philosophical origin" 

87、   思考(Wikipedia)を、考えたり、思いを巡らせたりする行動、と頭で知って、「心」で「思い」、頭で「考える」と区別して、理解する方法に「無知」で解けない哲学
Philosophy which I get to know with the action and the head which consider thinking (Wikipedia) or plot a thought, and I distinguish as a "thought" by the "heart", distinguish with the head, saying "I think", and cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" to how to understand 

88、   心で思うと、頭で考えるも、区別・見分けの、正しい判断もできない、愚かな脳科学者・唯物論者・一元論者・「生命機能」の「真理」に「無知」で解けない哲学
if it considers by the heart -- the head -- also thinking -- I cannot perform the right judgment of distinction and distinction, either -- the philosophy which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" in foolish "truth" of brain scientist, materialist, and monist - "life function" 

89、   我思う、ゆえに、我あり(Wikipedia)を、まったく「無理解」「誤解釈」している「捏造哲学者」この「言葉」こそ、デカルトが「解明」した「生命機能」の「真理」
My "fabrication philosopher" that considers, therefore is completely doing "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" of those (Wikipedia) with self -- the "truth" of the "life function" Descartes "solved" this "language" 

90、   この言葉を、「私は考える」と「誤解釈」する、「捏造哲学者」「脳科学者」・まったく有限の頭と、無限の世界である「心」の区別ができていない愚か者
The fool who has not done at all distinction of the "fabrication philosopher" and the "brain scientist" who do "an incorrect interpretation" of this language to "I think", the limited head, and the "heart" which is the infinite world 

91、   思考の言葉の理解で、「頭で考え」「心で思う」と、区別できない人間には、哲学を、どんなに頭で論じても、「心」に起こった「心霊現象」哲学は解明不可能
However it may discuss philosophy with the head to the human being who cannot distinguish by understanding of the language of thinking saying "it is an idea at the head", and "I considering by the heart", to him, the "psychic-phenomenon" philosophy which happened to the "heart" cannot be solved. 

92、   思考(Wikipedia)を、考えたり、思いを巡らせたりする行動と、頭で知って、「心」で思い、頭で考える、の意味の違い、「好き」と「心」に思う「恋」に「無知」な脳科学者
The difference in a thinking [ get to know with the head with the action which considers thinking (Wikipedia) or plots a thought, consider by the "heart", and ]-intellectually meaning, and the "love" which thinks to the "heart" "like" -- "ignorance" -- a brain scientist 

93、   形の無い「心」・目に見えない「心の真理」に「無知」な人間には、なぜ(方法懐疑)人間の「生命機能」の「真理」・「頭と心の違い」が、「理解」できないのか
To a human being "ignorant" in "the truth of the heart" which is not visible to the "heart" and an eye without a form, "truth" - "a difference between the head and the heart" "cannot understand" why (method incredulity). [ of the "life function" of man ] 

94、   倫理学Wikipedia)を道徳哲学、行動の規範と、頭で知って、心に思ったことが、総て肉体の行動・仕種・表情として、現れる現実に無知
All the things I got to know Ethics Wikipedia with the head with morality philosophy and the norm of action, and were considered to the heart are ignorant to the reality of appearing, as corporal action, behavior, and expression. 

95、   道徳(Wikipedia)を、道徳的規範・や道徳性と頭でしって、自分自身が「心」の強い「自我」「利己主義」「欲望」で行動している現実に無知
Ignorant to the reality in which he is acting morality (Wikipedia) by "heartening" "self", "egoism", and a "desire" as
by ethical code - and morality nature and the head 

96、   道徳教育(Wikipedia)は、学習指導要領と規定されているが、「心」に「無知」で道徳教育を、どのように行うべきか、まったく解っていない日本
although moral education (Wikipedia) is specified as the government guidelines for teaching, it should carry out moral education to the "heart" how by "ignorance" -- I am -- Japan which does not understand at all 

97、   論理学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「心」の「言葉の理解方法」に「無知」で愚かな「捏造哲学者」には、「永遠」に「解明不可能」哲学
Impossible [ "elucidation to "I am eternal" ]-to "fabrication philosopher" foolish to the "understanding method of language" of the "heart" at "ignorance" who discusses logic (Wikipedia) with the head" philosophy 

