出典 世界標準哲学研究
Source   Global standard philosophy research 

I do not cure the perverted heart until it dies.
Do not cure the heart which went wrong until it dies. 
Sat., February 9, 2002 "revival" "God and encounter experience" "global standard philosophy" research and a start 

the write-in start "I do not cure until the heart which went wrong dies" on Thurs. September 30, 2010 [ "wisdom of language from God" ] 

research [ "the power of God", and ] - [ Mon. June 9 "language of God", 2014, "the wisdom of God", "discernment of God", "God being an elucidation", and ] Update. 

The end of the heart which went wrong in the cover-up if it said and told and "the truth of the heart" and nobody that do not understand also understood

Japan which does the philosophical origin "it is denial about existence of a soul" to if nobody understands, and studies fabrication / camouflage philosophy 

Japan which denies the truth of the heart which God revitalizes as if nobody understands, and studies the fraud brain science of false science

It is distorted and a decrease in the birthrate and the measure against a decrease in population forecast that the downfall of the politics and economy of nil Japan is an end of the heart which went wrong.

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