出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

島薗 進 東大 21世紀COE「死生学」捏造研究教員
Simazono Susumu   University of Tokyo   21st century COE "Thanatology" Fabrication Research teacher 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

Sat. October 30 "the wisdom of the language from God", 2010 "the University of Tokyo fraud Buddhism teacher and a
島薗進」 write-in start 

Thure. June 5, 2014 "language of God" "wisdom of God" "Providence of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God" "creation of God", research, and updating 


宗教の起源「魂」に無知な捏造宗教学者 島薗 進
Fabrication religious scholar ignorant to the religious origin "soul" Smazono Susumu 

哲学の起源「魂」の存在に無知で愚かな 島薗 進
I am ignorant in existence of the philosophical origin "soul", and foolish. Susumu Simazono. 

"Thanatology" which I am ignorant for the "heart" and the "soul" in the world after the "origin" death of religion and philosophy, and cannot be dispelled by any means for them   

島薗 進 教員、貴方は、死後の世界「心」の何を知っていると言うのか
Susumu Simazono a teacher and you  death  future generations  saying that I know what bordering the "heart" 

Religion in the world born by existence of the "soul" which me revitalize by man's death after flesh disappearing the "heart" 

Learning called the philosophy born in Greece by existence of the "soul" which Socrates discovered 

I am ignorant in existence of the origin "soul" of a "soul" and philosophy of religious "origin", and can study "thanatology" why (skepticism). 

Since the "soul" was discovered, the fabrication "thanatology" research which denied existence of a "soul" is the felony of fabrication research as man.

「魂」の存在を否定して詐欺的「死生学」の 教育は、教育者失格の重罪である
I deny existence of a "soul" and deceitful -- "thanatology"   Education is the felony of educator disqualification.  

I regard I being aware of the heart of falsehood of me, and just reflecting on getting to know self obediently as value important as man. 

You do [ whether is shameful as a shameful ? educator as man, and ] decipherment public presentation of the greeting sentence ignorant for a "soul", and foolish.

They are discovery and the study materials according to age about a soul. 

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