出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

 神を発見 GPR
iscover God.   GPR

魂を発見 GPR
I Discover a Soul.   GPR      

Sat. February 9, 2002 a soul and encounter / research start 

Thurs. September 30, 2010 a write-in start 

Sun. June 8, 2014 language and renewal of research of God 

The 21st century human beings studied philosophy 2700 years, and Socrates was not able to discover God which carried out encounter experience. 

The origin of the philosophy which was blocked by the Jiga and egoism of the heart of man, could distort, and has been camouflaged and which came "God" 

It is proof about existence of "God at the wisdom of the language sent to the heart from God and God which cannot be measured by God and science without a figure and a form." 

I record experience - "truth for the 9th year" for philosophy research development in the world, and forget to write the wisdom of the language from God.

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