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Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE "Collection of links" - " GPP greeting" 


the "soul" and "encounter experience" in which Socrates "discovered" the "philosophy research subject" -- "proof" duty and a mission 

"Wisdom of language from God" important, data, and record which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom and "created" "philosophical origin" heavens and the ground 

The philosopher and Socrates "creation of God" "counterattack and Heaven's Vengeance" research and record "was born" to Japan exceeding "space-time" of 2500 years of history 

"philosophy of God" research - [ large discovery "world important cultural heritage" (human beings are inexperienced ignorance) of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle, "it being discovery about God", and ] Record. 

"Language of God" discovery, analysis, a decipherment, an elucidation, research, the "13th year" discernment, a forecast, prediction, the Providence, the Heaven's Vengeance, creation, power, and record of the Creation 

"Fusion of God and computer" "unparalleled" "infinite truth philosophy" Internet top "world monopoly copyright" "truth" research, and record 

2700 years and a human being solve and record "the philosophy which cannot be solved" on "God" and the "heart" by double "ignorance". [ "Tarres Socrates's philosophy" ] 

"philosophy of the truth" proof - Human beings record inexperience, ignorance, inconsistency, inappreciative, and incorrect interpretation - "fabrication philosophy" just analysis, a decipherment, and exposure. 

"global-standard philosophy" research - [ "the philosophical monumental work" which increases brightness brilliantly, "God being an elucidation", and ] Record on the Internet by progress (history) of years. 

一日「80000人」以上の来訪客を超えた、HP Global standard Philosophy Research Center2010年7月26日世界に公開
HP Global standard Philosophy Research Center beyond the visit visitor more than one day "80000 persons" (I open to the world on July 26, 2010) 


世界標準「起源」研究センター GORC
Global standard "Origin" Research Center 

哲学世界標準「起源」百科事典 PGOE
Philosophy Global standard "Origin" Encyclopedia

Global standard "philosophy origin" research center


Global standard "philosophy subject" research center  



Sat. February 9 "revival", 2002, "God and encounter experience", a "global standard philosophy research" start 

A Sat. October 16, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "origin" write-in start 

"Truth of God" research - [ Mon. June 2 "revival of God", 2014, "the language of God", "the wisdom of God" "God being an elucidation", and ] Update.       

The 21st century and human beings will be convinced "Tarres's philosophy" to the "heart", if it is called "the philosophical origin." 

Just the philosophical origin must achieve "duty" and the "mission" which are "philosophical subjects" of studying a "soul." 

The "heart" [ to a "soul" ] "Souls" is "non-death" and "immortality" about what Socrates's language and person know about the "soul", and distribute important one. 

as for man, an understanding and an interpretation cannot do these words of Socrates at all -- "the philosophy which cannot be solved by "ignorance" to 21st century human society - "soul"" [ "Socrates's philosophy" ] 

2700 years, the 21st century and human beings were not able to study philosophy, and were not able to discover the philosophical origin "soul." 

Furthermore, the death which the "soul" of the origin revives and sends the language of guidance -- future generations -- "the truth of the heart" without a form which is also a boundary -- ignorance -- if -- a philosophy elucidation is forever impossible 

Ignorant in the "truth" to which ignorance and the heart take in language by experience in existence of the feeling consciousness function of the heart, and a corporal confrontation axis and heart -- philosophical "idiom" -- inappreciative and an incorrect interpretation 

During the same "soul" as a "soul" without the figure and the form where Socrates did encounter experience, and encounter experience, I for the 13h year solve philosophical "origin", and forget to write on the Internet.

* 哲学の起源
The philosophical origin 

* 生命の起源
The origin of life 
The religious origin 

* 仏教の起源
The Buddhistic origin 

* 人間の起源
Man's origin 

* フリー百科事典『ウイキペディア(wikipedia)」の「アルケー」

* フリー百科事典『ウイキペディア(Wikipedia)』の「ロゴス」

* フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(wikipedia)』の「イデア」

* 魂

* インターネット上の関連資料



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