出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source Global standard
philosophy research
Global standard "ESP" Research center
Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter
experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a
A Sat. November 6, 2010 "wisdom of language from God"
"extrasensory perception phenomenon" write-in start
Fri. June 6, 2014 "wisdom of God" "discernment of God"
"creation of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "the
power of God", research, and updating
Extrasensory perception Phenomenon with ignorant human beings which happens to
the "heart"
The "soul" of philosophical "origin" by which a philosopher
sends language to ignorant "feeling consciousness function" of the
A philosopher ignorant in existence of "origin" - "soul" [
of the philosophy which I revitalize to the heart after flesh's disappearing by
the death of the "heart" and a human being without a form ]
The "ESP" phenomenon which Kesao Oi studies and solves by the guidance (soon the 13th year)
of the language sent to the "heart" from a "soul"
Wisdom and study materials of the language from a soul
* 哲学とESP研究
* 「魂」から「心」に送られて来る言葉
Language sent to the "heart" from a "soul"
* 感性の高まり
A rise of sensitivity
* 悟性の高まり
A rise of understanding
* 感覚知覚能力の向上
Improvement in feeling consciousness capability
* 喚起現象
Evocation phenomenon
* 心を洞察
I discern the heart.
* 哲学熟語の解
The solution of a philosophy idiom 読
* 無知な言葉が解けていく
Ignorant language solves.
* 予知能力(予言)
Forecast capability (prediction)
* 「心」の分析・解明
Analysis and an elucidation of the "heart"
* 「魂」の分析・解明
"Spiritual" analysis and an elucidation
Reference data on the Internet
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