出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source Global standard
philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE
"Wisdom of God" of the Creation which reverses philosophy research in
the world from the bottom
"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the
space-time of 2500 years of history
Large discovery of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a
super-miracle "world important cultural heritage"
"Language of God" discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an
elucidation, and record of the Creation
"Fusion of God and computer" "untrodden"
"infinite truth philosophy" "eternal" research, and
Record [ creation, research, and ] - By progress (history) of years,
philosophical monumental work and God which increases brightness brilliantly
save on the Internet.
Global standard "Crime and Punishment" Research Center
哲学世界標準「罪と罰」百科事典 PGPE
Philosophy Global standard "Crime and Punishment" Encyclopedia
The Japanese university which does the fraud sophist education of the false
fabrication philosophy
Heaven's Vengeance and God's existence proof
Sat. February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global
standard philosophy research" start
Tue. May 29, 2012 "wisdom of language from God" "crime and
punishment" research center establishment
Sun. January,1, 2017"revival of God" "discernment of God"
"Heaven's Vengeance of God" "creation of God" research, and
if nobody understands, you may do fabrication research of anything -- "Socrates's philosophy" by which fabrication research
was done ? 2500 years by the logic body of philosophy discussed with man's
Confusion of the Japanese society by which false fabrication philosophy is
allowed and the truth is ignored, desolation and decomposition of [the heart
"Socrates's philosophy" which only those
who are the "occurrence" (fact on the spirit) and the "psychic
phenomenon" which happened to Socrates's [heart]
"soul", and who had "an encounter experience" with the
"soul" can dispel
From the Socrates era, man can understand and interpret the meaning in which Socrates's words are [ of the philosophy origin of a word ]
also deep that history has passed also 2500.
Socrates's words
1、 神が嘘をつくはずが無い
There is no はず which God tells a lie.
2、 真理の知識は、自分自身の【心】「精神」に、発見すべきであって、教えることができない。
I should discover the knowledge of the truth to my own [heart]
"soul", and cannot teach it to it.
3、 人は「魂」について、何を知っているのか、「魂」こそ、不死・不滅 大切なのは「魂」への【心】「精神」配り
For people, "souls" is non-death and immortality about what I know
about the "soul".
"Soul" [ to a "soul" / [cardiac] ] Distribute
important one.
4、 哲学とは、死の練習・人間の死とは、霊魂(魂)の移動である・謙虚(素直)に真理を求める人こそ賢者(哲学者)である。
As for the death of practice and the human being of death, those [ philosophy's
] who ask for the truth - humbleness (gentle) which is movement of the soul
(soul) are just 賢 persons (philosopher).
He must be a resourceful person in order to look for Empedocles's
language and resourceful person.
(That's right, to a fabrication philosopher without a "soul" and
encounter experience, "Socrates's
philosophy" of "the wisdom of the language from a soul is a
subject" cannot be solved forever)
Kesao Oi's record
Philosophy which "revives" to the [heart] of the human being who is
not visible, and sends "the wisdom of language" by man's death after
flesh and the head disappear and which only a philosophical subject
"soul" and person experienced in an encounter solve (Kesao Oi)
2、 魂からの言葉の知恵が主体の、ソクラテスの哲学を、「魂」から【心】に送られて来る言葉を、忠実に、インターネット上に公開・記録して16年目(大井今朝雄)
The wisdom of the language from a soul exhibits and records faithfully the
language by means of which Socrates's philosophy of a
subject is sent to the [heart] from a "soul" on the Internet, and it
is the 16th (Kesao Oi)
3、 15年間・無知・無理解・誤解釈・捏造哲学研究・詐欺ソフィスト教育・研究妨害・隠蔽工作の「神に反逆」の証拠・プリント・記録を基に、下す「神の天罰」
15 years and ignorance, inappreciative, "Heaven's Vengeance of God"
which I give based on the proof, the print, and record of incorrect
interpretation / fabrication philosophy research and fraud sophist education /
research disturbance and a cover-up of "being treason to God"
The fabrication philosopher, the fabrication Buddhist scholar, the fabrication
brain scientist, the fabrication physicist, fabrication anthropologist, and
fabrication linguist whom "the Heaven's Vengeance of God" of Japan
goes down I open to the
1、稲盛和夫の罪と罰 (「稲盛和夫の哲学」・解読と内容証明)
Kazuo Inamori's crime and punishment
I solve by Kazuo Inamori's false not language and
idea philosophy but scientific philosophy. It is elucidation impossible -
philosophy forever in brain science.
