出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 世界重要文化遺産 WICH 国際ライセンス著作権 ILC
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC World important cultural heritage WICH International license copyright ILC 


The global standard "it is a discovery] research center about the foundation of surprising learning. 
(Rene Descartes proves "God" and "encounter experience") 

What is discovery about Rene Descartes's words, and the foundation of the learning which should be surprised?
(哲学の父とも言われる、ルネ・デカルトが、発見した、哲学の主体「神」(魂)こそ! 哲学の基礎である)
(the philosophical subject "God" (soul) which is also called philosophical father and which Rene Descartes discovered -- the philosophical foundation -- I am)

I (Kesao Oi) who had an encounter experience for the "soul" when it had had "an encounter experience" with the "subject" of November 10, 1619 and philosophy and "God" (soul) understand Descartes well. 

Experience of Socrates (memoirs)


(私が「魂」と「遭遇経験」を、した状態を、誰にでも分かり易く、書いた回顧録 )
(Memoirs   to which I was intelligible for anyone and wrote the state where I had "an encounter experience" with the "soul")   

Global standard "reflection" research center

("Reflection" Rene Descartes proved "God" and "encounter experience" to be)  


(Rene Descartes published many "reflection" for "God" existence denial (counterargument) on bidding, and published the re-counterargument to the counterargument.) 

Global standard "method introduction" research center


 2002年2月9日(土) 哲学主体「魂」が「精神」に復活・魂を発見・魂からの言葉の知恵・世界標準哲学研究・記録・保存・開始
Sat., February 9, 2002 a philosophy subject "soul" -- "soul" -- revival and a soul -- the wisdom, global standard philosophy research, record, preservation, and start of the language from discovery and a soul 

I decode, record, save and start the words "reflection" of research and Rene Descartes for Fri., June 10 "the wisdom of the language from a soul", 2017. 

2017年6月16(金 )神が洞察・日本の捏造哲学を、解読開始・捏造哲学者に内容証明を郵送・インターネットに公開・「神の天命」日本の哲学研究権利を剥奪・記録・更新
One (day  ) God will update certification of contents to decipherment start / fabrication philosopher in June, 2017, and will snatch, record and update the philosophy research right of public presentation, and "the Providence of God" Japan for the fabrication philosophy of discernment and Japan on mailing and the Internet. 

The world philosophy meeting where the fabrication (logic body of philosophy) philosophy research discussed with the head large-bred globally  http://www.greecejapan.com/jp/?p=7711


1、      ソクラテスの「精神」に起こった[出来事](心霊上の事実)を、何年、頭で論じても、永遠に解けないソクラテスの哲学
Philosophy of Socrates who cannot dispel it forever even if it will discuss with the head the [occurrence] (fact on the spirit) which happened to Socrates's "soul" in what year 

2、      ソクラテスの時代から、研究歴史が、2500年間も経過しているのに、人類は、未だにソクラテスの言葉が、理解・解釈できない。
From the Socrates era, Socrates's words cannot yet understand and interpret human beings that 2500 years have passed [ research history ]. 

3、      哲学の研究目的である、哲学「主体」のソクラテスが「遭遇経験」をした「魂」の存在を、否定したら、哲学は、永遠に解けない
If the existence of the "soul" for which philosophical a "subject" Socrates had "an encounter experience" which is the purpose of studying philosophical is denied, I cannot dispel philosophy forever. 

4、      哲学研究目的の重要主体こそ、「魂からの言葉の知恵」であり、「魂」研究こそ、唯一のソクラテスの哲学研究重要目的である。
The important subject for the purpose of philosophy research is "just the wisdom of the language from a soul", and "soul" research is just only Socrates's philosophy research important purpose. 

5、      ルネ・デカルトは、哲学の主体「神の存在証明」を、行う為に、第一省察〜第六省察と多くの「神の存在証明」を行った。
Rene Descartes performed "God's existence proof" of the first reflection - the sixth reflection, and many, in order to perform the philosophical subject "God's existence proof." 

6、      21世紀でも、姿・形の無い「神の存在」を、否定する、愚かな捏造哲学者が、世界的に繁殖している、哲学業界の乱心状態
The insanity state of the philosophy industry where the foolish fabrication philosopher is breeding globally which will deny "existence of God" of the century [ 21st / at least ] without a figure and a form 

7、      神が創造した、人間が、「神に反逆」して、「神の存在」を否定する、捏造哲学研究がまかり通る世界哲学会議
The world philosophy meeting where the fabrication philosophy research which God created, and which man does "it is treason to God", and denies "existence of God" is allowed 

8、      哲学者が研究すべき「精神」の荒廃・腐敗で、研究目的が、大きく狂いに狂った、世界の捏造哲学研究の現状
The present condition of the fabrication philosophy research in the world to which the research purpose was greatly out of order in deviation in desolation and decomposition of the "soul" which a philosopher should study 

9、      第一反論(神の存在否定)〜第六反論と、デカルトは、丁寧に答弁をしているが、21世紀でも捏造哲学者は、「神の存在」を否定
Although the first counterargument (God's existence denial) - the sixth counterargument, and Descartes are answering carefully, a fabrication philosopher will deny "existence of God" of the century [ 21st / at least ]. 

10、             哲学研究の重要目的である、「神の存在」を、否定したら、何年哲学を研究しても、永遠に解明不可能であると断言する。
If "an existence of God" which is the important purpose of philosophy research is denied, even if it will study philosophy in what year, I declare [ that I cannot solve and ] forever.

11、             15年間・「神からの言葉の知恵」を、インターネットに、研究・記録・保存しても、「神の存在」を認めない日本
Japan which does not accept "existence of God" even if it studies, records and saves - during 15 years "wisdom of the language from God" at the Internet 

12、             「人間が裁けなければ神が裁く」神は、平和解決を断念して、「神に反逆」する捏造哲学国家日本に天罰を下すと決定
if God "which God judges if man cannot judge" gives Heaven's Vengeance to fabrication philosophy state Japan which gives up and does "it being treason to God" of the peace solution -- determination 


The vicious group fabrication philosophy research incident of Japan which God judges 


Fate of the Japan house which fell to in its hands [ of God ] 



13、             姿・形の無い、「神」からの言葉の知恵が「主体」の「世界標準哲学研究の真理」良識ある哲学者を、育てる。
the wisdom of the language from "God" without a figure and a form -- "the truth of global standard philosophy research" of a "subject" -- I bring up a sensible philosopher. 

Global standard "soul" research center


Global standard "Socrates" research center


Global standard "philosophy" research center  


The world and research of grand, a mystery, and the heart 
