What I have seen...in1977

Ballett-Tage ( Ballet-Day) III     4 July - 17 July

This pa‚‡e and the related ones are dedicated to Sigrid, Monika & Eberhard

in English

4 July Ballet Workshop VII* 5 July Guest Company** 6 July Guest Company**
7 July Romeo and Juliet 8 July Ballet
for Piano and Voice***
9 July Ballet
for Stravinsky****
10 July A Midsummer Night's Dream
11 July Illusions -
like "Swan Lake"
12 July Romeo and Juliet
13 July Don Juan
Le Sacre
14 July Illusions -
like "Swan Lake"
15 July Romeo and Juliet
16 July Third Symphony of
Gustav Mahler
17 July Nijinsky Gala III

* Introduction to "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
** Het Nationale Ballet, Amsterdam    "Ginastera", "Adagio Hammerklavier", "Vor, waehend und nach dem Fest", "Epitaaf", and "Four Schumann Pieces"
*** Kinderszenen, Petruschka-Variationen, Die Stille, Rueckert-Lieder
**** Orpheus, Agon, Les Noces

in German

4 July Ballett-Werkstatt VII* 5 July Gastspiel** 6 July Gastspiel**
7 July Romeo und Julia 8 July Ballett fuer
Klavier und Stimme***
9 July Ballette von
Igor Strawinsky****
10 July Ein Soimmernachtstraum
11 July Illusionen -
wie Schwanensee
12 July Romeo und Julia
13 July Don Juan
Le Sacre
14 July Illusionen -
wie Schwanensee
15 July Romeo und Julia
16 July Dritte Sinfonie
von Gustav Mahler
17 July Nijinsky-Gala III

* Einfuehrung zu "Ein Sommernachtstraum"
** Het Nationale Ballet, Amsterdam    "Ginastera", "Adagio Hammerklavier", "Vor, waehend und nach dem Fest", "Epitaaf", and "Four Schumann Pieces"
*** Kinderszenen, Petruschka-Variationen, Die Stille, Rueckert-Lieder
**** Orpheus, Agon, Les Noces

This is a cover of Year Book in 1977.

This rehearsal scene ia from A Midsummer Night's Dream.
The male dancer is Max Midinet, who plays as Zettel, and the female dancer is Zhandra Rodoriguez as Titania.

first soloists
Beatrice Cordua Marianne Kruuse Magali Messac Persephone Samaropoulo
Zhandra Rodrigues as a guest
Eugen Ivanics Francois Klaus Max Midinet Tanju Tuezer
Ivan Liska
Angelica Bornhausen Doerte Rueter Rosa Sicart Silvia Winterhalder
Waclaw Gaworczyk Martine Giaconi Kevin Haigen Fred Howald
group dancers with solo
Lynne Charles Darja Michel Victoria Pulkkinen Helga Voelker
Robyn White
Dieter Ammann (from 1. 1. 1976) Marco Carrabba Richard Gibbs Caspar Hummel
Herbert Roth Roy Wierzbicki
group dancers
Patricia Berrend Angela Boediker Beatrice Bouquet Eva-Maria Braun
Judith Carlson Yvonne Dideriksen Ann Drower Maderique Dubouch
Heidi Eads Loretta French Judith Gill (from 1. 5. 1977) Gabriell Guenthard
Christiane Hasek Leslie Hughes Genie Jurriens Christina Lemke
Maya Li Patricia Machette Vesna Nikitovich Giselle Roberge
Wendy Roth Marget Taylor-Wyeth
Eduardo Bertini Jan Blaas Vladimir Bukovec Nicholas Champion
Eric Emmanuele John Gardner Lawrence Leritz Michael Steele
Paul Werner