98、   形而上学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、アリストテレスの「原因と結果」「哲学の起源」「魂」の「存在」に「無知」で「絶対」に解けない哲学
Philosophy which discusses metaphysics (Wikipedia) with the head and cannot dispel it by "ignorance" "I am absolute" in "existence" of Aristotle's "cause and effect", "the philosophical origin", and a "soul" 

99、   認識論(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「魂」と「遭遇」「経験」の無い人間には、「永遠」に、姿・形の無い「魂」(霊魂)を、認識・確認する事は不可能である
I discuss epistemology (Wikipedia) with the head and it is impossible to recognize and check the "soul" (soul) a figure and a form are not [ soul ] in "being eternal" at a human being without a "soul", a "encounter", and "experience." 

100、                 語源(Wikipedia)を、ある言葉の源となる故事(Wikipedia)を頭で知って、「哲学の語源」の「無我愛」と「神の知恵」に「無知」な「捏造哲学者」
Getting to know the historical fact (Wikipedia) which serves as a source of a certain language in the origin of a word (Wikipedia) with the head -- "the philosophical origin of a word" -- "-- self-effacement -- the love MUGA LOVE " and "the wisdom of God" -- "ignorance" -- "a fabrication philosopher" 

101、                 愚かな人間の「無知」を「分析」「解明」(暴露)して、人類の哲学史に「永遠」と「記録」して、書き残す事こそ、「真理」の「証明」である。
"Solving" (exposure) a foolish human being's "ignorance" -- "human beings' history of philosophy -- I am eternal" -- "-- it is "proof" of the "truth" to just record, " carry out and forget to write. [ "analyze" and ] 

102、                 神の存在証明(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、姿・形の無い「神」・科学で測定不可能な、「神からの言葉の知恵」に「無知」で解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot discuss God's existence proof (Wikipedia) with the head, and cannot measure it by "God" and science without a figure and a form and which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" of "the wisdom of the language from God" 

103、                 ルネ・デカルト(Wikipedia)を、近代哲学の祖と、頭で知って、なぜ(方法序説)「哲学」を、見事に「解明」(重要な学問の基礎)「魂」を発見に「無知」か
Getting to know Rene Descartes (Wikipedia) with the head with
of modern philosophy -- it is discovery about a "elucidation" (foundation of important learning), and a "soul" splendidly in "philosophy" why (method introduction) -- "ignorance" 

104、                 方法序説(Wikipedia)とは、ルネ・デカルトの哲学の真理を研究する為の方法と、頭で解っても「重要な学問の基礎」「魂」を発見している現実に「無知」
With the method introduction (Wikipedia), even if it turns out to be a method for studying the truth of Rene Descartes's philosophy with the head, I have discovered "the foundation of important learning", and a "soul" -- actual -- "ignorance" 

105、                 懐疑主義(Wikipedia)で、全てを疑うと、デカルトの「方法懐疑」を、訳して、なぜ(方法懐疑)と、哲学の「基本原理」を探求する方法に「無知」な人類
The method of translating Descartes's "method incredulity" and searching for philosophical "basic principle" with why (method incredulity) by skepticism (Wikipedia) if all are suspected -- "ignorance" -- human beings 

106、                 省察(Wikipedia)を、積極的懐疑などと「誤解釈」して、人間が、なかなか認めない、姿・形の無い「神」の「存在」を「証明」し、反論を得た「省察」
"Reflection" which "proved" "existence" of "God" without the figure and form which man does not "incorrect-interpretation"-accept easily by making reflection (Wikipedia) into positive incredulity etc., and obtained the counterargument 

107、                 やはり、「哲学の起源」である「魂からの言葉の知恵」に、「無知」な人間には、「永遠」に哲学を「解明」する事は、現実として不可能である。
It is impossible as actual "to solve" philosophy by "I am eternal" after all at an "ignorant" human being of "the wisdom of the language from a soul" which is "the philosophical origin." 

