出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE 「リンク集」「GPP挨拶」
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE A "collection of links", "GPP greeting" 


Most important "proposition" for "the purpose of studying philosophical" is "duty" "proving to be a "soul"" "encounter experience." 

"Wisdom of God" important data which reverse philosophy research in the world from the bottom and "created" heavens (philosophical origin) and the ground 

"Creation of God" actual data of philosopher Socrates "was born" to Japan exceeding the "space-time" for 2500 years 

Human beings' 21st century, large discovery "world important cultural heritage" of a super-miracle, history upper and "infinity eternal truth philosophy" study materials 

The "language of God" (infinite life) (human beings are ignorant) discovery / research "12th year" discernment, a forecast, Heaven's Vengeance, atonement, and data 


捏造詐欺哲学者の自滅 GPRC 世界標準哲学研究
A fabrication fraud philosopher's self-destruction GPRC Global standard philosophy research 

捏造詐欺哲学者の崩壊 PGRE 哲学世界標準百科事典
A fabrication fraud philosopher's collapse PGRE Philosophy global standard encyclopedia 


Sat., February 9 "revival", 2002, "God and encounter experience", a "global standard philosophy research" start 

A Wed., April 24, 2013 "wisdom of language from God" "self-destruction of fabrication fraud philosopher" elucidation, and a start 

Mon. June 2, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "forecast of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "atonement of God" research, and updating 


"Global standard philosophy research" which has recorded "the wisdom of the language from God" faithfully like Plato's "dialog editing" on the Internet from Sat., February 9, 2002 

まる出しで "it is treason to God" [ when a "fabrication fraud philosopher" is right in the "fabrication philosophy" which did "fabrication research" by the heart to which he went mad ] [ which stretches "self" by "vested rights" ] 

That "elucidation to "I am eternal" is impossible for "the wisdom of the language from God" in basic philosophy if human beings "deny" by "ignorance" in "existence" of philosophical "origin" and a "soul" by the research for about 12 years", and a decision 

I lose the "heart" of "tolerance", saying "God is anger" and "God judging, if man cannot judge", and already start "it is deprivation about a philosophy research right" (2011, 2, 3) and "Heaven's Vengeance" of Japan, "atonement", and "creation." 

From now on, "Japan will record future (April 20, 2013) "a fabrication philosopher's self-destruction" which I have not experienced until now and which has sent language saying "I encounter the misfortune "", and "misfortune" in a history of philosophy. 

1、          捏造詐欺哲学者・一ノ瀬正樹の自滅を予知
I foreknow self-destruction of a fabrication fraud philosopher and Masaki Ichinose.

2、           (http://www14.plala.or.jp/kesakando/oroka3.html)

3、          捏造哲学者・政治家・官僚が滅ぼす、日本の自滅を予知
I foreknow Japan's self-destruction which a fabrication philosopher, a politician, and a bureaucrat ruin.

4、           (http://www14.plala.or.jp/kesakando/book36.html)

5、          日本の心荒廃と物質文明崩壊を予知
I foreknow cardiac desolation and material civilization collapse of Japan.

6、           (http://1st.geocities.jp/smdwt181/gprc111.html)

7、          東大哲学研究室の「語源」も理解・解釈できない挨拶
The greeting which cannot understand and interpret the "origin of a word" of the University of Tokyo philosophy laboratory

8、           (http://www.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/laboratory/database/1.html?department=1)

9、          日本学術振興会JSTAGEに登録された捏造哲学論
The fabrication philosophy theory registered into Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSTAGE 

10、      世界標準哲学研究センター
Global standard philosophy research center 


""Wisdom" discovery of the language from God "", the "12th year" discernment, a forecast, Providence, Heaven's Vengeance, atonement, analysis, research, record and data "revived" to the "heart" 

During 2700 years "God", a "encounter", and "inexperience" -- "ignorance", "inconsistency", [ "inappreciative" ], "an incorrect interpretation", "fabrication research", and "Wikipedia" 

Philosophy (Wikipedia) "ignorance", [ "inappreciative" ], and "incorrect interpretation" Lazy






