出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR ルネ・デカルト
GPR Rene Descartes


Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Mon. September 27, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "Rene Descartes" write-in start 

Sun. June 8, 2014 "language of God" "wisdom of God" "reflection of God" "creation of God" "power of God", and renewal of research 

The philosopher and Rene Descartes of France admired even to the father of modern philosophy in the world (I display by Descartes henceforth) 

It is un-solving about why (skepticism) although human beings studied Descartes's philosophy and about 300 years or more have passed, I am a father of modern philosophy. 

France says that the university which mentions a country and is studying Descartes's philosophy as a grand ecole exists. 

Although Descartes has in the furnace room in the Ulm suburbs, saying "it is discovery about the foundation of surprising learning", human beings are ignorant for the "soul" which Descartes discovered.

* インターネット上の参考資料
Reference data on the Internet 


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