出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

GPR イマヌエル・カント
GPR Immanuel Kant   

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Wed. September 29, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "Immanuel Kant" write-in start 

Sat. June 7, 2014 "discernment of language [ of God ] ", and "wisdom of God" God" "criticism of God" "creation of God", research, and updating 

The philosopher and Immanuel Kant of Germany which will reign supreme in the philosophy community in the world even in the 21st [ at least ] century (I display it as Kant henceforth) 

I solve with the wisdom of the language by means of which God sends to the heart why (skepticism) Kant's critical philosophy is worthy. 

The philosopher in the world studies Kant till the 21st century, and he is solving splendidly "the world of the heart" (sensitivity community) which was not able to be solved. 

The "idiom" of Kant who cannot understand "a philosopher ignorant to the heart" although Kant is solving splendidly "the truth of the heart which a soul revitalizes" which a philosopher should solve

The philosophy of Kant's sensitivity community cannot be solved to a philosopher with the heart ignorant in existence of the "feeling consciousness function" of the heart which feels language, and I understand and interpret by experience.   

I solve what kind of deep meaning I have with "the wisdom of the language which a soul sends to the heart" as judgment of the reason and the heart of the understanding and the heart of the sensitivity and the heart of the heart.

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