108、                 哲学原理(Wikipedia)を、アリストテレスの神の存在証明だと、頭で知って、デカルトが炉部屋で「遭遇経験」をした「魂」に「無知」で解けない哲学
Philosophy which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" for the "soul" for which got to know the philosophy principle (Wikipedia) with the head when it was Aristotle's God's existence proof, and Descartes had "an encounter experience" in the furnace room 

109、                 エマヌエル・スウェーデンボリ(Wikipedia)の神秘主義や生涯を、頭で知って、「魂」と「遭遇経験」に「無知」で「愛と神の知恵」「霊界探訪記」が「理解」できない「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" who gets to know Emmanuel Sweden Voli's (Wikipedia) mysticism and the whole life with the head and "the wisdom of love and God" and "the account of world-of-spirits inquiry" "cannot understand to be a "soul"" them by "ignorance" to "encounter experience" 

110、                 イマヌエル・カントWikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「心」に「存在」する「理性」「感性」「悟性」「判断」が「理解」「解釈」できない「捏造哲学者」の「無知過ぎる」哲学
"Too ignorant" philosophy of the "fabrication philosopher" who cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of the "reason" discusses Immanuel Kant Wikipedia with the head and "exists" in the "heart", "sensitivity", "understanding", and the "judgment" 

111、                 二律背反(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、互いに反対・矛盾する二つの命題・「生命機能」の「真理」「心と肉体(頭)の対立軸」「無限」の「心」と、有限の頭の違いに「無知」な人間
The "heart" of two the "truth" of proposition - "life function" which discusses antimony (Wikipedia) with the head, and opposes and is mutually contradictory, "the confrontation axis of the heart and flesh (head)", and "infinity", and the difference in the limited head -- "ignorance" -- man 

112、                 アプリオリ(Wikipedia)を、自明的な認識の概念と、頭で理解して、歴代「魂」と「遭遇経験」をした、哲学者(ソクラテス・デカルト他)の言葉が「自明的真実」である現実に「無知」
Being a priori (Wikipedia) -- a philosopher's (Socrates Descartes etc.) words which understood it as the concept of obvious recognition with the head, and had "an encounter experience" with successive generation "soul" are "obvious truth" -- actual -- "ignorance" 

113、                 感性(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「心」が「経験」によって、「言葉」を、「感じ取って」「理解」「解釈」する「心」の言葉の「理解方法」に「無知」で「永遠」に解けない「哲学」
"Philosophy" which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" "I am eternal" to the "understanding method" of the words of the "heart" discuss sensitivity (Wikipedia) with the head, and the "heart" "interprets" "language" by "experience" [ "understanding" and / "understanding" / and ] 

114、                 理性(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、「心」が「欲望」を、なかなかコントロール制御できない「我慢」「理性の崩壊」と自分自身の「心の荒廃」に「無知」な「捏造哲学者」
"Patience" which discusses reason (Wikipedia) with the head and where the "heart" cannot carry out control control of the "desire" easily, "collapse of reason", and one's "desolation of the heart" -- "ignorance" -- "a fabrication philosopher" 

115、                 「心」の五つの性「理性」に「無知」で、カントが人間の「無知」を批判した、「純粋理性批判」を「理解」「解釈」できない、「捏造哲学者」の「結末」と「終焉」
The "end" and the "end" of the "fabrication philosopher" whose Kant criticized man's "ignorance" by "ignorance" to the five sexes "reason" of the "heart" and who cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of "the pure reason criticism" 

116、                 人間が、「魂」と「未経験」で「無知」で「無理解」「誤解釈」した(Wikipedia)の、純粋理性批判を、「神の知恵」により、解読して、哲学の歴史に「永遠」と記録する
By "the wisdom of God", man decodes pure reason criticism which carried out "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" to the "soul" by "ignorance" by "inexperience" (Wikipedia), and records it in philosophical history, saying "I am eternal." 

117、                 現実に、「魂」と「遭遇経験」した者にしか、「理解」「解釈」できない、カントの「実践理性批判」(Wikipedia)を「神の知恵」で分析・解明・記録
I analyze, solve and record "practical reason criticism" (Wikipedia) of Kant which can carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" only to those who had "an encounter experience" to the "soul" actually with "the wisdom of God." 

118、                 判断力批判(Wikipedia)を、頭で理解して、カントが、人間の「無知」を「批判」した、人間の「損得判断の結末」を、「神の知恵」で、分析・解明・記録
I analyze, solve and record man's "end of profit-and-loss judgment" where he understood judgment criticism (Wikipedia) intellectually and Kant "criticized" man's "ignorance" with "the wisdom of God." 

