出典 世界標準哲学研究 GPRC 哲学世界標準百科事典 PGRE
Source   Global standard philosophy research GPRC Philosophy global standard encyclopedia PGRE 


"Wisdom of God" of the Creation (life origin) which reverses philosophy research in the world from the bottom 

"Creation of God" of Socrates which was born to Japan exceeding the space-time of 2500 years of history 

Large discovery (human beings are ignorant) of human beings of the history upper, the 21st century, and a super-miracle "world important cultural heritage" 

"Language of God" (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, an elucidation, and record of the Creation 

"Fusion of God and computer", "unparalleled", "infinite truth philosophy", and "eternal truth" research 

Heart GPR

Global standard "Heart" Encyclopedia  
心の真理 GPR
Truth of Heart GPR Global standard Philosophy Research Center

Sat. February 9 "God and encounter experience", 2002, a "global standard philosophy research" start

 Sun. October 3, 2010 "wisdom of language from God" "heart" research, and a start

 Sun. June 1, 2014 "language of God" "wisdom of God" "discernment of God" "creation of God" research, and updating

* 世界独占特許・著作権・本発刊入札権受付開始

I study and solve the "heart" which is man's life origin with the wisdom of the language from God.

Why (skepticism) is the heart more important than the head? 

Why (skepticism) doesn't the heart exist in the head? 

Why (skepticism) does the head differ from the heart?

I cannot measure the heart by science why (skepticism) 

The heart is just man's important life function that is governing flesh.

The heart is just the important world and the life function of man in which God lives. 

Death just with the heart important for the human being in whom a "soul" exists -- future generations -- it is a boundary   

The heart is just the 5-dimensional infinite world of deciding man's fate.

"The truth of the heart" with ignorant the 21st century and human beings 

The origin of philosophy birth which the 21st century and a philosopher should study "world of the infinite heart which a soul revitalizes" 

The origin of Buddhism birth which the 21st century and a Buddhist scholar should study "world heart of the Nirvana which a soul draws by means of language"

The origin of religion birth which the 21st century and a religious scholar should study "world of the mystery heart which God revitalizes"   

After flesh disappears by a friend's death, I solve and record [ "soul and encounter" "which send language to the heart" 9 year ] on Sat., February 9, 2002. 

I analyze and solve by the heart "language of spiritual guidance" which does not exist in the heart and the head which cannot be measured by the heart and science without a form.
無知だらけの「心」の真理 The Truth of the "Heart" Full of Ignorance.

GPRH 「自我」

GPRH Jiga 

GPRH 「無我愛」


GPRH 「利己主義」
GPRH Egoism 

* GPRH 肉体と心の「対立軸」
GPRH Flesh and the confrontation axis of the heart 

* GPRH 心の「感覚」「知覚」「機能」
GPRH The feeling consciousness function of the heart 

* GPRH 頭と心の「言葉の理解方法」の違い
GPRH The difference in the understanding method of the language of the head and the heart

  GPRH 「経験」で言葉を感じ取る心
GPRH The heart which takes in language by experience   

* GPRH 肉体に存在しない五つの性「天性」「理性」「感性」「悟性」「知性」
GPRH Five sexes which do not exist in flesh

GPRH The five sexes of the corporal senses and the heart   

肉体の五感と心の五性 The five sexes of the corporal senses and the heart.

* GPRH 心に自然発生する「恋」と「人間愛」
GPRH "Love" and "human love" which occur spontaneously to the heart 

   GPRH 「心と頭の違い」
GPRH The difference between the heart and the head

  GPRH 損得の「判断」と心
GPRH Judgment and the heart of profit and loss

1,GPRH 「既得権」と判断
GPRH Vested rights and judgment 

2、GPRH 嘘と判断
A lie and judgment 

3、GPRH 隠蔽と判断
GPRH Concealment and judgment 

4、GPRH 詐欺教育と判断
GPRH Fraud education and judgment 


  GPRH 肉体の行動と心を洞察
GPRH I discern corporal action and heart. 

  GPRH 肉体を「支配」する「心」(肉体は心の牢獄)プラトン
GPRH The "heart" (flesh is a prison of the heart) which governs flesh 

  GPRH 無責任な言葉と心を洞察
GPRH I discern irresponsible language and heart. 

  GPRH 「心」は、行動・仕種・表情に表れる
GPRH The "heart" appears in action, behavior, and expression.

  GPRH 心は環境で育つ
GPRH The heart grows up in an environment. 

  GPRH 子は親の鏡
A child is parents' mirror.   

  GPRH 「派閥」と心
GPRH A faction and the heart   

  GPRH 「真理」の哲学から心を「解明」
GPRH I solve the heart from the philosophy of the truth.

  GPRH 死後の世界と心の世界
GPRH The world after death, and the world of the heart 

  GPRH 死後の世界と涅槃の世界「心」
GPRH The world after death, and the world of Nirvana "heart"

  GPRH 死後の世界と神の世界
GPRH The world after death, and the world of God 

  GPRH 哲学の世界と心
GPRH The philosophical world and heart   

  GPRH 肉体と心の連動
GPRH Linkage of flesh and the heart

  GPRH 心は神の分身と魂(人間は神の子の真理)
GPRH The heart is the other self and the soul (man is the truth of the child of God) of God.     

  GPRH 心に「無知」と結末
GPRH They are ignorance and an end to the heart.

  GPRH 心に無知で起こる不幸
GPRH The misfortune which is ignorant to the heart and happens to it 

  GPRH 心に無知が、哲学に無知な証拠
GPRH Ignorance is a philosophically ignorant proof to the heart. 

  GPRH 哲学に無知が、心に無知な証拠
GPRH Ignorance is a proof ignorant to the heart to philosophy. 

  GPRH 心に無知と物質文明の「崩壊」
GPRH It is collapse of ignorance and material civilization to the heart.    

Wisdom (infinite life) discovery, research, the 11th year, analysis, a "elucidation", and record of the language from God 


2700 years and human beings -- "inexperience", "ignorance", "inconsistency", "inappreciative", "incorrect interpretation", "philosopher affectation", and "fabrication research" data 

* 無知なフリー百科事典『ウイキペディア(Wikipedia)』の「心」

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