稲盛和夫殿・捏造哲学・無知・妨害・ソフィスト 神に反逆貴殿に、犯罪者・捏造詐欺哲学者としての天罰 贖罪研究妨害賠償金50億円也 請求 捏造哲学者の根拠と証拠 1、「人類を救う哲学」詐欺本大量発刊の証拠 2、詐欺哲学者梅原猛と共謀・PHP・2008/12/ 3、稲盛和夫は、哲学の主体「魂」の存在に無知 4、精神の真理に無知・無我愛の真理に無知の証拠 5、自分自身の心の荒廃に無知な、ソフィスト哲学 6、ソクラテスの言葉も哲学語源も無知な詐欺師 以上「世界標準哲学」研究・歴史に永遠記録・保存 2016年12月19日 〒600−8411京都市下京区烏丸通四条下ル 水銀屋620番地COCON烏丸7F 公益財団法人 稲盛財団 理事長 稲盛 和夫 殿 世界標準哲学研究センター 理事長 大井 今朝雄 この郵便物は平成28年12月19日第00745号書留 内容証明郵便物として差し出されたことを証明します。 日本郵便株式会社 |
About certification of contents, it is just the Internet public presentation!
The greatest proof in which Kazuo Inamori did
"it is treason to God"
Proof eternal at the maximum that Kazuo Inamori
revolts against God and deceives the Japanese and of having published the
fabrication fraud book "Kazuo Inamori's
A lie is Kazuo Inamori who gained by publishing the
fabrication philosophy book of a lie and a lie in large quantities, and
deceiving the Japanese.
Anger of - God which God judges if Kazuo Inamori and
the human being who does not fear God, and who revolted against Kazuo Inamori and God cannot judge
The curse which revolted against retribution and God and to which reward
revolted against - God posterity each generation is ready for the Heaven's
Vengeance of - God posterity each generation.
2、梅原猛の罪と罰 (梅原猛の「太陽の哲学」・解読と内容証明)
Takeshi Umehara's crime and punishment - (philosophy
of Takeshi Umehara's "sun) decipherment, and
certification of contents"
I believe in God of Ra of denial and エイジプト the
"God" existence in which the fabrication philosophy and Socrates of
Takeshi Umehara's lie had an encounter
神に反逆・詐欺師梅原猛に研究妨害賠償金請求 金500,000,000円也 梅原猛は、仏教誕生起源の「魂」を、無知 ソクラテスの哲学の主体・魂に無知な捏造詐欺哲学者 更に、詐欺仏教学者五木寛之と共謀・詐欺本の発刊 「仏の発見」2012年9月・学研 日本国民を騙す詐欺本は、神に反逆・人間失格・大重罪 詐欺本の解読は、梅原猛の詐欺仏教学でITに記録・保存 世界標準哲学の確立は、インターネット上哲学革命 神の天命により、懺悔無き梅原猛に贖罪の賠償金を請求 因果応報・梅原猛の汚名は、子孫代々歴史の記録に残る 2014年12月18日(木) 〒141−8510東京都品川区西五反田2−11−8 株式会社学研ホールディングス内 梅原 猛 殿 世界標準哲学研究 確立者 大井 今朝雄 この郵便物は平成26年12月18日第90511号書留 内容証明郵便物として差し出されたことを証明します。 日本郵便株式会社 |
It is a total of 1 billion yen of
mailing / research disturbance atonement money about certification of contents
again to foolish Takeshi Umehara without confession
and an apology.