119、                 人間が、実際に修業(仏教の座禅)をしなくては、絶対に「心」の「悟り」を開く事が困難を、批判した「実践理性批判」を、「理解」「解釈」できない「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" to whom that man realizes "spiritual enlightenment" of the "heart" absolutely if it does not actually pursue knowledge (Buddhistic meditation in Zen Buddhism) cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of the "practical reason criticism" which criticized difficulty 

120、                 人間が、「心」の「理性」に「無知」で、「無理解」「誤解釈」した、カントの実践理性批判(Wikipedia)と、「神の知恵」で、解読した、「世界標準実践理性批判研究」
"Global standard practical reason criticism research" which man decoded with "the wisdom of God" with practical reason criticism (Wikipedia) of Kant which carried out "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" to "reason" of the "heart" by "ignorance" 

121、                 人間が、実際に「損得の判断」しか、できない「心」の現実を「批判」した、カントの「判断力批判」を、「理解」「解釈」できない「捏造哲学者」と愚かな人間
A human being with as foolish man as the "fabrication philosopher" "criticized" the reality of the "heart" which can actually perform only "judgment of profit and loss" and who cannot carry out a "understanding" and a "interpretation" of the "judgment criticism" of Kant 

122、                 人間(Wikipedia) 人間学(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、人間とは何か、人間の本質とは何か、人間の「生命機能」の「真理」・「頭と心の違い」に「無知」で、解けないん「人間学」
Man (Wikipedia) "I discuss humanics (Wikipedia) with the head, as for some human beings of some, man's essence is "ignorance" at "truth" - "a difference between the head and the heart", and I solve -- it is absent -- humanics" [ of the "life function" of man ] 

123、                 イマヌエル・カントが、見事に、「無知」な人間を「批判」して、「解明」(暴露)した、アプリオリ・歴代、「魂」と「遭遇経験」した哲学者の言葉の「自明の事実」を証明
Immanuel Kant "criticizes" an "ignorant" human being splendidly, and proves "the obvious fact" of the words of the philosopher who "elucidation" (exposure) Had "an encounter experience" to a priori and the successive generation, and the "soul" which were carried out. 

124、                 まったく、カントの気持ち「理解」「解釈」できない、「時間と空間」は、アプリオリ(Wikipedia)の概念とした、「無知」な「無理解」「誤解釈」の理解
At all, I cannot carry out Kant's feeling a "understanding" and a "interpretation" -- the "ignorance" made into the concept [ that "time and space" are a priori (Wikipedia) ] -- an understanding of "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" 

125、                 日本で、多くの親族を、亡くして、現実に「魂」と「遭遇経験」をした、「心霊上の事実」を、見事に「解明」した、西田幾多郎の「真理」の哲学に「無知」な「捏造哲学者」
A "fabrication philosopher" "ignorant" to the philosophy of the "truth" of the Nishida
幾多郎 "solved" "the fact on the spirit" splendidly which lost many relatives and had "an encounter experience" with the "soul" actually in Japan 

126、                 人間の死によって、肉体が消滅した後、西田幾多郎の「心」に「復活」して来た、「魂からの言葉の知恵」によって、「解明」した「絶対矛盾自己同一」に「無知」な「捏造哲学者」
The "fabrication philosopher" "ignorant" to "I am the same in inconsistency self absolutely" "has revived" to the "heart" of the Nishida
幾多郎 according to man's death after flesh disappears and "solved" by "the wisdom of the language from a soul" 

127、                 「絶対矛盾自己同一」こそ、人間の「生命機能」の「真理」「心と頭の違い」を、見事に言い表した言葉で、「心」で「思う」事と、頭で「考える」違いの矛盾を、見事に表した「言葉」
"Words" by which I denoted inconsistency of the difference splendidly            

128、                 「魂」と「遭遇経験」の無い「未経験」の、「捏造哲学者」によって、「無理解」「義解釈」された、絶対矛盾自己同一(Wikipedia)の「無知」過ぎる、「理解」した西田哲学
Nishida philosophy in which "inappreciative" and "
義解釈" were done to the "soul" by the "fabrication philosopher" of the "inexperience" "is" inexperienced in an encounter and which "ignorance" [ that it is the same in inconsistency self absolutely (Wikipedia) ] Carried out a "understanding" over which I pass 

129、                 「心」こそ、人間の本心であり、「心」に「思う」った事は、人間の肉体の行動・仕種・表情として、肉体に総て現れる現実・頭で考え、口先でいう「嘘」は、行動が伴わない現実。
Action is not accompanied by the "lie" as used in the field of [ the heart / the "heart" is man's real intention, considers
った事 "I consider" to the "heart" as action, behavior, and an expression of man's flesh with the reality and the head which appears altogether in flesh, and ] lips -- actual. 

