What I have seen...in 2004

ballett-tage(ballet-day) @@4 June - 27 June

in English

4 June Romeo and Juliet 6 June Romeo and Juliet 8 June Bernstein Dances
9 June Peer Gynt 10 June Nijinsky 11 June Romeo and Juliet
12 June The Seagull 13 June Ballet - Workshop 13 June Preludes CV
15 June Jubilee Gala 16 June Jubilee Gala 16 June The Saint Matthew Passion
17 June Jubilee Gala 17 June The Saint Matthew Passion 18 June The Sleeping Beauty
19 June The Lady of the Camellias 20 June Odyssey 21 June Third Symphony
of Gustav Mahler
22 June Dona nobis pacem 23 June Illusions -
like "Swan Lake"
24 June Winterreise
25 June Death in Venice 26 June First Steps 27 June Nijinsky-Gala XXX

in German

4 Juni Romeo und Julia 6 Juni Romeo und Julia 8 Juni Bernstein Dances
9 Juni Peer Gynt 10 Juni Nijinsky 11 Juni Romeo und Julia
12 Juni Die Moewe 13 Juni Ballett-Werkstatt 13 Juni Preludes CV
15 Juni Jubilee Gala 16 Juni Jubilee Gala 16 Juni Matthaeus Passion
17 Juni Jubilee Gala 17 Juni Matthaeus Passion 18 Juni Dornroeschen
19 Juni Die Kameliendame 20 Juni Odyssee 21 Juni Dritte Sinfonie
von Gustav Mahler
22 Juni Dona nobis pacem 23 Juni Illusionen -
wie "Schwanensee"
24 Juni Winterreise
25 Juni Tod in Venedig 26 Juni Erste Schritte 27 Juni Nijinsky-Gala XXX

This is the cover of 2004 Ballet Year Book(Ballett Jahrbuch).

This is an ivitation card to former dancers.

First Soloists in alphabetical order
Silvia Azzoni Joelle Boulogne Laura Cazzaniga Heather Jurgensen
Elizabeth Loscavio Anna Polikarpova
Jiri Bubenicek Otto Bubenicek Alexandre Riabko Lloyd Riggins
Ivan Urban

Soloists in alphabetical order
Helene Bouchet Niurka Moredo Adella Pollertova
Peter Dingle Yukichi Hattori Carsten Jung Arsen Megrabian
Sebastien Thill

Ensemble in alphabetical order
Anja Behrend Odette Borchert Georgina Broardhurst Alison Brooker
Philippa Cook Catherine Dumont Nicole Ham Anna Howlett
Galien Johnston Stella Kanatouri Irina Krouglikova Anna Laudere
Carly Morgan Yuka Oishi Emily Smith Jane Standish
Lisa Todd Miljana Vracaric Natasha Waldron Mariana Zanatto
Dina Zaripova
Joseph Aitken Anton Alexandrov Loris Bonani Thiago Bordin
Antonin Comestaz Joaquin Crespo Lopes Boyko Dossev Emil Faskhoutodinov
Andrew Hall Yaroslav Ivanenko Stefano Palmigiano Edvin Revazov
Yohan Stegli
Christelle Cennerelli Carolina Mancuso Anna Rabsztyn Orkan Dann