神に反逆・詐欺師梅原猛に研究妨害賠償金請求 金500,000,000円也 梅原猛は、仏教誕生起源の「魂」を、無知 ソクラテスの哲学の主体・魂に無知な捏造詐欺哲学者 更に、詐欺仏教学者五木寛之と共謀・詐欺本の発刊 「仏の発見」2012年9月・学研 日本国民を騙す詐欺本は、神に反逆・人間失格・大重罪 詐欺本の解読は、梅原猛の詐欺仏教学でITに記録・保存 世界標準哲学の確立は、インターネット上哲学革命 神の天命により、懺悔無き梅原猛に贖罪の賠償金を請求 因果応報・梅原猛の汚名は、子孫代々歴史の記録に残る 2015年3月16日(月) 〒610−1192京都市西京区御陸大枝山町3・2 国際日本文化研究センター 捏造詐欺哲学・仏教学者 梅原 猛 殿 世界標準哲学研究 確立者 大井 今朝雄 この郵便物は平成27年3月16日第91765号書留 内容証明郵便物として差し出されたことを証明します 日本郵便株式会社 |
certification of contents, it is just the Internet public presentation! The
greatest proof in which Takeshi Umehara did "it
is treason to God"
a proof eternal at the maximum of Takeshi Umehara
having published to God treason / fabrication fraud book - "solar
philosophy" and "the philosophy from which I save human beings",
and having deceived the Japanese
If anger and human being of - God cannot judge the dishonor which revolted
against retribution and God posterity each generation, God judges it.
even if Socrates's language, money and honor,
reputation, and a status care, it is true -- きに -- not applying
Takeshi Umehara is a fabrication fraud philosopher
with strong hunger for fame and lust of lucre. A curse of God be ready for the
Heaven's Vengeance of - God posterity each generation.
Hiroyuki Itsuki and a crime, and punishment
The fraud Buddhism study of anger and Hiroyuki Itsuki
of God and NHK are foolish.
The "group fabrication philosophy research criminal incident" of
Japan which goes Dostoevski's (1821 - 1881)
"crime and punishment" famous for a novel with a background
"The Heaven's Vengeance of God" given to the Japanese
"fabrication philosopher" was given why (method incredulity), or
records the cause in the history of an elucidation and philosophy.
"Heaven's Vengeance of God" "naturally" given to
"fabrication philosopher" of Japan which disregarded Providence
" of "God of the Creation from God
I record philosophical history for "Heaven's Vengeance of God" on the
"fabrication fraud philosopher" of Japan which did "it is
treason to God" by "being foolish" and "ignorance" too
I am in February 3, 2011 and a dream with Providence "philosophy research
right deprivation" in "language of God", and mail the University
of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan by
"certification-of-contents" mail.
The University of Tokyo and the Philosophical Association of Japan ignore
"certification-of-contents" mail, and is forcing "it is treason
to God", and "fabrication philosophy research."
I have sent "blocking out" and language for "creation of
God", and "fabrication philosophy research" to January 29, 2012
and "God is anger" a dream.
February 3, 2012 - and also "anger of God" increased, and have sent
"catching the whole herd with one throw" and language to the
Since May 29 "creation of God", 2012, "the beginning of
things" and language have been exactly sent to the dream by four month -
"language of God."
* 10年間「神からの言葉の知恵」研究・解明・記録・資料
The "wisdom of language from God" research during ten years, an
elucidation, record, and data
* 2700年間「未経験」「無知」「無理解」「誤解釈」抽象的概念「捏造研究」資料
"Inexperience" "ignorance" "inappreciative"
"incorrect interpretation" abstract-for 2700 years concept
"fabrication research" data
Research World of Heart/Overly
Grand Super Infinity.
Global standard Philosophy Research Center.