130、                 西田幾多郎は、この現実を、見事に「神からの言葉の知恵」によって悟り、「善の研究」(人間の生き方)と「真理」の哲学を、自分の「経験」から、研究・解明したのが西田哲学である
The Nishida
幾多郎 has realized this reality by "the wisdom of the language from God" splendidly, and the Nishida philosophy studied and solved "research of the good" (man's way of life), and the philosophy of the "truth" from "experience" of it. 

131、                 善の研究(Wikipedia)では、「純粋経験と実在」という題名を出版社(弘道館)が反対した為、この名に改題されたとあるが「魂」と「遭遇純粋経験」を「無知」な出版社に反対された。
Since the publishing company (Hiromichi hall) opposed [ research (Wikipedia) of the good ] the title "a pure experience and actual existence", although it is having been retitled by this name -- a "soul" and an "encounter pure experience" -- "ignorance" -- I opposed to the publishing company. 

132、                 「哲学者」は、仏教を捏造してはならない」と、西田幾多郎が残した言葉であるが、人間は、「哲学の起源」の「魂」と、「仏教の起源」が、同じ「魂」である現実に「無知」である。
Although it is "the philosopher " must not fabricate Buddhism" and the language which the Nishida
幾多郎 left, man is "ignorance" at the "soul" of "the philosophical origin", and the reality in which "the Buddhistic origin" is the same "soul." 

133、                 「哲学者」は、「心霊上の事実」を、「証明」しなくては、ならないとも、言葉を残している現実、西田幾多郎の時代から、日本の哲学研究は、歪め捏造されている現実を指摘している
If a "philosopher" "is not proved", even if it does not become, he has pointed out the reality which distorts Japan's philosophy research and is fabricated from the reality in which I have left language, and the time of the Nishida
幾多郎. [ "the fact on the spirit" ] 

134、                 西田幾多郎(Wikipedia)を、日本を代表する哲学者と、頭で知って、なぜ(方法序説)「西田幾多郎」が哲学者に成ったのか、その「原因」に、「無知」なWikipediaの失墜
Loss of Wikipedia "ignorant" to the "cause" in why (method introduction) did I get to know the Nishida
幾多郎 (Wikipedia) with the head with the philosopher representing Japan and the "Nishida 幾多郎" grew into the philosopher 

135、                 絶対矛盾自己同一Wikipedia)の、西田幾多郎の言葉は、「生命機能」の「真理」「心身二元」を、「解明」した言葉で、「魂」と「遭遇経験」な無い「捏造哲学者」には「理解不可能」
absolutely -- the language of the Nishida
幾多郎 of inconsistency self-same Wikipedia -- the "truth" "mind and body of a "life function" -- duality -- " -- it is the language "solved" -- a "soul" and "encounter experience" -- ""understanding being impossible to the fabrication philosopher "" [ which is not ] 

136、                 田邉元が、人生の後半、なぜ(方法序説)「死の哲学」「懺悔道の哲学」を書き、出版したか、まったく解っていない、「無知」だらけの、日本の「捏造哲学者」の愚かな、哲学研究
Philosophy research with foolish Japanese "fabrication philosopher" full of "ignorance" who does not understand Hajime Tanabe for why (method introduction) I wrote and published "philosophy of death", and "the philosophy of the confession way" in the second half of life 

137、                 田邉元は、前半ドイツに留学して、フッサールやハイデガーの影響を大きく受けて「存在と時間」を日本に紹介している、一時西田哲学と対立した事も事実である。
It is a fact that I was also opposed to the Nishida philosophy temporarily which Hajime Tanabe studies in Germany in the first half, and is introducing "existence and time" to Japan greatly in response to the fact that the influence of Husserl or Heidegger. 

138、                 田邉元(Wikipedia)に「無知」しかし、後半、妻の死によって、「魂」と「遭遇経験」をした、田邉元は、見事に、「死の哲学」(ソクラテス哲学とは死の練習)を、書き挙げている。
Hajime Tanabe who had "an encounter experience" for the "soul" is writing and mentioning "philosophy of death" (the Socrates philosophy is practice of death) to Hajime Tanabe (Wikipedia) splendidly according to the wife's death "ignorance", however the second half. 

