出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

The 10th year of the wisdom and analysis research from a soul 

Empiricism Full of Ignorance 

Fabrication Philosophy Research Full of Ignorance 

Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

A Mon. January 31, 2011 "wisdom of language from God" "empiricism" write-in start full of ignorance 

Thurs. June 5, 2014 "spiritual wisdom" "spiritual discernment" "spiritual Providence" "Heaven's Vengeance of "soul" "spiritual power" research, and updating 


It is the philosophy which a philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience cannot dispel forever however it may discuss empiricism with the head. 

A fabrication philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience does not understand a "soul" for how I revive to the "heart." 

A "soul" without a figure and a form and the sophist that is inexperienced in an encounter do not understand a "soul" for how I send "language." 

Empiricism is the philosophical elucidation method born in Britain. 

The philosophical research done difficult also in the world, idealism, ontology, realism, idealism, phenomenology, hermeneutik, etc. have been discussed with the head in large numbers. 

However, what I presupposed in Britain that it is impossible absolutely to solve philosophy at people without a "soul" and an encounter "experience" is "empiricism." 

Actually, the organization which studies the person experienced in mysterious experience exists in Britain now. 

A fabrication philosopher without a "soul" and encounter experience does not understand a "soul" for the truth of the "heart" which I draw by means of language, either. 

* 「心」に無知が致命傷、愚かな東大の捏造詐欺哲学研究を解明・公開
Ignorance solves and opens a mortal wound and fabrication fraud philosophy research of the foolish University of Tokyo to the "heart." 

* 「心」の真理に無知で、永遠に解明不可能な哲学・頭で解明不可能な哲学
I am ignorant in the truth of the "heart" and it is the philosophy which cannot be solved with the philosophy and the head which cannot be solved forever. 

* 無知だらけの「心」の真理を、人類史上始めて「神」からの言葉の知恵によって解明
I begin the truth of the "heart" full of ignorance on a history of man, and solve it by the wisdom of the language from "God." 

The University of Tokyo discuss empiricism with the head and ignorant [ Socrates ] to experience, and foolish 

Fabrication philosophy research of the University of Tokyo which discusses empiricism with the head and where Rene Descartes is ignorant to experience 

The University of Tokyo ignorant on the "sensitivity community" which discussed empiricism with the head and in which Immanuel Kant did the experience elucidation 

The University of Tokyo which I discuss empiricism with the head, is ignorant to Emmanuel Swedenborg's experience, and fabricates philosophy 

The University of Tokyo discuss empiricism with the head and ignorant [ the Kitarou Nishida ] to a "pure experience", and foolish and Kyoto University 

The sophist University of Tokyo ignorant to "the philosophy of death" which discussed empiricism with the head and Hajime Tanabe experienced 


I charge damages to fabrication philosophy research, concealment, and interference of the University of Tokyo. 

Wisdom and reference data from a soul 

Related data on the Internet

経験論 Empiricism- Wikipedia

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