出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE


哲学主体こそ! 魂からの感性知識
Just philosophy subject!  Sensitivity knowledge from a soul

哲学主体こそ! 神からの感性知識
Just philosophy subject!  Sensitivity knowledge from God

They are the wisdom, global standard philosophy research, record, and a start of the language from discovery, a philosophy subject, and God about revival and God of God on Sat., February 9, 2002. 

Sat., November 12, 2016 just the wisdom and philosophy subject of the language from God! The sensitivity knowledge, the research, the record, and start from the sensitivity knowledge and soul from God 

2016年11月13日 (日)神の復活・神を発見・神の言葉・神の知恵・神の喚起・神の洞察・神が解読・神が解明・神の作戦・神の戦略・神の創造・神の公案・神の工夫・神が編集・神の予言・神の予知・更新・記録・保存
The forecast, updating, record, and preservation a decipherment and God are [ whose device and God of the koan and God of creation and God of the strategy and God of the strategy and God of an elucidation and God ] prediction and God of edit and God about revival and God of November 13, 2016   (Sun.) God in discernment and God of evocation and God of the wisdom and God of the language and God of discovery and God

Human beings are inexperience and ignorance, and the global standard philosophy research, record and preservation of which I did inconsistency, inappreciative and incorrect interpretation / fabrication philosophy, decipherment, exposure, and comparison. 

What is inexperience? 

2、      無知とは、何か?
What is ignorance? 

3、      矛盾とは、何か?
What is inconsistency? 

4、      無理解とは、何か?
What is it that I am inappreciative? 

5、      誤解釈とは、何か?
What is an incorrect interpretation? 

6、      捏造哲学とは、何か?
What is fabrication philosophy? 

7、      解読とは、何か?
What is a decipherment? 

8、      比較とは、何か?
What is comparison? 

9、      世界標準とは、何か?
What is the global standard?