139、                 タレス(Wikipedia)の「無知」は、タレスの言葉、「万物の根源は、アルケー(神)である」「地球上に存在する総てのものが、神から生成し、消滅して行くものと説いた」「真理」に無知
Tarres's (Wikipedia) "ignorance" is ignorant in Tarres's words, and "the origin of everything is Al Kay (God)", "all the things which exist on the earth having explained that generated, and I disappeared and went from God" and the "truth." 

140、                 アナクシマンドロス(Wikipedia)の「無知」は、彼の言葉「万物の生成・消滅の根源をアルケー(神)」としている「神は、無限にして、不死不滅」と説いた「真理」に「無知」
Anaximander's (Wikipedia) "ignorance" -- his words -- "-- the "truth" which made infinite "God which makes the origin of generation and disappearance of everything Al Kay (God) ", and was explained to be the non-death immortality " -- "ignorance" 

141、                 ヘラクレイトス(Wikipedia)の「無知」は、彼の言葉「万物は流転している、自然界は絶えず変化している」しかしその背後に、変化しないもの「ロゴス」(神)を発見している現実に「無知」
Heraclitus's (Wikipedia) "ignorance" has discovered what "logos" (God) does not change his words "the nature which everything is wandering is changing continuously", however back [ its ] -- actual -- "ignorance" 

142、                 エンペドクレス(Wikipedia)の「無知」は、彼の言葉「知恵者を探すには、自分自身が知恵者でなくては、ならない」即ち「魂」(神)と「遭遇経験者」以外の人間に「永遠」に解けない哲学
The philosophy which cannot dispel Empedocles's (Wikipedia) "ignorance" "I am eternal" into his words "I do not become if he is not a resourceful person in order to look for a resourceful person", i.e., human beings other than a "soul" (God) and "the person experienced in an encounter" 

143、                 ソクラテス以前の哲学者は、「神」と「遭遇経験」によって、「アルケー」「ロゴス」を発見して、迂回転生を説いているが、人間には、迂回転生の、奥深い意味が「理解「解釈」できない。
Although the philosopher before Socrates discovers "Al Kay" and "logos" and is explaining detour transmigration by "God" and "encounter experience" -- a meaning deep [ of detour transmigration ] to man -- "-- I cannot understand "an interpretation." 

144、                 偶然(Wikipedia)を、事前に予期しえない出来事である、と頭で理解して、「哲学の起源」「魂」が「心」に起こす、「偶然の出来事」の多くの「真理」に「無知」な人類
Many "truth" of "an accidental occurrence" which I understand intellectually that is the occurrences which must have been expected in advance by chance (Wikipedia), and "the philosophical origin" and a "soul" cause to the "heart" -- "ignorance" -- human beings 

145、                 仏教(Wikipedia)の開始は、釈迦(Wikipedia)であると、頭で理解、解釈出来ても、なぜ(方法序説)「釈迦」が「仏教」を、起こす事が出来たか、人類は「釈迦」の、「魂」と「遭遇経験」に「無知」
Even if it could understand with the head that a Buddhistic (Wikipedia) start was Gautama Buddha (Wikipedia) and could interpret, or "Gautama Buddha" was able to start "Buddhism" why (method introduction) -- human beings -- a "soul" and "encounter experience" of "Gautama Buddha" -- "ignorance" 

146、                 キリスト教(Wikipedia)を、イエスをキリスト(救い主)として信じる宗教と、頭で理解・解釈して、イエス・キリストが「遭遇経験」をした「魂」の「存在」に「無知」で解けないキリスト教
Religion which believes yes as Christ (savior), and Christianity which understands and interprets Christianity (Wikipedia) with the head and Jesus Christ cannot solve by "ignorance" in the "existence" of a "soul" which had "an encounter experience" 

147、                 宗教(Wikipedia)は、世界三大宗教・キリスト教(Wikipedia)の歴史を、頭で知って、何故(不法懐疑)「イエス・キリスト」が、「聖書」を、記録に残したか、人類は、イエスの「魂」と「遭遇経験」に「無知」
 Religion (Wikipedia) got to know the history of the world 3 major religion and Christianity (Wikipedia) with the head and "Jesus Christ" left the "Bible" to record why (illegal incredulity) -- human beings -- the "soul" of yes, and "encounter experience" -- "ignorance" 

