出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

The difference between the heart and the head 

The difference between the heart and flesh 

Sun. February 9, 2002 spiritual revival / research start 

Thurs. September 30, 2010 a write-in start 

Sat. June 7, 2014 language and renewal of research of God 

The "heart" which a soul revitalizes by the disappearance of "man's heart" and flesh without a form which cannot be solved with "man's heart" and the head which cannot be measured by science 

Just the "heart" and the heart which everyone has are souls, and man is the other self of God, when born. "man is the truth of the child of God. 


The end of the foolish human being who does
すてて self-destruction of great the "heart" and heart which is governing important the "heart" and flesh, and goes from the head 
It is an end of the human society full of material civilization and a desire which whose heart is ignorant to the heart which cannot be polished and collapses even if it trains the head, and goes. 

I am ignorant to the difference between the heart and the head, and solve a forecast, "the truth of the heart", and "the heart which governs flesh" for the end of the fraud scholar who betrays faith to God.

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