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Occurrence which happened to Socrates's "SEISHIN" [Heart]

Global standard "Occurrence" research center


Accidental Occurrence



I global-standard-philosophy[ a subject and ]-inquire, record, and save, and the wisdom of the language from Sat., February 9 "a soul is revival", 2002 and an "it is discovery about a soul" soul begins. 

The "occurrence" from which the wisdom of the language from a soul happened to "soul" of a subject and Socrates [heart] on Mon., February 27, 2017 

The Heaven's Vengeance, the record, updating, and preservation whose discernment and God evocation and God of edit and God is [ God ] the Providence and God of creation and God about revival and God on Wed., March 1, 2017 in the strategy and God of the device and God of the koan and God of the wisdom and God of the language and God of discovery and God   

What kind of thing was the occurrence which happened to Socrates's "soul" [heart] really? 

2500 years, man discusses Socrates's philosophy with the head, and Socrates's (logic body of philosophy) words cannot understand and interpret him? 

The human being in the 21st century as whom I can do fabrication research, and Socrates's words (dialog section) can understand and interpret Socrates's philosophy 

Even if it says, tells and explains, a "soul" and the human being "is" inexperienced in an encounter without a figure and a form do not understand forever by any means? 

("The wisdom of the language from a soul" "I revitalize" to man's "soul" [heart] after flesh and the head disappear and growing into ashes according to man's death is the philosophy of a subject) 

I should discover the knowledge of words [ of Socrates ] - "truth" to my own [heart], and cannot teach it to it. 

(That's right, in "ignorance", I cannot solve forever of the wisdom of the language from subject [ of Socrates's philosophy ] - "soul" Socrates's philosophy) 

Philosophy to which "soul [heart]" cannot solve language forever by "ignorance" by experience in existence of function / feeling consciousness function which me understand and interpret 
"Soul [heart]" is the wisdom of the language from a "soul" of a philosophy subject, and draws and carries out the "feeling consciousness" of the existence of a feeling consciousness function of the "soul" [heart] which does not exist in the philosophy head which cannot be forever solved by "ignorance" in existence of function / feeling consciousness function to understand and interpret language by experience. 

Philosophically, even if it will do what 10,000 years and fabrication research of the head (brain science) which has already disappeared, I cannot understand and interpret Socrates's words forever by any means. 

1、      現象学哲学者・エトムント・フッサール(1859~1938)では、ソクラテスの【心】に起こった「心霊現象」は、わからない?
In a phenomenology philosopher and
エトムント Husserl (1859~1938), the "psychic phenomenon" which happened to Socrates's [heart] is not known? 

I can also understand and interpret a "soul" of Japan and the words of "the fact on the spirit" of an "encounter experience" philosopher and the Nishida
幾多郎 (1870~1945). 

2、      存在論哲学者・マルティン・ハイデッガー(1889~1976)でも、解釈学的現象学でも、ソクラテスの言葉が、理解・解釈、できていない。
In hermeneutical phenomenology, I have not understood and interpreted and an ontology philosopher and Martin Heidegger (1889~1976) have not done Socrates's words, either. 

If it is "ignorance" and "existence" is denied for the "soul" which is a subject of Socrates's philosophy, I cannot solve Socrates's philosophy forever.   


Then, what kind of thing am I really as the "occurrence" which happened to Socrates's "soul" [heart]? 

A friend's death (February 8) explains a "soul" splendidly "revived" after flesh (head's) disappearing on Sat., February 9, 2002.