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Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE A "collection of links", "GPP greeting" 


"Duty" in which most important "proposition" "proves to be a "soul"" "encounter experience" for "the purpose of studying philosophical" 

"Wisdom of God" important and data which reverse philosophy research in the world from the bottom and which created "philosophical origin" heavens and the ground 

"Creation of God" reality and the present condition of the philosopher and Socrates who was born to Japan exceeding "space-time" of the history for 2500 years 

Large discovery "world important cultural heritage" (human beings are ignorant) of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle, "it being discovery about God", "philosophy of God" 

"Language which is God" (infinite life) Discovery, analysis and elucidation / research "12th year" discernment, forecast, Providence, and Heaven's Vengeance - "atonement of God" 

Record on the "fusion of God and computer" "unparalleled" "infinite truth philosophy" Internet "world monopoly copyright" 

Human beings solve, expose and record "the philosophy which cannot be solved" on the "heart" and a "soul" with "the wisdom of God" by "ignorance" for 2700 years. 


Global standard "Socrates's Explanation" Research Center 

哲学世界標準「ソクラテスの弁明」百科事典 GPSE
Philosophy Global standard "Socrates's Explanation" Encyclopedia 


Sat. February 9 "revival", 2002, "a soul and encounter experience", a "global standard philosophy research" start 

Thurs. August 1, 2013 "wisdom of language from God" "explanation of Socrates" research, and a start 

Sun. June 1, 2014 "discernment of God" "forecast of God" "Providence of God" "creation of God" "atonement of God" research, and updating 



Philosophy of the "truth" of Socrates that "fabrication research" of 2500 years has been distorted and done by the foolish human being by imagination and guess. 

Words of the philosopher and Socrates as for whom an understanding and an interpretation are not made "eternal" in the knowledge of the head in order that a "soul" and "encounter experience" may not have human beings 

Why (method introduction), to man, Socrates's words cannot understand and interpret or "solve" with "the wisdom of the language from a soul."  

Man's "heart" is a thing I have [ a thing ] "I understand" and a "feeling consciousness function" for "language" by "experience" and which are actually noticed by the "heart." 

Socrates's philosophy is precious "wisdom of the language from a soul" which Socrates had "an encounter experience" for the "soul" and acquired.

They are Socrates's words "for people, non-death and an immortal and important thing are [ a soul ] consideration to a soul about what I know about the soul."

If man's death has feared the death which is movement of the soul (soul) in what [ brainless ] -- the "heart" -- "-- if I consider, and it is by
" (subconsciousness) and also it is, there is nothing. 

It is believing when what is not known is known. Man decides that it is the greatest wrong, starts and fears death.     

Man -- the "understanding method of language" of the "heart" -- ""ignorance" -- absolutely -- I am eternal" -- Socrates's words [ an understanding and an interpretation "impossible" ]

「魂」から心に送られて来る言葉の知恵 こそ、ソクラテスの哲学【語源】を「確立」した、最も重要な資料である。
Wisdom of the language sent to the heart from a "soul"   They are the most important data "established" Socrates's philosophy. 

Man "decodes" Socrates's words which cannot be understood and interpreted, and the words of Socrates who cannot understand even if it says, tells and explains, and records and saves them in philosophical history. 

Plato's Socrates's explanation (Michi Tanaka 太郎, and Mr. Norio Fujisawa, translation and January 10, 2002 issue Chuokoron-sha version) reference -, however the human being cannot understand language of this book.

Socrates's words can understand and interpret why (method introduction) at me.

Why (method incredulity) can't Socrates's words understand and interpret at man?  

2002年2月9日(土)友の死によって肉体が消滅後、「心」に「復活した 「魂からの言葉の知恵」が「起源」の哲学
Sat., February [ 2002 year ] 9 friend's death -- the "heart" after flesh's disappearing -- "-- revived   "wisdom of the language from a soul" -- the philosophy of the "origin"

Philosophy which cannot be dispelled by "ignorance" "I am eternal" for the "soul" to which Socrates "revives" to Socrates's "heart", and sends "the wisdom of language" after flesh's disappearing by a friend's death 

A "soul" without a figure and a form, and the "soul" which "revives" to the "heart" which is not a foregone conclusion, and sends "language" -- "ignorance" -- "existence" -- "-- the philosophy which cannot be denied, " carried out and dispelled 

The "heart" (soul) "is governing" "flesh" is brain science false fraud studying on the head the human being who could believe only
形ある物 and has changed as existence. 

Even if it studies and measures brain waves at the university which was excellent however in the head, the reality which is "impossible [ an elucidation ]" about the "heart" in which the "heart" which is the infinite world, and "God" live is found. 

As for "the wisdom of the language from God" (sensitivity knowledge), to man, however it may stuff knowledge into the head at a university, it is actual that I cannot understand and interpret "I am eternal." 

However it may train the head, Socrates's words cannot be understood to "God" "I revitalize" to the "heart" as a "soul" after flesh's disappearing by man's death, and the human being "is" inexperienced in an encounter.  

"I experience" "the wisdom of the language from a soul", and I solve from "the 12th year", "the wisdom of God", "discernment of God", "creation of God", and "the Providence of God."

プラトン著・ソクラテスの弁明 (田中美知太郎・藤沢令夫訳・ソクラテスの弁明・2002年1月10日中央公論社発行参考)
Explanation of the Plato work and Socrates   (explanation and January 10, 2002 Chuokoron-sha issue reference of Michi Tanaka
太郎, a Norio Fujisawa translation, and Socrates) 

1、    ソクラテス裁判の告発訴状

Socrates did not accept the gods whom a state accepts, committed the crime of introducing
祀り of another novel ダイモーン, and has committed the crime of having harmful influence on youths again. This has a considerable death penalty. 

The philosophy whose "wisdom" of the "language" from a "soul" is a basic foundation if even the 21st [ at least ] century "will deny" by "ignorance" in "existence" of the "soul" which is the philosophical origin without a figure and a form -- man -- an elucidation and an understanding "impossible" 

Physics and brain science do conversely "false fabrication research" of the "soul" without the figure and the form where a time also without the science of B.C. and physics and Socrates had "an encounter experience", and the 21st century will distort the "truth" and will be blocked. 




2500 years, in order to reveal the "desire" of the "heart" and to protect "income" (vested rights), a "fabrication fraud philosopher" will do "it is treason to God", without solving Socrates's truth.


"The wisdom of language" sent to the "heart" from a "soul" in which I entered in research and "12th" brought up me whose philosophical knowledge was completely "ignorance" into the precious human being who reigns supreme in the philosophy community in the world as a "pioneer" of "global standard philosophy research." 

約、12年間の「神からの言葉の知恵」で、得た「神の哲学」の知識は、人類発展の為に、大きく貢献し、人類の歴史上、「真理の哲学」の 記録として、「永遠」に残る資料である。
The knowledge of "the philosophy of God" which is abbreviation and "the wisdom of the language from God" for 12 years, and was acquired contributes greatly for human-beings development, and is human beings' history top and "the philosophy of the truth".   As record, they are data which remain in "I am eternal." 


Data of the "fabrication research" philosophy of "ignorance" of 2700 years and Wikipedia, "inconsistency", [ "inappreciative" ], and "an incorrect interpretation" 


Global standard philosophy research center



Overly grand, the world and research of super-infinity and the heart 



Global standard "life function" research center