148、                 イスラム教(Wikipedia)を歴史で知って、預言者「ムハマンド」Wikipedia)が、何故(方法懐疑)預言者(Wikipedia)に、成れたか、「ムハマド」の「魂」と「遭遇経験」に「無知」で解けない「イスラム教」
Get to know Islam (Wikipedia) in history, and Prophet "
ムハマンド" Wikipedia needs to grow into a prophet (Wikipedia) why (method incredulity) -- the "Islam" which cannot be solved by "ignorance" to the "soul" of and "Muhammad", and "encounter experience" 

149、                 スタンフォード哲学百科事典(Wikipedia)は、1995年に、オンライン百科事典として、スタートしたが、哲学世界標準研究百科事典は、神からの言葉の知恵で「解明」した「無限真理哲学百科事典」である。
Although the Stamford philosophy encyclopedia (Wikipedia) was started as an on-line encyclopedia in 1995, a philosophy global standard research encyclopedia is an "infinite truth philosophy encyclopedia" "was solved" with the wisdom of the language from God. 

150、                 義務論理(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、哲学の「起源」(哲学定義)「魂」の「存在」を「否定」して、魂の存在証明」義務を、怠った「捏造哲学者」の「哲学研究権利を剥奪」(2011年2月3日)内容証明郵便郵送
Discussing deontic logic (Wikipedia) with the head -- "existence" of philosophical "origin" (philosophy definition) and a "soul" -- "denial" -- "it is deprivation about philosophy research right" (February 3, 2011) content-certified mail mailing of the "fabrication philosopher" who did and neglected a spiritual existence proof" duty 

151、                 義務(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、人間の死で、肉体が消滅後、「心」に「復活」して、「言葉の知恵」を、11年間以上送り続ける「魂」について、「研究義務」を怠った「捏造哲学者」に「哲学研究権利」は無い
I discuss duty (Wikipedia) with the head, "I revive" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing by man's death, and the "fabrication philosopher" who neglected "research duty" does not have a "philosophy research right" about the "soul" which continues sending "the wisdom of language" for more than 11 years. 

152、                 権利(Wikipedia)を、頭で論じて、哲学誕生の「起源」である「魂」の「存在」を「否定」する「捏造哲学者」から、「哲学研究権利」を、「神の天命」で「永遠」に「剥奪」する。      
I discuss a right (Wikipedia) with the head and "I deprive" the "fabrication philosopher" "denies" "existence" of the "soul" which is the "origin" of philosophy birth of a "philosophy research right" by "the Providence of God" "for me to be eternal."  

153、                 時空の哲学(Wikipedia)を、時間と空間で哲学的考察と、頭で論じて、2500年もの歴史の「時空」を超えて、日本に「降誕」した、哲学者ソクラテスの「神の知恵」哲学を、「無理解」「誤解釈」「捏造哲学研究」
The "wisdom of God" philosophy of philosopher Socrates argued with the head that the philosophy (Wikipedia) of space-time was philosophical consideration in time and space, and "was born" to Japan exceeding "space-time" of no less than 2500 years of history -- "inappreciative", "an incorrect interpretation", and "fabrication philosophy research" 

154、                 法哲学(Wikipedia)を、法とはどうあるべきか、と頭で論じて、「魂から心に送られて来る真理に導く言葉の知恵」が基本の哲学に「無知」な「捏造哲学者」
the wisdom of the language which I lead to the truth which argues with the head how jurisprudence (Wikipedia) should be with law, and is sent to the heart from "soul" -- basic philosophy -- "ignorance" -- "a fabrication philosopher" 

155、                 科学哲学(Wikipedia)と、脳科学では、「永遠」に解けない哲学を、頭で論じて、何でも哲学にしてしまう「無知」で愚かな人間
A human being foolish at the "ignorance" which discusses with the head scientific philosophy (Wikipedia) and the philosophy which cannot be dispelled in brain science "for me to be eternal", and makes it philosophy anything 

156、                 政治哲学(Wikipedia)と、日本の政治の貧困と自滅政治に無知で、どんな課題にも、「無知」な哲学を命題につけてしまう愚かな人間
The foolish human being who is ignorant in political philosophy (Wikipedia), the poverty of politics of Japan, and self-destruction politics, and gives "ignorant" philosophy to any subjects at a proposition 

