出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

Global standard "Love" Encyclopedia


Global standard "MUGA LOVE" research center


Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Mon. October 4, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" global standard "love" research / write-in start 

June 7, 2014 year (Sat.) "language of God" "discernment of God" "decipherment of God" "creation of God" "the power of God", research, and updating 

* 世界独占特許・著作権「世界標準哲学研究」本発刊権入札開始

哲学の語源である「愛」 (フィロス)とは、いったいどんな奥深い意味を持っているか
"Love" (Phi Ross) which is the philosophical origin of a word What kind of deep meaning do you really have? 

"The truth of love" solved at last by the wisdom of the language which God continues sending to the heart, "human love" 

From philosophy, some "loves" of man and woman is man's death, and I solve by corporal disappearance about "God and human love which I revitalize to the heart." 

* 哲学の語源の「愛」
"Love" of the philosophical origin of a word 

* 人類の重要文化の「愛」
"Love" of human beings' important culture 

* 日本の源氏物語の「恋と人間愛との違い」とは何か
What is "a difference between love and human love" of the Tale of Genji of Japan? 

* ソクラテスの「人間愛」とは何か
What is Socrates's "human love"?

* イエス・キリストの「愛は神である」とは何か
What am I with "love being God" Jesus Christ's? 

* 哲学者・エマヌエル・スウェーデンボルグの「天上の愛」「神の愛と知恵」「天使の愛」とは何か
 What are "the love on heavens" of a philosopher and Emmanuel Sweden Borg, "the love of God and wisdom", and "an angel's love"? 

* 仏教の「無我愛」とは何か
 Buddhism  "Muga-effacement  what is the love "? 

* 日本の「魂と遭遇体験者」松下幸之助・内村鑑三の親子の愛とは何か
What is the parent and child's of Japanese "soul and encounter experience person" Konosuke Matsushita and Kanzo Uchimura's love?


* フリー百科『ウイキペディア(Wikipedia)』より「愛」

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