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哲学解明不可能な三大原因 GPRC PGRE
 Three Major causes in which a Philosophy Elucidation is Impossible  GPRC PGRE

人間が哲学を永遠に解けない 三大無知 GPRC PGRE
Man cannot dispel Philosophy Forever.   The three Major Ignorance GPRC PGRE

Sat. February 9, 2002 God and encounter / research start 

I analyze and solve creation "three major ignorance which human beings cannot philosophy solve" of God on Thurs. February 23, 2012.

2014年6月5日(木) 「 神の創造」「神からの言葉の知恵」「前人未到の真理の記録」を研究11年目・分析・解明・記録・更新
record [ the 11th year of the research, analysis, an elucidation, and ] - Break "it is creation of God", "the wisdom of the language from God", and "record of the unexplored truth" Thurs. June 5, 2014.

Although it is with Socrates's words "ignorant Tchi", human beings study the philosophy of the 21st century and Socrates 2500 years. 

I discussed, distorted and fabricated philosophy with the head, and have made philosophy difficult without also being able to understand and interpret Socrates's words.

Foolishness which studies philosophy 2700 years and did not notice its "ignorance" at all [ a thing with one, and ] [ ignorant to what ] 

Foolish reality in which I will distort Socrates's philosophy 2500 years, he does fabrication research (discussing with the head), and he does not notice what whether it is "ignorance"   

Why (method incredulity), an elucidation is forever impossible, or philosophy analyzes and decodes the deep cause and leaves man the truth at record. 

Since man "is ignorant", I cannot dispel philosophy forever, or I point out the ignorance, and solve the truth. [ why / (method incredulity) ] 

Why (method incredulity), a philosophy elucidation is impossible, or I carry out an analysis elucidation and record the deep cause on man at philosophical history.

ギリシャの哲学者・エンペドクレス(紀元前490年〜430年)の言葉、「知恵者を探すには、自分自身が知恵者でなくてはならない 」と貴重な言葉を歴史に残している
I have left the words of the philosopher and Empedocles of Greece (B.C. 490 years - 430 years), and "he must be a resourceful person in order to look for a resourceful person  " and precious language to history. 

まさに、エンペドクレスの言葉のように、姿・形の無い、哲学の起源「魂」と遭遇経験者しか解けない 「神の創造哲学」
  which only the philosophical origin "soul" without a figure and a form and the person experienced in an encounter can just solve like Empedocles's words "creation philosophy of God" 

I analyze and decode a cause with human beings unable to solve philosophy forever, and record it in philosophical history.

I analyze and decode "a philosopher's research duty" in the world, record it in the history of the philosophy in the world, and leave it to philosophical history.


Global standard Philosophy Research Center.


Research Grand, Infinity and the "Heart of World"
