出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source Global standard
philosophy research
I snatch the educational qualification of the University of Tokyo fabrication
fraud teacher.
Sat. February 9, 2002 "revival" "soul and encounter
experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a
A "language from God is also wisdom" "it is deprivation about
educational qualification of University of Tokyo fabrication fraud teacher"
write-in start on Wed. November 10, 2010
Sun. June 1, 2014 "language of Providence" "discernment of
God" "creation of God" "Heaven's Vengeance of God"
"atonement of God", research, and updating あまりにも無知で悪質な東大人文社会系教員の捏造詐欺研究と教育
Fabrication fraud research and education of the too much ignorant and vicious
University of Tokyo humanities social system teacher
The University of Tokyo which does the crime of the fabrication research to God
even if it is discerned by God and pointed out to it, and does a cover-up
I expose the actual condition of the University of Tokyo fabrication fraud
educational crime in which I am bringing up the fabrication fraud student
I forget to write the contents of fabrication for a greeting sentence ignorant
[ fabrication, fraud, and a concealment teacher ] and foolish in the history on
the Internet with a decipherment.
I snatch the educational qualification of the foolish teacher who has neither
ignorant and ignorant consciousness nor reflection by language [ from God ] -
* 「心」に無知で、頭で論じた捏造詐欺研究
Fabrication fraud research which I was ignorant to the "heart" and
was discussed with the head
* 「心」に無知で、頭で考えた捏造詐欺教育
Fabrication fraud education which I was ignorant to the "heart" and
was intellectually considered to it
By the "Providence" from God, I snatch the teacher qualification of
the fabrication fraud teacher of the University of Tokyo.
By the "Providence" from God, I snatch the research right of the
fabrication concealment teacher of the University of Tokyo.
* 東大総長 濱田純一
University of Tokyo president of a university Junichi Hamada
* 前文学部部長 立花正夫
Above sentence faculty manager
Masao Tachibana
* 文学部部長 小松久雄
Department-of-literature manager Hisao
* 東大の捏造哲学研究室教員
The fabrication philosophy laboratory teacher of the University of Tokyo
1、 天野正幸
Masayuki Amano
2、 一ノ瀬 正樹 東大捏造詐欺教員・東大捏造詐欺研究「死生学」の詐欺拠点リーダー
Masaki Ichinose
3、 小林康夫
Yasuo Kobayashi
4、 榊原哲也
Tetsuya Sakakibara
5、 鈴木泉
Izumi Suzuki
6、 清水哲也
Tetsuya Shimizu
7、 高山 守 東大捏造詐欺教員・哲学詐欺教育集団・日本哲学会 会長
Mamoru Takayama
8、 松永澄夫
Sumio Matsunaga
* 東大の捏造宗教学宗教史学研究室教員
The fabrication religious studies religion historian laboratory teacher of the
University of Tokyo
1、 市川裕
Yutaka Ichikawa
2、 池澤優
Masaru Ikezawa
3、 島薗進
Susumu Simazono
4、 鶴岡賀雄
Tsuruoka 賀雄
* 東大の捏造言語学研究室教員
The fabrication linguistics laboratory teacher of the University of Tokyo
1、 熊本裕
Yutaka Kumamoto
2、 小林正人
Masato Kobayashi
3、 西村義樹
Yoshiki Nishimura
4、 林徹
* 東大の捏造インド哲学仏教学研究室教員
The fabrication Indian philosophy Buddhism study laboratory teacher of the
University of Tokyo
1、 斎藤明
Akira Saito
2、 下田正弘
Masahiro Shimoda
3、 丸井造
Tsukuru Marui
* 東大の捏造倫理学研究室教員
The fabrication ethics laboratory teacher of the University of Tokyo
1、 管野覚明
Kanno 覚明
2、 熊野純彦
Sumihiko Kumano
3、 関根清三
Seizo Sekine
The fabrication sociology laboratory teacher of the University of Tokyo
Kazuo Seiyama
Chizuko Ueno
Miwao Matsumoto
Shogo Takegawa
Kenji Sato
Sawako Shirahase
Manabu Akagawa
* 東大の捏造中国思想文化学研究室教員
The fabrication China thought culture study laboratory teacher of the University
of Tokyo
Takeshi Kojima
Yutaka Yokote
* 東大の捏造美学芸術学研究室教員
The fabrication aesthetics science-of-arts laboratory teacher of the University
of Tokyo
Shin-ichi Anzai
Yutaka Watanabe
Kiyokazu Nishimura
Global standard Philosophy Research center. TOP