157、                 経済の哲学(Wikipedia)と、日本の経済破綻と自滅に無知で、何でも語尾に、「無知」な哲学をつけてしまう愚かな人間
The foolish human being who is ignorant to economic philosophy (Wikipedia), financial crisis of Japan, and self-destruction, and gives "ignorant" philosophy to the ending anything 

158、                 環境哲学(Wikipedia)と、自然の環境を、どんどんと壊して行く人類が、勝手につけた「無知」な環境哲学の名称
The "ignorance" which environmental philosophy (Wikipedia) and the human beings that break natural environment rapidly and go gave freely -- the name of environmental philosophy 

159、                 倫理学Wikipedia)あるいは、道徳哲学と、頭で論じて、イマヌエル・カントの、「実践理性批判」の哲学が理解・解釈できない愚かな「捏造哲学者」
Foolish "fabrication philosopher" whom I argue with the head that is Ethics Wikipedia or morality philosophy, and the philosophy of "practical reason criticism" of Immanuel Kant cannot understand and interpret 

160、                 真理(Wikipedia)を、哲学的には、本質主義(Wikipedia)と、頭で論じて、「哲学の起源」、姿・形の無い「魂」(神からの言葉の知恵)の「真理」に「無知」な「捏造哲学者」
The "truth" of the "soul" (wisdom of the language from God) which argues philosophically that the truth (Wikipedia) is an essential principle (Wikipedia) with the head, and does not have "the philosophical origin", and a figure and a form -- "ignorance" -- "a fabrication philosopher" 

161、                 帰結主義(Wikipedia)を、道徳哲学研究が論理的に帰結したと、頭で理解して、哲学の語源(感性知識)まで、「無理解」「誤解釈」の人類の「無知」な「捏造哲学」研究 
"Fabrication philosophy" understanding a conclusion principle (Wikipedia) intellectually that morality philosophy research was concluded logically -- up to the philosophical origin of a word (sensitivity knowledge) -- "ignorance" of the human beings of "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" -- inquire   

162、                 著作権(Wikipedia)法・ベルヌ条約(Wikipedia)で、人間が、国際的に今後「永遠」に「研究」「発刊」する事が絶対不可能な「無限真理哲学」「世界標準哲学」
"Infinite truth philosophy" in a copyright (Wikipedia) law and Berne Convention (Wikipedia) man "inquired" and "cannot be published" to future "eternal" absolutely internationally, "global standard philosophy" 

163、                 万国著作権条約(Wikipedia)法上、人類が、国際法上、今後「永遠」に「研究」「解明」・書物の「発刊」が、絶対に不可能な「無限真理哲学」「世界標準哲学」
The Universal Copyright Convention (Wikipedia) method top and human beings -- an international law top and future "eternal" -- "publication" of "research" "elucidation" and a book -- absolute -- impossible "infinite truth philosophy" and "global standard philosophy" 

164、                 著作権に関する世界知的所有権機関条約(Wikipedia)、人間が、国際法上で「永遠」に「研究」「解明」不可能な、「世界標準哲学」「無限真理哲学」
The "World Intellectual Property Organization treaty (Wikipedia) about copyright, and a human being -- an international law top -- I am eternal" -- "research" and a "elucidation" -- impossible "global standard philosophy" and "infinite truth philosophy" 


"God", "encounter experience", the "12th year", "the wisdom of the language from God", and "global standard philosophy" -- research, analysis, an elucidation, record, and data 

The "soul" of philosophical "origin", a "encounter", and "inexperience" -- ignorance - inconsistency, inappreciative and incorrect interpretation / fabrication philosophy, an abstract concept, and data 


Discussing ignorance (Wikipedia) with the head -- man's "truth of life function" "mind and body -- duality -- " (infinite Shin Sekai's knowledge, and knowledge of the head) -- a difference -- "ignorance" -- "a fabrication philosopher" 


Overly grand, the world and research of super-infinity and the heart



Global standard philosophy research center


Global standard "life function" research center




Global standard "mind and body -- duality --" research center





Global standard "truth of the heart" research center






Global standard "humanics" research center




Global standard "Buddhism" research center




Global standard "religion" research center



Global standard "it is proof about existence of God" research center

