出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準研究百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard research encyclopedia PGRE 


isdom from God is the philosophy of a Subject.

Wisdom and philosophy of God


Wisdom and "global standard philosophy" research, record, and a start of the language for which discovery and God send revival and God to [the heart "soul"] on Sat., February 9, 2002 in God 

"being [ the wisdom from God / the philosophy of a subject ]" analysis - [ which I began to record, start and save ] Decode the wisdom of the language from God on Mon., December 5, 2016. 

2016年12月6日 (火)神の復活・神を発見・神の言葉・神の知恵・神の喚起・神が洞察・神が解読・神が解明・神の導き・神の作戦・神の公案・神の工夫・神が編集・神が確立・神の創造
In the device and God of the koan and God of the strategy and God of the guidance and God of an elucidation and God, edit and God are [ evocation and God of the wisdom and God of the language and God of discovery and God / discernment and God / a decipherment and God ] creation of establishment and God about revival and God of December 6, 2016   (Tue.) God. 

"The Providence of God", "God being deprivation", "it being treason to God", "it being profanity about God", "it being disregard about God" (foolish concealment, foolish disturbance, foolish fabrication research, foolish fraud education), "the Heaven's Vengeance of God", "anger of God", "atonement of God", "natural Heaven's Vengeance", "Heaven's Vengeance of everything" 

"Pinpoint Heaven's Vengeance" "Heaven's Vengeance of catching the whole herd with one throw" "storm of Heaven's Vengeance" "blocking-out" (flood, landslide, and drought of eruption, abnormal weather, thunderbolt, typhoon, heavy rain, flood damage, and river of death-due-to-sickness, earthquake, tsunami, double earthquake, and volcano) prediction, a forecast, record, and updating 

2700 years, human beings can do fabrication research of the philosophy, and can discover "God" of a philosophy subject. 

1、      神とは、いったい、何なのか?
What on earth is God? 

@ ソクラテスの言葉・人は「魂」について何を、知っているのか、「魂」こそ不死・不滅であり、大切なのは「魂」への【心】配り。から解明
 the [heart] [ to a "soul" ] "souls" being non-death and immortality about what Socrates's language and person know about the "soul", and distributing important one --
。 か elucidations 

A ルネ・デカルトの言葉・重要な学問の基礎を発見(1619年11月10日昼)夜に3つの不思議な夢を見る。から、分析解明する
 I see three wonderful dreams for Rene Descartes's words, and the foundation of important learning at discovery (daytime of November 10, 1619) night.
et al. -- I carry out an analysis elucidation 

B イマヌエル・カントの言葉・批判は哲学のための準備・予備学であり、批判の上に真の形而上学としての哲学が築かれるべきである。から解明
 Language and criticism of Immanuel Kant are the preparation and reserve study for philosophy, and the philosophy as true metaphysics should be built on criticism.

2、      神からの知恵とは、いったい、何なのか?
What on earth am I as the wisdom from God? 

3、      何故?哲学の主体は、神なのか?
Why is the subject of ? philosophy God? 

4、      何故?人間にとって、哲学者の言葉が、難解・理解・解釈 できないのか?
A philosopher's words are difficult, an understanding, and an interpretation for ? human being why.   Can't you do? 

5、      何故?人間に、ソクラテス・デカルト・カントの言葉(哲学熟語)を、理解・解釈することが、できないのか?
Why can you understand and interpret Socrates Descartes Kant's words (philosophy idiom) at ? human being? 

6、      人間が、2700年間も、解けなかった原因(無知)を、徹底的に、分析・探求・哲学革命の歴史に記録・保存
Man records and saves thoroughly the cause (ignorant) which did not solve 2700 years in the history of analysis, a pursuit, and a philosophy revolution. 

7、      人間が、「頭の知識」で、論じた「論理哲学体系」では、絶対・永遠に、哲学熟語の奥深い意味を、理解・解釈出来ない
Man cannot understand and interpret the deep meaning of a philosophy idiom absolutely and forever in the discussed "logic body of philosophy" in "the knowledge of the head." 

8、      それでは、哲学の奥深い意味を、理解・解釈する【心】「精神」の「感性知識」とは、何か?
Then, what is the "sensitivity knowledge" of [the heart "soul"] of understanding and interpreting a philosophical deep meaning? 

9、      ソクラテス・デカルト・カントが、「遭遇経験」をした、「魂」とは、いったいどんなものか?
What kind of thing is Socrates Descartes Kant really the "soul" which had "an encounter experience"? 

10、           2002年2月9日(土)「魂」と「遭遇経験」をして、15年間・分析・研究・解読・解明した、大井今朝雄の「世界標準哲学」
Kesao Oi's "global standard philosophy" which had "an encounter experience" with Sat., February 9 a "soul", 2002 and of which I did analysis for 15 years, research, the decipherment, and the elucidation