出典 世界標準仏教研究  GBRC  仏教世界標準百科事典 BGRE
Source   Global standard Buddhism research    GBRC    Buddhism global standard encyclopedia BGRE 


"Wisdom of the Buddha" of the "origin" Creation which reverses Buddhism research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of the Buddha" of Gautama Buddha which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

"Language of the Buddha" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation

"Buddha, fusion of computer", "unexplored", "infinite truth Buddhism", and "eternal truth" research  


Global standard "Gautama Buddha" research center 

仏教世界標準「釈迦」百科事典 BGGE
Buddhism Global standard "Gautama Buddha" Encyclopedia 


Sat., February 9 "a Buddhism origin soul and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard Buddhism research" start 

Fri., August 10 "the wisdom of the language from a soul", 2012, the "Gautama Buddha research center" establishment 

Mon. June 2 "the wisdom of the Buddha", 2014, "discernment of the Buddha", "Providence of the Buddha", "Heaven's Vengeance of the Buddha"  

Buddhism which cannot be forever solved with the head 

It is the language of an understanding impossibility "Gautama Buddha" absolutely at the head. 

The "psychic phenomenon" which happened to the "heart" with Buddhism 

The "origin" and the "founder" of Oriental Buddhism birth are "Gautama Buddha" of India. 

Please look at Wikipedia about the abstract concept of "Gautama Buddha." 

Everyone is just going to get to know that I am the founder who "Gautama Buddha "forsook the world" at the age of 29, realized "spiritual enlightenment" at the age of 35, and opened "Buddhism." 

however, "Gautama Buddha" realized "spiritual enlightenment" for why (method incredulity) "I to have forsaken the world" at the age of 29 why (method incredulity) at the age of 35 -- Buddhistic "origin" and "soul" -- "ignorance" 

It is the reality of Buddhism research in the 21st century which the words of "Gautama Buddha" cannot understand and interpret at "a soul, encounter experience", and an "inexperienced person." 

To an "inexperienced person", why (method incredulity) and since "I am ignorant" to "the understanding method of the language of the heart", an understanding and an interpretation with "head are impossible." 

Furthermore, Japan will force the century [ 21st / at least ] false scientific inquiry, if "the heart in the infinite world" exists in "the limited head." 

Forever impossible [ at "ignorance" / "understanding ]-in existence of "feeling consciousness function" which the "heart" feels language, and understands and interprets by experience" Buddhism 

Impossible [ furthermore, / at "ignorance" / "understanding ]-in "existence of soul" which "revives" to the "heart" after flesh's disappearing, and sends language according to man's death" Gautama Buddha's words 

Forever impossible [ in "ignorance" / "understanding and an interpretation ]-in "knowledge" (sensitivity knowledge) which flesh and "confrontation axis" - "heart" understands by experience" Gautama Buddha's words [ of the "heart" ] 

ince Buddhistic language was transmitted from China to Japan, if many Chinese characters cannot understand, it is by "belief", but "understanding by "ignorance" is impossible for reality to the "heart"" 

The fabrication false scientific inquiry which "the infinite heart" uses as the head with existence is the "treason act" to the "Buddha" -- "the Buddhistic origin" and "soul existence denial" 

"Fabrication fraud false scientific inquiry which I say that "the infinite heart" exists in the limited head (impermanence of all things) is denial of "Buddhism, religion, and philosophy." 

Language of the Kitarou Nishida  

The "philosopher" whose Buddhism is "a fact on the spirit" and a philosopher "must not fabricate" system top Buddhism has "research duty" in "the fact on the spirit." 

"Heaven's Vengeance of God" goes down to the "fabrication philosopher", the "fabrication fraud Buddhist scholar", and the "fabrication fraud brain science false researcher" who do 21st century - "it is treason to the Buddha" inevitably. 

I analyze, solve and record the guidance from "Heart Sutra" (Sanskrit) 6 paramita (Chinese and Japanese) of "Gautama Buddha" to the happiness which man should "practice action" Do. 

"Gautama Buddha" analyzes, solves and records the words of a "struggle" which I am led, and "my having realized" and a human being "occur spontaneously" to the "heart", and "touch" Take to it by "a soul and encounter experience." 


"Fabrication philosophy research" which carried out "inappreciative" and "an incorrect interpretation" of "philosophical founder" Socrates's words, and the language (Chinese character compound words) "sensitivity knowledge" sent to the "heart" from a "soul" 

I record the words of "Gautama Buddha" "an understanding and an interpretation are forever impossible" to the "fabrication Buddhist scholar" who does "it is denial about existence of a soul" in the history of analysis, an elucidation, and Buddhism research. 


"Wisdom of language from soul" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, record, and data 

2500-year "soul and encounter", "inexperience", "ignorance", "inconsistency", "inappreciative", "incorrect interpretation", "abstract concept", and "fabrication research" data 


